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Re: M17 Result Some decent fights between Wreck & Sweet early and Sweet and Cumulo later.
For me it was of course a very annoying game.

My start was good and plan aswell. If iīd run early into some greedy fast expanding human in the middle and the mine would not be finished iīd cancel it. And so did I.

Usually i donīt kill someoneīs expand and stick to expanding myself and creeping, but man, i am tired of this human abuse bullshit. Guy comes with 2 foots and militia and wants to take middle expand, next his side expand and then his natural, inbetween getting shredder and ending up with 10 k gold after 10 mins with no limited tech due to shredder, why should i support this crap?

Too bad i did not pull the trigger and went directly after getting the 2nd golem & healing to cumulos base. Pretty sure iīd kill him directly or with the 2nd or third wave. I also could have tried to peace with him, after he killed my expand in the middle, since we were even then, but whatever, hate making deals with guys like cumulo. (funny how he chases me, not scouting the others and asking for peace in the end, when i had zero chance of winning). I tried to get 3rd atleast half motivated, had no clue how the fight between Sweet and Wreck really went, but my first goal was then to prevent  letting Cumulo win and get through with his style, lol. And idc if itīs 10 or 12 pts for me.

Instead i lose my expand due to hesitance of defending it cuz of some orange units of my own. Then i take another expand and tech instead of investing in units and more defense. I was still confident in whatever silly human cheese rush he would put up, but i must admit i did terribly with bad positioning, shit focus of units, much running and losing units right and there. But man, this caster double summon heroes push is also pretty rigged. It was like 20 + units vs 6 units and 2 heroes. Pretty easy to sniping units for him and i forgot to use some spells etc. It was a total mess. But shit happens, whatever.

The pregame fuzz was also very annoying. At first Steppin says he wonīt show. Then Sweet does not appear in time ( we already delayed the game start for steppin) and we donīt have enough subs to play earlier, but i also wanted to wait for Sweet. I extended my deadline 2-3 times, while Cumulo was cyring he wanted to get rid of one thing in his calendar, lmao and play with 2 subs very hard. I felt my concentration and energy level dropped and it was fucking 1.30 PM for me when we finally started. Not to mention all the buzz wreck usually does, some (bluff?) worpex saying everyone has to agree on reschedule, instead of if some1 does not want to play itīs gonna be postponed etc etc.

Big lol@ noexx, new best friends with Cumulo, huh?

Just because i try to balance it vs human abuse (why doesn īt he go for a safe, normal fe near his base), i "destroyed" his game? LOL

And cumulo just switched from his ffa cheese to the standard human solo cheese without thinking of the consequences, only wanting to take me out w/o any scouting whatsoever. He was rather lucky that i was too confident and fucked up than he was playing good. After my main was gone he was alone, ignored and hoarded, trying to find my builds and almost had success with finding peons/halls in time due to massive luck. How is that playing good, really big lol.

June 01, 2017, 08:52:32 am
Re: M17 Result @deluded

I am doing some new stuff this season, even more than usual. Cannot think of me or (m)any others going Firelord in FML game + i like the hero + it creeps the map very good and is quite good early + itīs better vs orc/hu than vs elf/ud (expected to have orc/human/rdm(or orc) in my game + with orc u can add basically any hero and make it work with the support of TC & SH.

@ Noexx

Ok, so you have no respect for players who rush after the 5 mins mark. But before the 5 min mark is ok or what?... :-D
Also i did not rush him , but tried to delay the happy human fast expand cheese so i would not face a human player, who has 5-8 k more gold than me around the 15 mins mark and can 100 food gryph rush me where i cannot fucking do anything against it. I just adapted to the situation and explained it already, but i can detail it for you, if you want...

Also i am wondering cause you said so many times you would rush Cumulo next game you face him, that you cannot stand his style etc, but now youīre basically on his side?... Weird. This guy "ruined" and "destroyed" so many games, especially inhouse, with his stubborness, tunnelvision, towerrushes, early attacks, suicides and whatever else, but okay, now heīs cool and the poor victim of some1(me) who did never before attack or creepjack someone early in around 40 FML games, but saw a reasonable opening for something like that to prevent being in deeper waters later. Of course it did not go as planned since i lacked the aggressivness after the initial expand cancel and/or the will to communicate properly with the human abuser.

