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The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« on: November 13, 2017, 04:27:11 am »

I was having a very cool discussion regarding some of these topics.  It's always interesting (and nostalgic) to discuss skilled players in the respective game (or sport) you compete in.   I have a lot of experience with these players and hopefully can provide some insight as well.  Without further ado, here are my lists for the best FFA players of all time, broken down by race.

[Lists are in no particular order] 

:hu: HUMAN: :hu: Human is the best FFA race and it's no coincidence that this list has many incredible Human players.

htrt - Maybe the greatest FFA player of all time.  He had elite micro and macro but also was extremely intelligent and understood the intricacies of FFA completely.  He was the closest thing to a perfect Human player.   

Target - The original Human powerhouse.  He would often play only two heroes (MK/Paladin) and go fast 80/100 Gryphon/Hawk with a lot of pressure.  He didn't play much after the beginning but makes this list for his (short) period of dominance. 

Lightweight - My ultimate Rival!  Lightweight was absolutely a top tier Human and Orc player.  A fearsome player that was very well rounded in all aspects of FFA.   

Noexxx - One of the best players of all time and arguably the best player from recent times.  Noexxx has slick micro but also a unique and intelligent game.  He could compete micro wise with some of the pro solo players from awhile back (yaws in Human mirror and Ludix against Orc) while still being balanced and playing an overall better game. 

SuperCumulo - BNet solo pro turned FFA veteran.  I met Cumulo around 2010 on BNet when he joined my custom FFA games.  Our first game was on Twilight and I was Orc with DR/TC/SH.   He was quickly interested in FFA and now has become one of the best Human players without question.   High level of Micro and a developed sense for FFA and making the right decisions makes Cumulo a threat in any game. 

Soso - Soso is another very strong Human player that started out playing with me for some time.  He picked up FFA quickly and had a passion to improve.  Great micro and strategy as well as decision making.  He was a cerebral player that could compete with anyone.  He and Noexxx were the best humans for a stretch of time. 

RebbatS - Old school player, best known for winning strategic games and long 3 ways.  He was the first version of a j33. type of player.   He had good enough micro to compete in battle but he was really good at winning games against players with superior micro as well (think Eshan).  RebbatS had some incredible finishes that made him unique. 

Battle.Suck -  The definition of aggression as a Human FFA player.   He understood FFA enough and had top level micro.   He was absolutely relentless; one of the most difficult players to fight against because he was non-stop.   He also had crazy mixed armies that he managed to micro together and effectively.   Gryphons, Hawks, Gyros, Breakers, Priest, Sorc, Mortar, Knight while using Tanks at your expos.  He would quickly go 100 food and fight to the death! 

Humans7ar - Humans7ar rounds out this list of top Human players.   He didn't have elite micro but definitely good enough to compete.  More than anything, he understood the ins-and-outs of playing Human and how to utilize them.  He was able to adapt to any situation and rarely made mistakes.   He loved to fight and hardly ever manipulated.   

:orc: ORC:  :orc: Orc is a lost race.  Back in the day, Orc was one of the dominant races (if not the most dominant) regarding the number of skilled and high level Orc players.   The best Orc players were well-rounded and absolutely dominant. 

Invincible_Rice -  Rice was the best FFA player in the beginnings of FFA.   He played all ground (headhunters/casters/tauren/kodo) 100 food.   No wyverns and no bats and he had insane micro and macro.   His army controls were unmatched and he would often 1v2 or 1v3 players.  He played FS/TC/SH with Orc Ground and had dominating ladder records.   He was compared to Starcraft pros because of his macro and multi-tasking.     

DarknessCallsMe - The master of DR/TC/SH Orc.   Darkness skill was unreal and his hero combo was the absolute best fighting combo of any race.  It's too bad that no one plays DR anymore.   Silence adds to Stomp and Hex for a triple-disable that could lock down an opponent completely with good micro.   I remember watching a FRAPS video (before the days of Twitch) of Darkness and seeing his 300+ APM.   It seemed like a ton of unnecessary actions but he was as dominant of a player as anyone in his prime.   

