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Author Topic: FINAL PREDICTION  (Read 2688 times)

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Offline letshavesomefun

« on: January 27, 2017, 02:55:55 am »
i havent seen any predictions so far so lets do someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sergio will be in the winning position after defeating qwest who did a greedy fast tech!
while the whole fml crew is cheering for him on his Stream suddenly a SWAT team enters his room handcuffing him and deporting him back to Mexico. While Sergio is blaming the SWAT team for teaming him cuz his name is sanchez, Maga in form of a bat flies through the window takeing control over the game. After the Mogcident maga decided to become a bulgarian Exchange student in america. Rumor has it it was Maga who called the Immigration Police so he can get his 4th FML title but I dont know if that is true. Haveing no idea how to play any other race than undead maga will be struggeling to get his dr to lvl 6 to charm an akolyte and go dual race.  Meanwhile Wrecktify Aka Big Ben escapes from the Pro Bowl preperation seeing maga is trying to get his 4th title and flies straight to colorado to stop maga wearing garlic and crosses. But Wrecktify Van Helsing wont make it in time but someone else will........ Seeing trough Magas plan of winning the finals Mog sold him a bad Frappucino at Starbucks a few hours earlier. While Maga is sprinting to the toilete Mog takes over the game! Good for Mog: Sergio randomed elf! Bad for Mog: Maga already lost all elf buildings and Units and only the Ud ones were saved! Haveing no Idea how to play Undead Mog pauses the game to wait for magas return from toilette to teach him how to play undead and play stone scissor paper who of them gets the title! But what is that Qwest suddenly unpauses the game without asking if the others are ready. Beeing fully aware of the -4 point penalty he might receive after a warning first he starts attacking Mog who has no pauses left!

At the other Side of the Map Noe just found out that taylor swift published her new music video with zayn:
. Taylor felt that Noe needs inspiration for the final and finished the music video just in time to give him some. Beeing pushed by that power Noe should easily overcome dv....if not... dv would be a huge taylor swift fan too! Noone here will forget when Taylor canceled her Kazahkstan tour and Dv traveled to Paris for a concert of her missing the season 22 semi final giving his slot to ztsoso! But there are also other factors deciding a ffa game! like all Men Dv isnt capable of Multitasking.
Playing an Fml final while haveing to feed your goats/llamas is never easy. And we live in dark and evil times where you cant just pause a game and go afk feeding your goat anymore without someone unpausing like back in the good old days of season 23 and earlier. But noe is also distracted. After finishing his exams on friday
he met a cute swiss girl and is whatsapping nonstop with her during the game! SO thats a 1n1 on equal terms we have here! 

In mexico arrived sergio is struggeling to fiend his way in life since his natural latino charm makeing him big in the USA is nothing special in mexico! Seeing his Tower Defence replays Trump hires him to build the wall and offers him a free membership in an internet caffee in lima to finish his fml game! Takeing over the control from mog, Sergio turns the tides around and gets into a position he can fight qwest again!

Part 2 will follow later todaaaaaaaay

Offline Slythe

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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 09:26:47 am »
Some thoughts:


Will anyone be not able to read the clock? Acting like it? Will they agree on counter or clock? Do they go the save natural first or the side mines?

Usually for short games, but it can also happen that everyone hoards 3 mines and then it will get very complicated. Normally the guy that takes the initiative in 1n1 succeeds, when he can destroy atleast one mine before the fight starts.

The mana fountains favor ud & orc, while human can go a no AM combo, although mass TP can be extremly useful on the map, since some distanctes are very long, still it´s easier to prevent mass tp to be super good due to easy control of map with shades/wards/air units and closing bases.

The -33% item very good vs ud nuke, bolt & holy light, chim focus.

Fast infernal/ursa/Doomguard or buying those can give you an edge.

Middle creepjacks and tricky hydra camp can switch the momentum.

Warden, AOE strong on the map.

Many chokepoints.

Teaming sometimes hard to execute vs quick armies or mass tp, or to play against it.


Noe: very consistent player over the years. Could use a special Anti Ud Strat, forcing a 3way with 3 races, depending on aliens race. Standard hero combo, pally/alch/pb/blm riflemen or a pal/blm +mk/pal combo could work.

