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Santa Surprise Cup 23 Dec

Hi everyone,

I plan a little random hero FFA cup that would take place on December 23. It would begin 10 am CET (4 am EST) and would conclude with the final at 00:00 CET (6 pm EST). The cup will be structured in a way, that you don't need to stick around all the time. I would say if you can make yourself available for at least 4h that day and the final, you are good to go.

More detailed information are going to follow. For now, I would need to know who wants to participate and, if you can already tell, when you are available that day.

Ho Ho Ho Hightac

Update: Since too many people here seem to have a real life still, it might be better to go with December 23.

December 12, 2017, 07:05:55 am
Re: Santa Surprise Cup 23 Dec Did you know that Antarctica has 10 different time zones? It's a nightmare to accommodate that.
December 12, 2017, 10:28:52 am
Re: Round 5 Matchups!! More predictions, less hate!
December 15, 2017, 10:48:04 am
Re: Santa Hero Surprise Cup Thanks everyone for taking part in the Santa Cup and Merry Christmas! Our finalists are Eshan, aarnikratti, Gradient and Alien . Aarni was carried into the final by his KotG bet and Keeper beeing the MVP of the Cup. Please let us know when you are available for the final.
December 24, 2017, 03:30:07 am
Re: M45 Result VoD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/213502205

I felt like QQs' MK being streamer in that game

December 29, 2017, 05:14:09 am
Re: M46 Result Khaleesi says sorry

January 06, 2018, 02:39:01 pm
Re: The Post-Season Begins!! Semi-final predictions

:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet] [Zig]
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

I hope Airenikus goes for Orc and Tyrant for Undead, so we get to see a semi-final with four races. On paper, Airenikus might be the underdog here, but he's a Rage Critter, which gives him the ability to bloodlust himself. Tyrant and Mog from Choke Chag Chiggurat will be busy dealing with their pricks of conscience. Fighting against someone who basically still is your team mate is heavy melodrama material. So is the map choice, with a triple tie on rank four. Cumulo already implied that he would like to go with a human-favoring version of Ice Crown, while Mog wants to play on Dragon Island again to rehabilitate from his painful loss against Fettairenikus. Airenikus chooses Northshire obviously, since it's his captain's favorite map. If there's no consensus, I'll vote for Turtle Rock Crazy.

January 09, 2018, 10:49:21 am
Re: Regular Season Wrap Up Amazing wrap-up Slythe!


Although some people have pointed at me as a huge supporter of the team factor during the season, I had the idea of lowering the team impact from 100% to around 30%. In a community full of weird lone wolves, I expected the majority to be done with team stuff for at least half a year.

In retrospective, I enjoyed to be part of a team again. It's always nice if you can cheer for others and assigning maps was super easy for us.

Since the top teams were amazingly close (6 point difference only) in the end, team impact wasn't that big of a factor within the top 7. But if all ZigZagZigguracians would have continued to shine, the team factor would've distorted the rankings too much for my taste. It may have been more fair with a draft or another measure to avoid super teams.

What I did not like as much was how replacements were handled and how no-show affected team scores. I think it should've been the sole responsibility of each team to get themselves a replacement if someone left. This would've been less work for admins also. On the other hand, I think teams by default should've gotten at least 10 points for each game, even with their player not showing.


My taste for uncommon maps is no secret. I was really satisfied with the map picks and think there was something in the pool for everyone (apart from round 5 maybe).


In my eyes, it's awesome to see so many different player types. Contrary to solo, FFA offers so many more ways to shine and viable strategies. Furthermore, it's possible to outweigh bad micro or macro with FFA sense and manip. Since this community has definitely capacity for some additional players, I think we should encourage newcomers and provide useful feedback, rather than talking them down. The school of FML is rough and illiberal enough anyways.  :icon_lol:

Apart from Wreck playing so dominantly, I was most surprised by QQs', Airenikus' and Gradi's performances. It's amazing how Gradient stepped up his game all of a sudden. Better micro, better decision-making, better English and still the same tryhard.

It was (and still is) a blast to be part of all this.
Have fun!

January 09, 2018, 01:34:18 pm
Re: The Post-Season Begins!! lol LT. Probably one of the worst three maps that were played this season  :icon_lol:
January 11, 2018, 04:39:49 am
Re: S26 M99 So much tension in here. As I understood Trunks will play the final, so there should be no problem?

Anyways, I find it funny how Cumulo behaves as if nothing has happened and even makes demands. If I'd ruined a semi-final as you did, I would remain very quiet for the rest of the season.

February 10, 2018, 04:19:46 am