DasElend - BM/TC/SH in it's purest form.   DasElend had it all... high level micro, macro and FFA sense.   But what stood out to me the most was his BM use was the best ever.   You were always scouted and his BM control was top tier.   The knock on DasElend was that he was a true fighter and wasn't as effective of a player when losing the advantage early or forced into a scrambling situation.  Regardless, DasElend was one of the very best Orc players to ever play. 

Lightweight - LW's second mention on this list.   LW was DarknessCalls' protege, and he was an incredible Orc player with BM or DR.   He was pure, aggressive, and very tough to beat.  His Orc was absurd and he would often 1v2 and in battles and come out on top. 

y.zenchenko (y.z) - y.z. was the cookie cutter Orc FFA player played at the highest level.   He abused Hex/Stomp as well as anyone.  He had elite ward usage!  The map was always dotted with Sentry Wards.   He understood army composition perfectly at all food counts.   y.z. was especially scary because he would frequently find times to hoard and knew how to get the most value out of situations.   

Plush - I only played about 5 games vs Plush, but he makes this list because he was simply incredible with Wyvern micro.   He would rarely play bats but rather focus on mass Wyvern/Caster with insane Hero micro.   He would fight 50 vs 80 and force TPs or gain huge value trade.  There was no better Wyvern micro Orc player.  He was an Orc player that had the potential to be the best ever.  On a downside, Plush was easily manipulated and didn't always respond well to getting teamed. 

Nline - Nline was awesome!  The consummate FFA pro.  He would play DR and BM, but he was known for Alch/TC/SH.   Nline had almost top tier Micro while having an amazing FFA sense and knack for winning games.   Always a scary fighter, he would stay in fights instead of TP and literally fight his way out of them for what seemed like minutes.   Notably, his Walker usage was incredible and always played a very cool style that was easy to root for. 

:ne: ELF: :ne: Night Elf is a cool FFA race that can be played in many ways.   It is quite versatile and that is evident with the various styles of players that made this list. 

F-L-Y - The original best FFA player.   He played in an era with a lot of skilled opponents and would consistently beat them.  He played DR/Panda/Potm elf and incorporated Dotts and Lore units too.   F-L-Y's micro was good, but his macro was the best ever.   He would engage you in battle while having Chims siege your main base and expansions.  He would split his army up and play strategic battles.  He was also relentless; once you were in a 1v1 with him you had to expect to be sharp and control multiple groups and bases or else fall to the constant pressure.     

Nooblex - Panda/Potm/Kotg.  Nooblex was one of the best Elf players ever without having top tier micro.   He was extremely smart and understood how to win games and how to have the advantage vs his opponents.  One of his philosophies with Elf was to either be 50 or 100 food, rarely 80.   He was elite at managing gold, building bases, and choosing his spots.   His bases were beautiful and he was patient in his actions. 
Wrecktify - The most successful FML player of all time, Wrecktify was also a very smart player.   He didn't have elite micro but definitely could compete.  Most importantly, he knew how to win games.  He had a knack for making the right decisions and putting himself in a position to win better than anyone else.  He understood how to communicate with others and utilize a specific in-game situation to his advantage.   He was also a high level Human player. 

Lost.Ancient - My favorite Elf player when I first started, he played Warden/Kotg/Panda with excellent micro and a decisiveness that was unmatched.  It seemed like he knew exactly what he needed to do and went straight for it.  He played Lore units primarily (MG/Dryad) and would tear up Human and opposing Elf players.   His hero combo stood out more than anything and he had incredible control of each of his heroes.  He was insanely good with Warden blinking and FoK and DR silencing and eventually charming units into his army.   He also built great bases and loved to fight + not manipulate. 

