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Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming
And of course we see Culo hurrying to defend his Master. I bet he'd let Wrecktify cum inside his asshole if Wreck so much as suggest it.
HAHAHAHAHA cumulo literally wrote a 20-lines post to defend Wreck for a game he wasn't even in

i would probably do the same for anyone in the league if some random whiner was trying to get someone banned because they didnt like being called "zadrot" lulz.

December 19, 2016, 11:40:44 am
Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
@Wrecktify ^^ here's your reporter plz have civil discusssion with him :DD



January 04, 2017, 09:47:51 am
Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena I googled "rage rage rage" cause I figured that was appropriate.  I dunno its hard for me to get worked up about this stuff 8D
January 04, 2017, 11:10:08 am
Re: Season 24 Semifinal Round Semifinal 1
:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Russia::ud: qwest
:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo

I don't really think this will be the result - probably comes down to Humie and Supes.  I would have said Humie before last week, but by god if Renaud can whoop you in the mirror I am sure Supes can.  Qwest's chances come down to map choice, and I doubt Humie can think that strategicorically.  That said Undead is the worst race to ever come out in a Blizzard game, so Qwest has about a ~2% chance of winning.

Oh yeah that other guy in this game!  Well, he will likely get tomed by Humieor Supes, but if he doesnt (~25% chance Merc survives the 30 minute mark) I would say hes the odds on favorite to win.  I mean... he is not even a remote threat in this lineup, and he's won all the games where we could say that.  Maybe he has mastered that art of Cloak of Invisibility? 

If I was Humie I would probably play a smaller map like Fountain of Manip or Lost Temple. 

Semifinal 2
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Germany::ra: Slythe
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Finland::ra: Rain

I actually think all of the players have a pretty equal shot in this match, slight edge goes to Rain and DV-, but a pretty stacked line up either way.  I hope I get to cast this Q_Q!  I think DV should pick a more macro intensive map and use his Gloves of Manip +12 to have everyone fight his battles.  He may get impatient and pick something like Silverpine though, which has Macro elements but is overall a pretty small map/short game.

Since Rain and DV- pick whatever race they feel like playing that day, and Slythe randoms its hard to say who will come out on top.  The only things I can predict are rage between DV and Slythe, Rain being indecisive, and Dinamo complaining about American Teamers.   I think Rain is the least likely to ruffle feathers in this game, and has the best micro, so I'll say he wins.

January 17, 2017, 09:15:46 am
Re: Season 24 Semifinal Round UnpauseuloŠ, Master of the Tactical UnpauseŠ
January 17, 2017, 02:58:35 pm
Re: S24 Semifinal 1 Dibs on streamerino!
January 18, 2017, 03:07:10 pm
Re: Communication Pause This is the most poorly worded "clarification" in the history of amateur Warcraft adminship. 
February 28, 2017, 06:36:42 am
Re: Communication Pause
The scenarios Red described seem bad to me, that doesnt usually happen in FFA games. If its minor i guess its okay, but there should be a difference between pause TO manip and manipping while someone else pauses.

Theres nothing wrong with the second case. If someone goes away, you can talk or manip, and when that player gets back he can read the log before unpausing and respond. As long as his total time is under 10 mins pause. No one should be rewarded for pausing and wasting 3+ other players time

Personally i take my shits before a game so i have no sympathy for long pauses, unless theres an emergency

Two words: coffee dump.  Sneaks up on ya dude 

March 02, 2017, 04:54:02 am
Re: Rule Adjustments Nice changes and very clear. 
March 26, 2017, 02:51:52 pm
Re: S25 Sign-ups Wrecktify
I Have won this thing before and was part of most consistent team in off-season

April 09, 2017, 08:58:14 pm