Maybe the pregame drama played a role in my actions aswell, together with the history i have with cumulo (round 2, some annoying inhouse games). Trying to get into a game (especially FML) as unbiased as possible, but sometimes itīs tough. Me being tired and being a bit frantic these days in certain game situations (hard abusers, lamers, shittalkers. Ofc thatīs all part of the game and i am bit of those sometimes too, but there are the moments where my patience is just gone). But donīt forget as i wrote in my fist post: If Cumulo would interrupt my creeping route and his expansion would not been finished (thus being faster to kill), iīd go for it. That was my neutral, analytic POV on the early game situation. It turned out to be badluck Cumulo went for that camp/tactic and the expansion was only close to be finished :D.

Also it was no solo, it was a ffa with two parties having early confrontation without another player being significantly involved.

Donīt come up with this "no honor"- troll phrase.

Last sentence of you is total overact/dramatizing. But of course, if you have early fighting without expands and not many units/heroes being killed you will be behind, IF the others decide to cleaning the map/creep. Given the players and position, that was not likely.

Be a bit more precise with reading my games and its surroundings please and donīt make innaccurate posts about them, appreciated.

June 01, 2017, 06:10:07 pm
Re: 3 qwestions to Qwest Jaod you need relax a bit :).

I can see your points and it looked a bit suspicious, but many things are also made up by you. That some guys say something in chat and soon after a player does it is no prove that he cheated same as he calculated goldamount well (which he also did another game few days ago, maybe r2 game, maybe inhouse) or upgrading the towers.

I can fully understand that there are suspicious moments, but no proofs. As mog said can only stop streamers from doing live streaming without delay and really say " go play fair" to everyone. (it would be a shame if ppl trying to get advantage of streamcheating and all their wins been tarnished by it)

June 06, 2017, 04:22:21 pm
Re: M20 Result @ thendis

Watched the cast. another good one (only watched 2 so far). I also skipped the midgame most boring part so i donīt know how much you hated it :P. Some good insight, but you also got a couple of things wrong or did not see, but thatīs not uncommon in 4way ffa. I also like how you pronounce my aka name, itīs almost perfect ;).

About the game:

Damn, i had a couple of chances to take this and i knew directly when i was eliminated. But i had fun playing it and cannot complain about my overall play or prep.

I dunno about the lag/spike issues i had. Maybe itīs bcuz of the bot [we did not use the standard fml bot?, but with it it prolly woulda been even worse ?, but maybe its also cuz of playing with sweet? cuz it was also heavily laggy last game with him, but even worse with 2 (south)Americans , especially once owner was set to an American.] When youīre used to that kind of lag/spikes itīs ok, but i usually have around 100ms. Also playing ud is maybe the hardest with ping issues. Woulda played elf or human otherwise :P.

Some mistakes like losing DL to creeps, not seeing fettaīs first attack on me, attacking orc when i had basically only gargs, not engaging aarnis heroes 1-2 times near the end, when i had the chance (or trying to wipe him around the 75 min mark). All of these i knew already, but in the very end i thought iīd lose anyway, once my last building is spotted, atleast vs 2-3 heroes. I actually had a chance with defending the building vs heroes/infernal, i guess, although it would been very minimal and even if i had defended it vs aarni, fetta probably woulda kill it, so w/e.

Aarni played overall well and thus deserving this win.

Sweet had a hard time with me attacking him a couple times, which maybe threw him a bit off balance, idk. I was looking for the fight cuz

1. i originally wanted to attack the orc, because vs ud/elf the armies would been similar, most likely, but aarni attacked him and fetta went on me.
2. when i peaced wtih fetta and aarni asked for peace towards sweet i thought itīs a chance to fight some xp and not letting orc to get too much gold (was also the reason i attacked him, where we both lost 40 pop and he was unfortunately attacked by aarni afterwards.)