Under.StA - The original solo pro turned FFA player.  Under.Sta played DH/Panda/Kotg and had incredible micro.  As he learned FFA army compositions and how to manipulate he quickly became the best Elf player for a period of time.

j33 - One of the most clever players to ever play.  He famously won an FML title against me when he hid a Tree of Life on the one cliff/spot on Harvest of Sorrows.  I couldn't find it for the longest time and he eventually destroyed my last building with Treant summons from his Kotg after I killed it!  It was arguably the most epic finish of any FML final (I can think of one other one on Twilight).  In addition to that game, j33 also had a knack for winning games.  I remember j33 the most for being the most skilled at navigating through a 3-way.   

Renaud - Renaud!  Renaud was obviously a brilliant wc3 mind.  I used to love talking strategy with him.   He was a very good Human player before he turned to Elf.   Renaud would hoard gold better than anyone and he also made great decisions and didn't tilt.   His micro was never top tier, but he maximized Chippo's effectiveness and could definitely win any game he was in.  He was also famous for not having wood.   Namely not spending any gold that wasn't absolutely necessary (including additional wood wisps  :icon_lol)

Trunkz - Trunkz has been playing for the last couple of years.  He likes to talk shit and thinks he is the best player to ever play but he can back up a lot of it through his micro.   He plays DH/Naga/Potm and Hippo Riders/Dotts, but never Chimeras.   He is the most dominant fighter in today's era and would be one of the best fighters in any era.   He even manipulates now when he has huge advantages which is unfortunate.  The knock on Trunkz is that he is the definition of a one-trick-pony.  He only plays that race, hero combo and strategy.  In fact, he emphatically declined to play an epic 12-way on Divide and Conquer recently because it didn't have a tavern.  His lack of a well-rounded FFA game is made up for by his skill with the strategy he plays, he is a very tough fighter.  He innovated with Naga as a second hero and uses Cyclone better than any other elf I've faced.

:ud: UNDEAD: :ud: Undead is the weakest race in FFA.   UD can compete and surely win games but they are given weak bases and poor healing mechanics.   In addition to that, their main unit (gargoyle) is overpriced.  Chims, Bats, and Tanks all own Undead.   Still, Undead has the potential to be great if you can fight well and take advantage of opportunities.  The following players get a little bit more respect from me due to the fact that they played Undead.  As you can see, there have been few top tier Undead players. 

Magadansky - Aside from LW, Maga was my other fierce rival for a long time.  He was The O.G. In my opinion, he was the best FML player of all time.  He is right behind Wrecktify in FML titles.   To quote Lightweight, Magadansky "played great in every single game and could win any game he was in".   He was an Undead player that had the best FFA sense combined with high level micro and manipulation.   The most prominent thought that I have when it comes to Maga is his consistency.  He would always perform at a high level no matter what.   

Tyrant - FML Champion, he won the final game against j33 and Magadansky and outplayed Maga in UD mirror.   Tyrant had near top tier micro and understood FFA as well.  He still plays now but never was a huge part of the scene..  However, when he played he was always one of the best Undead players and one of the most recent ones.

DV - DV is one of the best player's in today's game and he was also a top competitor in PlayFFA times.  He won one of the seasons during it's most competitive time (seasons 1-5).  Very good micro and awareness of other players, plus he will fight first and foremost before chat.  Recently he plays cool combos like DL/Panda/DK or DL/Alch/DK. 

Yane - Yane could have an argument for the Best FFA player ever.   He was on a completely different level microwise.   Yane had the best micro of any FFA player... even better than the likes of htrt, Cechi, and Yaws in my opinion.   Plus... he played Undead!  He would famously dual-tech by using a Banshee to possess opposing races workers.   He had a sick army one game of Wyrms/Tanks with Inner Fire Priests  :icon_surprised:.   He was often teamed hardcore and didn't stay in the scene for too much, but was an active FFA player for about a year.

PencilWarrior - PencilWarrior was the original best Undead player, on the same level as F-L-Y and Lost.Ancient skill wise.  He often played DL first and had ridiculous micro with gargs, stone form and scrolls.  A common thought I had when thinking of Pencil is..."Oh shit, level 6 DL"  :icon_mrgreen:

:ra: RANDOM::ra: I give the most respect to a player that can play all races.   I feel that is the ultimate testament of skill and a well-rounded game.  Some players can play 2 races well, others can play all decently, but the following players could play all races at near equal levels and compete with anyone. 

