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M9:Russia: :orc: y.zenchenko:USA: :ud: PLZLEAVEDUCK:Russia: :hu: W8man:Germany: :ud: KruppeM10:Romania: :hu: Q-veta:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar:Canada: :ne: Renaud:USA: :ra: DarkMessiahM11:Bulgaria: :ud: 3wd.Simo:Canada: :ne: rygorych:Poland: :hu: QHKane:Sweden: :hu: Dkh.StarshapedM12:Austria: :orc: Daselend:Germany: :ra: Slythe:USA: :hu: L77:France: :ud: UgrilainenM13:Canada: :ud: Walking.TRL:France: :hu: JoHnY-BoY:Canada: :hu: KiLLyoSeLF:Sweden: :ra: bRain.ManM14:Canada: :hu: Kajetan:Finland: :hu: dkh.Rain:Germany: :ne: darkermirror:USA: :ud: Red7z7M15:USA: :orc: SteppinRazor:Canada: :orc: Paterique:USA: :orc: DarknessCallsMe:Canada: :ud: KING.WRECKTIFYM16:USA: :ud: UnholyDreadlorD:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap:USA: :ra: Persuade:Canada: :ra: Rebuke[Skynet]
I'm playing human now, renaud?
the intrigue is the breed of the mediocre and the cowards, often combined.