Fetta caught me there in the begin. Dunno if he planned to play elf, but he played his cards quite well. I knew he had more gold than me in the end and he came close to winning the game.

June 23, 2017, 08:12:39 am
Re: S25 Grand Finals All this nice HP related finals introduction and then itīs COZY SANDS in the end which totally killed the hype, this map in a rather classic fml season? COME ON :D
But iīll wait for the game and then criticize some more, maybe :P.

July 02, 2017, 04:59:34 am
Re: S25 Final Result I feared that the final on a map like that would play out the way it went.

We had some interesting stuff going on early with guys fighting over creepcamps and two rather early 1v1 with that long ass battle between noe and laxu at noeīs expand and some good hustling by junker, who was from the start in a terrible position.

But then two players were capped off their goldsources and it became kind of a dull lame  game. One of the worst finals for sure. Besides the map i blame the late hour during the week for the three euros.

As said before :that two goldmines are so close by each other and the aggressor, depending on position, can easily kill the mines and gaining a lot of longrun advantages in a 1v1 is just annoying. Getting left and right 1 expand around ur main is mb an alternative, but on the flipside that can also cause some really weird situations, having two opposing mines next to each other.

Some things how i saw the playerīs performances:


He won, so he must have done something right. Fair play to him and gratz to the 3rd title.

Oh, wait. That would be too facile by me.

I felt like he did not have a good early game with forgetting to put wisps in mine and not picking off items (but he later did, i guess). The elf macro was easy to do and done by him hundreds of time. 2 early expands, chippo build, fast aow/dr creeping - cheesy and easy. Then he ran into Junkerzam early at creeping and forced him to use tp and losing a lot of gold. Procdeeding to kill acos of the exposed mine and gaining a lot of momentum, especially macro wise.

Later in the fights he kept forgetting chunks of his hippoes, but it did not matter, since elf vs ud is in 95% of the cases just a rigged, broken matchup, especially early on.
He shoulda been able to finish Junkerzam way earlier, but since he could not, that worked out well for him, since otherwise on the other side of the map they maybe woulda have stopped earlier, having more bank to team him or even have a decent 3way (Yikes).

Once Junkerzam was out, he poked Tleilaxu some and basically only harrased him for 20-30 mins, getting some builds here and there, charm, forcing tp and tping himself. Then he found some courage to fight him actually in a lucky spot and killed half of Tleilaxus army. I do think he actually coulda end the game in 45 mins.

In the end it was more a patience thing and not doing some major fuck up with having 100 food perfect herokilling, harras avoiding hero combo and enough chims to set a nice focus fire on low level heroes w/o items.

He made for sure some good decisions, but could capatilize on facing 2 udīs as elf, tleilaxus doing the work for him damaging noe a lot. Also i think he got somewhat underestimated. Noe was the favourite in the game and Wreck did not qualify for playoffs the past seasons, if i remember right.

Donīt get me wrong, i like how determined Wreck is still to play FFA and FML after around 20 seasons he already played. He is one of the most accomplished FFA/FML players for sure and some people donīt give him enough credit, because they missed a lot of good games by him.
He is very competetive, prepares for his FML games a lot and uses many meta tactics plus sometimes having some lucky circumstances which he often can use to his advantage. Often it seems he gets away with those a bit too easily for my taste, though. This game here for example. (elf cheese, hilarious manip, brash bullying /smack talk, races, time of day)

I am also still baffled when i look back at two other finals. Hopefully i remember correctly but it was that one with Yane/DasElend and Battle.Suck. Where they at first tripple teamed Yane out, then Wreck pushed Battle.Suck to team Daselend out, just to backstab Battle.Suck in Daselends base and make that naive tool his bitch.

Then the season where he smurfed. Smurfing was not forbidden at that time, but for sure disputable. He used some IP changing program, switched from abusing the human race to cheesing with elf (which is way easier to execute and not as risky to play as human) and somehow made it to the final, where basically seksi and Magadansky suicided each other, letting Wreck win.