Persuade - Persuade was one of the best FFA players and excellent with all races.  He always played Random and could compete at the highest level with any race.  I think Orc was his best race, but they were all really close.  His Orc could be on the Orc list also.   Persuade and I played together for a lot of our "prime" and were rivals as skilled Random players.  Persuade (along with LW) are two of the best players to never win an FML title.   In fact, Persuade was in that FML final game I mentioned before with myself that j33. and j33. ended up winning. 

Alien - One of the few players still playing today to make these lists.   Alien was not as good back in the day, but he always played and eventually became a top tier player.  He is also excellent with all races and never backs down from a fight.   Alien is kind of similar to Persuade in a lot of ways.   Skilled with all races and always a threat in any game he is in.  Alien is one of the best players now and would compete at a high level in any era.   

Brain.Man - Brain.Man aka TheThroneIsMine was a super talented player that was always on the fringe.   When he played WC3, he said he would ruin his life because he wouldn't work or hang out with his girlfriend or family.  He would often sell his PC to prevent himself from playing... but would come back for periods of time.   As for his skills... he was a top tier Random player and especially good with Human or Orc.  His Human and Orc would make the above lists too.   He was absolutely unique in his play style.   I remember him most when bitterly competing with him for the FML ladder titles 2012 and 2013.  Really he was a cool (and strange) guy that was one of the best FFA players.   

Eshan - Eshan makes this list with probably the worst micro of anyone mentioned.  And I say that as a compliment.   Eshan was the original manipulator and not just crying in chat but also playing a clever game that often won him games against opponents with better micro.   Eshan was the "Legend Killer" because he would beat the best players in matches through other means than battles which was impressive.  He knows how to stay in a game, survive, and end up winning maybe better than anyone else.  Eshan also played Random and is/was good with all races.

F-L-Y - F-L-Y is mentioned under Random players because he was truly great with all races as well.   His Undead was phenomenal and he actually won his FML title playing Orc and choosing DR/TC/SH  :icon_mrgreen:.   


« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 07:58:28 pm by Seksi »

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 04:27:37 am »
Honorable Mentions (or too new):

Slythe - Slythe was one of the best Random players too but maybe just a notch below players like Persuade or Alien.   Slythe had a unique style and played very cool hero combos and army compositions with all races.   He was the perfect FFA player:  Didn't manip too much, could fight and compete, and played various strategies and styles.   Slythe was one of my personal favorite players.

Ostone - Ostone was a very strong Orc player for some time.  He was the most recent complete Orc player and would be on the above lists with more longevity.   He would always tech and play without grunts and get high level heroes quickly. 

Qwest -  Qwest is an Undead player with good micro and manipulation skills.  Most notably, he is great at hoarding gold and picking his spots to seize opportunities.  He reminds me of a Nooblex type of play style in the idea of "50 food or 100 food".   He is an excellent ladder player, known for his style of hoarding and manipulating. 

Cechi -  This solo pro joined FFA when he was the best western Undead solo player in the world.  His micro was ridiculous and he would only play mass fiends!  Like 20 Fiends plus Banshees and supported by Wyrms/Destroyer.  I played a stacked FML match against him on Battlegrounds once with Elf and he almost came back despite a significant gold disadvantage.  He would burrow his fiends, I would reveal with a Dust and he would devour the Dust before I could kill the fiends  :icon_eek:.   He didn't play long and never really adapted his army compositions but it was a cool period of time when he played with us.   

Ludix - Ludix was b100 before b100.  Insane micro BM/TC/SH Orc player.   Ludix had a more well rounded game compared to b100 and if you weren't careful Ludix would quickly roll over you with 100 food.  Ludix would also manipulate in a lame style at times.   

b100 - Plays today, b100 has better micro than anyone today except for maybe Trunkz.   He knows how to play FFA and has a good style.. but he has limited strategy and not much for a comprehensive FFA game.  Still a player that can beat anyone in battle and win games through dominant fighting.

