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Author Topic: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!  (Read 38130 times)

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Offline plush.

Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #105 on: March 04, 2015, 05:57:18 am »
Lol I actually tried last summer shortly after the bot went up and it was pretty ugly. It would've taken a couple months to really start getting back into it. I wouldn't get to practice the style of Orc required in FML games in the mid-game intensive bot games. It was also very discouraging to see that 2-2.5 hour long 4 person FFAs were now the shortest games in tournament play.

I ended up to switching to NE because they were more up my alley for bot games and I hoped to take advantage of the more conservative play of the current FFA players with the NE's awesome tower busting. Then players like Seksi and Maga microed in circles around me a few times and whatever it was that motivated me to watch replays and play FFAs for 25+ hours a week as a teenager wasn't there anymore. Instead of rededicating myself in the face of a clear example that I wasn't playing as well as I could, I opted to quit again.

(On a side note, other than getting T2 rifle/caster rushed as Orc in FFA, coming back and playing against Maga as NE without a KoTG is about the most helpless I've ever felt as an FFA player in a situation that didn't involve teaming or a suicider.)

Anyway, I've come to understand that video games offer a great deal of opportunity for heavily introverted people like myself to sink their teeth into certain expertise and detail oriented skills (and at a fast pace at that), but I didn't really get to take advantage of those skills in a meaningful way until I stopped playing video games. So I'm afraid I won't be coming back, but I'm happy to check in and see what's been happening in FFA. Around the time I quit the first time, it was cool seeing Renaud transform from a more middling FFAer to a real wildcard with creative and aggressive strategies, and when I tried making a comeback, it was even cooler to see he had become both skilled and rounded as a player.

Oh, and my account during my attempted comeback was Mostly.Harmless, Mostly_Harmless, or some other very similar variant of those two.

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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #106 on: March 10, 2015, 12:18:24 am »
1) maga
2) maga
3) mog (cuz hes the best caster ever)
4) lightweight in his prime cuz he didnt give a fuck
5) maga

Offline FinalFantasyVI

Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #107 on: May 26, 2018, 08:19:13 am »
I honestly cannot believe it took me years to find out that this forum existed. I still remember using Slack FFA Replays to post my stuff (was it this name again? Can't remember)

Well my memory is atrocious so please don't be mad at me if you're not in the list >_<

A few notable in a completely unordered list:

X[Hunters]: The guy who got me into FFA's to begin with. Great guy.

PencilWarrior: One of the best and most well mannered players I have ever met. Gargles Fan <3

EbonyGoddess: Listed here because he was a royal pain in the ass but in the end was a really nice guy. How I hated playing with him tho.

f-l-y: Also one of the best and most well mannered players I have met. God how I hated his panda tho.

Rice: Pure WC3 orc skillz. I still remember my first encounter with him vividly. At that point I used to have friends over my house to watch me play (they found FFA quite exciting to watch). It was on Twilight Ruins with some other 2 people I don't remember. I beat up my guy quite quickly and moved on to attack Rice. I wasn't aware that the battle with Rice and the other guy had extended itself and therefore it turned (at first without my knowledge) into a 2x1.

Rice destroyed the other guy quickly afterwards and we proceeded to have an 1x1 with me having quite a gold advantadge due to his extended battle with the other guy.  I managed to beat Rice after some long battles but my gold advantage beat him more than anything. I remember my friends who were watching telling me "well that game was easy" and I knew it had not been. This guy was actually really really good and had not been for the gold I would be in serious trouble. So good that he ruled over the ladder for months after he got the hang of FFA, leaving me on that period relegated to a distance second place (ugh, damn you Rice).

Zakazulu: My personal nemesis, not because he was good (he was a one trick pony) but because it was sooo much fun to be in a game with him because when he was losing, he started blurting the most nonsensical curse words on the book, with letters all inverted, like someone was just banging curse words furiously on the keyboard.

I remember a game with him, PencilWarrior, EbonyGoddess. Ebony towered up and tried to hoard, as usual, so me and Pencil went after him while Zaka sat back and built his hippochims just waiting. After killing off Ebony, Pencil was debilitated and decided to leave, leaving me with no money, little army against Zaka with hippochims to spare in a small map. I attacked an expansion with all I had and as he was porting over to fight, I D&D the bulk of his base while he was busy fighting, leaving him crippled to rebuild. At the end of the game I only had the lich vs his beastmaster and managed to pull off a win after hours of back and forth (and cursing from him, obviously).

Honorable mentions: UnholyDreadlord, Wrecktify, rebbatS, Marn, and so many others <3

Damn I miss those days.

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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #108 on: May 26, 2018, 09:46:26 pm »
Those are some really old names. By the way, I like you forum account name :D

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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #109 on: May 28, 2018, 10:51:18 am »

may they all live happily in their real lifes

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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #110 on: May 30, 2018, 03:55:07 pm »
Lol FFVI - did you play under FFX?

I'm considered old school....but you're so old school that you basically retired just after people like me even started. Doubt you even remember me. You are one of the original FFAers, hope you make a comeback!!!


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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #111 on: June 03, 2018, 03:16:08 pm »

Offline KiLLiN

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Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« Reply #112 on: June 13, 2018, 04:11:55 pm »
In no particular order based on who I saw play.

1) HTRT - Extremely versatile and flexible FFA player who thrived on aggression. As mentioned by many, his game made to be amongst the most fun to watch because he not only had great Macro, but it was combined with incredible micro and gamesense. His fighting ability was incredible and he always forced the action and put pressure on players, even if it didnt suit the overall end-game. Most likely the most fun player to watch during his time.

2) Under.sTa - #1 Ranked solo player on azeroth with an incredible win % turned FFA pro, mainly played elf with a pro demon hunter but could play almost any race. He had a very good understanding of macro and timing, but showed much of the same aggression as HTRT did but with more restraint and an emphasis on manip. He was the total package, and most games it was almost unfair due to his individual skill - he was always a target for getting teamed in the mid game.

3) Magadansky - Honestly the most consistent player of our generation. Multiple FML championships, even more finals appearances - stable figure in the scene and had a long-time love for the gametype that never seemed to waver. His solo influence shows in his advance micro, but what separated him was his game sense. The ability to mix manip and timing attacks to his advantage won him so many games, along with the fact that he didn't need an incredible amount of resources to win each game because he won almost every fight. The true total package.

4) Wrecktify - Probably the most skilled human I've ever seen and 2nd only to Maga in terms of all-around skill in terms of fighting, macro, manip, and game sense. Wrecktify solidified himself as one of the very few human FFA players to hold their own at every stage of the game from early to late, due to his individual skill.

5) King Orcs - Although not all exactly the same skill across the baord, its pretty damn close. I was lucky enough to be active during a time where the # of high skilled orcs was absolutely stunning (I remember 1 FML playoffs match having 3 highly skilled orcs in 1 match - nobody could pick a winner). Plush, Nline, Yz, Daseland, Darkness, Lel. All incredible in terms of fighting, macro, and game sense and if even 1 was in the game, you knew it would be a god watch.

6) Eshan - Had to put this guy in, how can you not love being a spectator to the king of manip?

Honorable mentions:

- Fury - If he played more he'd be in my top 5, but he got teamed too much and i dont blame him for stopping. King of dual race.
- Blex - Unique style and powerful fighter, plus one hell of a dota player.
- Rebbats
- Q-Veta
- Renaud
- Lost
- Bobas
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 04:21:56 pm by KiLLiN »