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Re: M20 Results
November 25, 2016, 06:50:31 pm
Re: M20 Results Best meme ever lol!

Dinamo needs to watch some Renaud replays, because if he had he'd jave known to go mass FD

November 25, 2016, 07:10:29 pm
Re: S24 M30 Map will be Anarchy Castle
November 30, 2016, 04:29:43 am
Re: M37 Result Huge props to Steppin for not accepting the feed. Thank you for keeping with the spirit of the game!
December 03, 2016, 03:25:55 pm
Re: S24 Round 4: The Bloody Road Ahead M41
:Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Finland::ra: Rain
:USA::ne: Redkeekee
:Poland::ne: Gradient

Nice Cast, all of them expect Gradient are good players. I was really impressed about Redkeekee'S performance in our last match. I guess this time he will take the win.

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook

Cumulo and Geass are kinda even, both have good micro and are humans, depending on the position one of them will rush Fetta and then they have a 3 way with Wrecktify. Wrecktify will get mad to face two humans with tanks and gonna suicide Cumulo. The lucky one here will be my German fellow Geass.

:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

I guess my betting rate will be high as fuck. GL HF

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::ra: Slythe

Sorry Guys, but soso needs finally a win if we wanna avoid endless discussion in the chat box about "Teamed cause of name". They are only capable to team soso, if slythe gonna play serious.

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Russia::hu: AJIKAIII

Eshan will use Truman or j33 to team AJI in a 3 Way, If he gonna survive the 10 min mark, then we will see a lot of manip until AJI reached lvl 6 am and kill everyone with mass tp.

:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Switzerland::hu: noexxx

Either Noexx or Maga. I'll cheer for Maga.

:Germany::ra: WeAkUD
:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Russia::ud: qwest
:USA::ud: WorpeX

Well, I have no clue, didn't see a single game of qwest or Red. Gonna cheer for the german guy, cause he is german and has nice micro.

:Russia::orc: b100death
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam

Sad that b100 decided to leave fml league, after everyone was excited about his orb drop. After this news --> fetta # 1 orc again. Anyways, we will see a strong performance by junker who gonna take this win.

:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Serbia::ne: svedirko

DV- will try to take out Crylaxu, who will ofc cry for help. Meanwhile NoMercy is sitting in his base with 20k Gold and acting like I'm so bad, look I'm losing my heroes again and again. After Laxu is out they  team DV to death and then svedirko will win easily the 1n1 against nomercy who is gonna die with 18k Gold 100 supply hidden air army and 23 hero losses.

GL HF Everyone.

December 13, 2016, 04:28:35 am
Re: S24 M48
lol @ObserveAndLearn

aarnik is a good player, at least in custom games, so yeah having him as replacement is a good cal; however, I wonder @FML|red7z7 @FML|WorpeX  what exactly is the criteria to select which player is next to substitute? I mean, arnik and Ena had both the same score and according to the full standing list, Ena was right below Gradient while arni was a bit lower.

Just curious how this tie breaker works.

While I can't say for sure how Arni got the spot over the others as I wasn't part of that discussion, I can say that we don't really use tie-break procedures when the players are already eliminated. We do our best to find the best replacement possible but we also factor in player availability and how quickly we can contact someone to fill in.

Replacements do not include points, he will be playing with this 32.

December 13, 2016, 08:03:15 am
Re: S24 M45 Im not quiting :D Just told I don't have much motivation to play. That doesnt mean im not playing.

I veto Northshire.

Next week mon-thu 17:30 - 19:00 CET
Friday 18 CET - 22 CET
Sat Cant
Sun and monday 26th should be good days to play

December 13, 2016, 01:49:27 pm
Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming And of course we see Culo hurrying to defend his Master. I bet he'd let Wrecktify cum inside his asshole if Wreck so much as suggest it.
December 19, 2016, 09:06:41 am
Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming
Wait how can I swear in Russian @_@

To be honest, I'd be dissapointed if you couldn't curse in Russian after 10+ years of WC3.

December 19, 2016, 09:52:52 am
Re: S24 Semifinal 1
Dibs on streamerino!

Wanna partner up for old times sake?

January 18, 2017, 03:39:17 pm