Yaws - Yaws was the best solo player to ever play FFA (Yane has an argument).   He picked up FFA pretty quickly and was absolutely dominant.   Yaws would famously stay 50 food while maxing out all upgrades (building 2 blacksmiths) as fast as possible, and then jump to 100 food with an overwhelming army of Gryphon/Tank base.   He was great and had better micro than everyone.   He wasn't as well rounded and would lose at times vs players that he didn't completely dominate micro wise but had better FFA sense / strategy (see: Noexxx)

ujustgotshaved - Shave still plays and he is one of the better players that can compete in any game.  He is a good Human and Orc player.   Shave may not be as mentally tough (or care for that matter) to be a top player, but he is still surely a threat in any game he plays.   

Mog[Skynet]- FML Champion; he fits the prototype for a winning FML player which is above average micro, but not great, combined with a great FFA sense.  He had a tuned game awareness and was good at scouting and decision making.  He won a nice final against Wreck for his title.

Vyvanne-of-Iel (Elsha)- - Elsha is as old school as they come, and he still plays today.  He is a solid all-around FFA player that doesn't rely on manip or chat much!  He ability to compete in any game has always been respected.

Gradient - Gradi has become a fan favorite with his play style and... unique language.  He builds epic bases and plays fun hero combos.  Don't rush him or break peace with him unless you are certain you will finish him.  He has average micro and a knack for rebuilding and winning close games.  In an era where many players are predictable, Gradient is not.

Rebuke[Skynet] - Rebuke was a solo pro turned FFA player that was a bit polarizing.   He played Random but really was a Human player.   He loved to play MK first... MK/Panda/Paladin and overwhelm with Tanks and Gryphons.   He competed with the best FFA players but never took it serious enough to improve his game in other aspects.   

ProtonXX - ProtonXX was the original NECROWAGON player!  Rarely seen these days, Necrowagon can be extremely effective against Human and Elf.   Proton played DK/Pitlord/DR.   He was awesome and a fully prepped, 100 food wagon army could beat anyone in a straight up 1v1 fight.   His weakness was of course, mobility or lack there of.  He was strong enough to switch to gargs when needed and was a true FFA competitor back in the day.   

Dovekie - Dovekie never played much FML, he played playFFA ladder though and frequented the forums.  He had a WC3 mind and could discuss strategies and numbers regarding WC3 with the best of them.   He would play Tinker first with Elf (Tinker/Panda/Potm) which owned Humans and Tanks and generally had a unique viewpoint when he came to FFA and how he approached games. 

NOTE*  I'm sure I forgot some players.   Help me out!  Who did I miss? 

I'm interested in hearing your opinions and what you think of these lists as well.   

Long Live FFA!

« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 04:20:04 pm by Seksi »

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2017, 04:40:26 am »
Amazing read, especially for someone like me who missed "the old times". Thanks Seksi. I would love to see you adding legends with special play style (even if they were not on the highest level), like Gradi today.

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2017, 05:02:39 am »
Thanks, HighTac.  I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I am not familiar with Gradiant's playstyle.  How does he play?   

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2017, 05:15:45 am »
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 05:26:00 am by Seksi »

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2017, 05:20:28 am »
I'll comment more later at break on work.

But seksi you're missing so many people.

Rice, SS the real pioneer of Dr tc sh not darkness.  Fergo, pencilwarrior and much more.

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2017, 05:30:34 am »
AH, how could I forget Rice.  I will add him! 

I know SS was the inventor of DR TC SH but Darkness was the most dominant with it and most known for it as I see it. 

I don't know much about SS, Fergo or Pencilwarrior for that matter.  Could you provide some insight on these players? 

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2017, 06:09:43 am »
Also XX had several hero combos.   At the end I believe it was a lot of dk panda dl or dk panda dr or dk panda ok.

I also think it's worth noting mr.sparkle.   Not because he was one of the best humans(no offense buddy).  But because he played ground human.  He didn't rely on tanks gryphs or gyros.   Rifleman was his DPS and he was pretty good with it.  Caught many people by surprise a lot.