Alien: Whichever race he randomes or chose could make a difference. Orc could be dangerous bcuz of getting aggroed early or teamed later. Elf maybe good to overpower one ud early and then have good cards in the 3way. Human hard because the other players are very good vs human. Undead would be not bad, since he is good in mirror and 3 ud´s will have an eye on the only human.

DV: Played different races successfully during the season and had plenty of close games. Interesting to see if he mixes it up in the final or sticks to standard heroes/ft. Dr and Pl could be a good alternate on that map with those races.

Qwest: Completes the tryhard quartet. Came back from very tough spots with having only very few buildings/units left. Very good ud mirror and good vs human. He and DV use similar ud playstyle.

I hope for some nice early action with a lot of mistakes and nerves but most likely it will be a very conservative affair. Will be interesting to see how the manip-part will go.

Offline FML|Mog

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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2017, 12:24:45 pm »
So, Shave, in your scenario do Maga and I get 1/3rd of the title since we technically helped Alien win?

Offline FML|red7z7

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« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2017, 01:24:54 am »
Qwest is probably the undead with the most innovative build orders and creeproutes. Always watch him to see a really efficient first 10 mins. Since qwest and DV often talk about creeproutes together it will be interesting to see what each of them opt to do in this match. I do think that qwests openings tend to be pretty greedy though - like if someone harassed or creepjacked him early he'd be in trouble. I think qwest is also probably better at standard undead mirror. But DV is more innovative with army compositions and probably has a deeper understanding of unit counters.

Alien is just really good at playing standard with each race. He's also really warmed up for this match I think with his high level of activity this season. Rumor has it he's completely recovered from his shoulder surgery by now, but still gets free massages every week from the physical therapist and still pretends to be in pain so he gets special treatment from his wife ;)

Last but not least, since he's just coming off his first semester exam week, Noe's performance will depend entirely on the relative balance of Adderall and alcohol in his blood stream. If he still has enough Adderall then he will have an ungodly ability to focus on this match for the entire 4 hours while the others lose patience. But if he's still hungover then he will be moody and careless and throw it all away.

So how will it actually go down? I think qwest will open up with super risky creeproute, DV, believing that qwest is his true cryptonite, will go kill qwest with early rush. Noe, even though he's battling Alien in an even fight, will use his forensic analysis to properly conclude the time, place and cause of qwests death. Then it will become a Broadway reenactment of the round 5 three-way coming down to last buildings. However, after a few rounds of teaming, alien and DV will grow tired while Noe is still cracked up on Adderall, and alien and DV will let noe win, believing that he deserves the title most.

Offline Tleilaxu

« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2017, 06:58:12 am »
Deathrose is normally kind of a, you know, total crap map for undead, but given the lineup I think it's going to be more even.
Does Alien random every game? I think choosing orc could be a good choice here, for obvious reasons, but it could also be dangerous since a good UD might choose to rush to prevent retarded heroes.
There's a slight chance Noe might go for a non-AM build here, due to the mana fountains. It's either alch, mk, pala or the standard AM, panda, pala nerd combo.
Both DV and Qwest will probably go for quick tech/garg to creep the mids more easily.
All the players are at a similar level, so it should be a long 4 way, unless QuesadillaWareOwnz rolls UD and gets tomed.
It's also going to be interesting to see how Qwest will adapt to not having a shitty island.
Noe looks like the favorite on paper, but he might get teamed to death in the later stages.

Offline zTsoso

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« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2017, 07:42:29 am »
lol, deathrose a crap map for undead? When undead has gargoyles they can produce from cheap crypts at t2, which they can easily creep the hydra camps with.. They can also easily creep the red summon item camps in the middle of the map to the right and left with just 3 fiends :D

Add to that mana fountains which benefit ud a lot. Not as much as orc of course, but if undeads get in a position with heroes next to mana fountain u can spam nukes left and right, so yeah :p

Its not a bad ud map! Only vs orcs.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 08:10:32 am by zTsoso »

Offline zTsoso

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« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2017, 07:50:41 am »
It will be a very close game where I think Noé DV and qwest/alien will be in the 3-way. Much depends on the race Alien randoms as he will be playing vs top players in their respective races, and thus has to be at his best to win the solo. I think he can, but it won't be easy.

I predict DV will take it in the end with cunning play. He has been on fire this season, and qwest has as well. I am ofc cheering for my human brother Noé, but I think he will have a tough time in this cast - especially in the early game vs a top undead player. We will have to see.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 08:24:02 am by zTsoso »