Xx is the only person to reach rank 1 and rank 2 at the same time in us east.  I believe Ebo achieved rank 1 the most different times.  F-l-y is the highest level rank 1 ever on us east at 51 IIRC.

Ss not only invented dr tc sh but he went ground orc where darkness went more air.

Please remember my memory is from RoC to like 2011 or so.  I'll do top players, bad mannered, and unique playstyle.
My personal list is:

Fergo original top human, more of a legend that few actually played with.

Snamuh target and wrecktify.

Most bad mannered or frustrating to olay against:
Camp_and_spank solo am mass towers and tank abuse

Most unique playstyle:
Mr.sparkle. ground human with no tanks

Night elf
F-l-y blex under.sta

Most bad mannered and funny:

Most unique:
Quakeguy went dots and MGs

Rice original ground orc
Ss ground orc with Dr tc s h
DASE, PLUSH y.z. darkness lel and there's more that I'm forgetting

Most bad mannered idk actually

Most unique I guess SS for the hero combo and army comp

Pencilwarrior for the 70+ win percent
Xx maga

Most unique xx for sure.  Inventor of proto(4v4), early necropolis and necrowagon.  Also used "odd" hero combos like panda

Eshan ebo alien
Ebo is the best imo cause he has achieved rank 1 more times than anyone over an extremely long period of time with many different players.

I'm forgetting a lot this is just what I remember. 
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 08:20:03 am by IWANTWC4 »

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2017, 09:33:01 am »
Very impressive list. Eventhough I started playing from s21, I am glad I got the chance to play against some of these players like Maga, UnderSTa, Nline, among others.
GJ Seksi.

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2017, 11:13:45 am »
Great stuff seksi!

I really wish I had a better memory but I do remember the likes of lordfergo very well. He had insane stats with human on every ladder and was the first to ever use human to it’s full potential.

Back in the day before Starcraft ruined the scene I was competing with fly and rice mainly for rank 1 on east ladder. This was before your time obviously but those are the 2 guys I remember the most especially since me and fly had a rivalry. Way back there was also Marn, Marko.lord.serb, mt_doom (rly good with necros) and Killer.Dk. As for orcs the main ones I fought were rice and shadow_soul but there was also emissary omega with a very unique style which I might try soon for fun :)

Among all these players there are a lot more clan lone preteamers (only kidding) that my clan had a nice rivalry with! We’d always own them at 4s and me and battle suck would take anybody on in 2s xD

Anyway the real question is who IWANTWC4! Nice memory

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2017, 11:21:36 am »
Well done Seksi.
Those write-ups by you are always nice.
I agree with most of it, too. Some players i don´t know enough to comment, but probably i can add something to certain players etc.

I like the idead of influencal players, some sort of "gimmick" players (= with very unique style) or simply favorite players.

First some comments:

I remember rebbats as a very good aggressive fighter (pretty low apm, yet nice control), who would navigate quite well throgh a game although he had a very limited output of chat. From my games with him he was really hard to communicate with because his unwillingness to talk (more). For my taste he was way too often stubborn.

Trunkz sticks to his style but added some stuff to his army and strategies. He even built some chimeras the other day or tried different army mixes with the good synergistic hero combo.

Persuade was not only outside but often also inside of games too much of a troll. Abandoning winning for the sake of heavily messing around.

Brainman is similar to me as Bryan is. They both are really good (random) ffaer with doing nearly no micro mistakes, abusing the strongest stuff, being relentless manippers.
Too bad brainman appeared to be as a true maniac, while the other likes to maximizing his win % with things like mh, preteam or abusing bugs.

Some additions:


Q-Veta: Although he was a big troll, often very harsh and unmannered in man ways he had a good way of playing ffa. Mixing up aggressive strats with good timings for hoard and manips. Also liked how he was able to use the bloodmage to fight orc effectively.


Redkeekee was a very passionated ffaers with strong micro and a good understanding for macro and strategical decisions. He lacked a bit of staying cool in the heat of the battle from time to time, but other than that he is among the top 10 elfs for me.


LeL had a special style. Using panda/tc/sh most of the time. Building the "deathstar"  (orc stronghold framed by towers) and never going wyvvers. His micro was not top notch, but he made that up with good ffa sense, a tryhard attitude and the mighty powers of the orc-race.


Qwest has sick micro and can be really sneaky and ruthless with his manipping. I rarely seen him fight vs orc or human ( and i saw him struggling vs human quite some time, which is not a big surprise though given some imbalances in that MU) but he is one of the best in ud vs ud/elf.


Seksi/Iskes/Seksi_returns: Don´t remember more akas atm ^^. Since you did not mention urself someone else has to, i guess :).
Seksi has strong overall classic ffa skills like decision making, strategies, timing and manip paired with slick micro. Sometimes he tries a bit too hard with over the edge manip, which led to some grudges i suppose and at other times he lacks the ultimate competetive spirit (referring to focusing on winning only).
When in the right mood and shape he is a top player of all time, ez.

Honorable mentions:

Lovetrance: Mostly DR/PB/Potm chippo elf with good control and standout ffa sense and mind.

One of the guys who keeps it real with his style and is one of the "gimmick" players these days is Gradient. He has strong creeproutes and builds good bases, together with mostly only hoarding or 100 style adding some relentless harrasing to his resume.

Unholdydreadlord/Hydro: Strong undead strategies beside the standard cheese, a lot of experience and effective manipulations.

Elsha-of-Iel: Another very good DR/TC/SH user with ground army mostly. Strong micro, hard to manipulate, but maybe not as tryhard as some other top players.

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2017, 12:08:53 pm »
Great write-up Seksi.

Seksi should be in the list of top undead players and top random players list in my opinion. One of the strongest players i've faced in FFA with great micro, decision making and cunning play. I learned lots from you, yane, htrt, maga when I entered the scene. Your weakness in your prime was your tendency to overdo it to secure your win. Especially in regards to manip you would hurt other players' chances to a point they would suicide you in that game and future games. Diplomacy, reputation and behavior is very important in FFA. Really important. This is something I think Noexxx and j33 truly excel at and I think their likeliness in the community helped them to get big achievements and results :-).

I would swap DV with Cechi as DV dominated the scene for undeads when you weren't around. DV together with tyrant have achieved much more than Cechi in FFA. I have always considered DV a rival of mine and equally skilled opponent.

It's tough to place Ostone really as he was both good with undead and orc, but never really top caliber in my opinion (micro wise), but overall he's a top ffa player that I respect deeply because of his kindness, sharp intellect, strategies and decision making.

Bryan is best with orc but also a strong rdm player from my memory? Anyway, I think he deserved to be in this list - at the very least in honorable mentions. The only reason he's not respected as much is probably because of his arrogant attitude, bad english and ladder activities instead of FML.

Tyrant is a top tier undead when he decides to compete. Right now I consider him the best undead in the league.

I would also consider placing junkerzam in honorable mentions as undead with the limited knowledge I have as a relative newcomer to the scene compared to the ancient players.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 12:20:13 pm by zTsoso »

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2017, 12:16:30 pm »
Quick note as well.  Myself hydro xx me.sparkle. are all on US east in clan s4s.   Hydro is rank 1 4s rt.

I even saw flameseeker and audigy the other day.

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2017, 01:47:15 pm »
Great replies guys!  I missed a lot of players worth noting, thx for your all of your input. 

I'll revise the lists with your suggestions soon. 

IWANTWC4 - you, hydro, xx and sparkle are still play on BNet?  You all should join the Discord channel

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Re: The Greatest FFA Players of All Time
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2017, 02:03:46 pm »
Great replies guys!  I missed a lot of players worth noting, thx for your all of your input. 

I'll revise the lists with your suggestions soon. 

IWANTWC4 - you, hydro, xx and sparkle are still play on BNet?  You all should join the Discord channel

I'm there.  Was karfal now as DONALD-TRUMP

I'll tell them to when I see them again.  Usually once or twice a week.