Just two examples for those, who missed these games /seasons.


He is the most consistent player of the past seasons and had a good shot. But getting into the final as favourite is not that easy. Imo, he could been a bit more aggressive, probably going rifles-push switch to breaker/tanks later, but i guess he did not wanted to get the early lead and then mb getting teamed, but (ofc especially in the hindsight) with some manips i am sure he coulda push hard and succeed with it.

Facing necrowagon early as human can be really tough. He did okay by defending it, but maybe underestimated Tleilaxu and could have done better for sure with focusing necros/wagon and positioning better. He coulda scout better and manip more towards Tleilaxu to stop (sooner). He had no gold and not running goldmine at various points and without high level heroes thatīs really hard. He somehow recovered and nearly got fully back in the game, but losing castle, not using enough mass tp, losing MK near the end cost him an unlikely but possible turnaround.

Oh and i almost forgot that shredder loss. Very costful mistake. These lusted spikes throwing pigs together with the weird maplayout/pathing and his sloppiness in this moment caused a maybe crucial early game moment. His creeping was okay, but with rifles it woulda been smoother i think.


One of the positive surprises of the season. Although he profited from a suicide and two discs in his two wins during the season, he showed some good ffa sense and 1v1 fighting.

tricky odds for him, since necrgowagon is only good vs human & orc (if no dr) and still can get outmaneuvered or owned by high level heroes rather easily. He could implement a plan with attacking the only race necrowagon is best against. He got the better of Noe in the early exchanges, but coulda go 100 earlier and maybe wipe him completely before the 1v1 between Wreck and Junkerzam was decided. Then he tunnel visioned a bit too much, losing too much gold to high upkeep and not gaining enough levels.

Imo, he needed to get Noeīs help and pin Wreck into his base with 100 food necrowagon asap in the 3way. That was basically the only chance. Laming elfs with chims, picking off buildings and units, plus Dr lvl 6 was a sure loss in the long run, since the goldcount was somewhat equal or so low that it would not matter.

In the end building units was also a mistake. Needed to invest in items to keep heroes alive & spreading buildings.

With winning the semi and having a good season overall, he is one of the biggest winners of the season, imo. Rarely it happened that people who have to battle through a semifinal (which is often as tough as the final itself) winning the final aswell.


If i were in his shoes iīd been very upset and frustated/annoyed. He did quite well microwise but had a very rough start with burning a lot of gold having to tp at that creepcamp, not getting the item and overall having a rather bad creeping day. With facing an experienced elf and fighting an macro uphill battle plus having worse heroes it was a matter of time he would have to surrender to this often imbalanced ud vs elf matchup.

Imo he got caught in the moment with attacking ill advised Wreckīs base with some ghouls and few gargs (lol?!). Needed to set up macro and rather make a quick change from 50 to 80 food and scouting wreck and then pump asap if he decided to pump for attacking Junkerzam. Not sure if his decision making suffered by it being after midnight already during the week or it was the probable stress of a final situation.

After he showed some improvements in decisionmaking this season i expected a smarter game by him, but as it turned out he focused too much on fighting /micro instead of respecting the other very important facets of ffa aswell.

July 06, 2017, 07:08:04 am
Re: TBR 2 Thursday Results 2 Awww. Feeling a bit sorry for you Jaod. You played well and almost win.

But u must understand i donīt like it when you hit me after u fought and win qwest 80 vs 80 near my main. Of course i hoard, but only 2 mines and qwest attacked me before....and my position was not so good...

Maybe it was not clear but i said some minutes before i would help the other if anyone hits me and that atleast counts for 10 mins. Needed some gold to compete.

I regret not peacing you around 33 min mark, when i had 3 expands and AoWinds, but it seemed you would own Qwest again and again and it was tricky.

Near end i did not see u lose all heroes, needed scout better there to stay around ur both armies with my heroes.

You lost nerves in end i guess, understandable, i went hard on you, but u still almost won. WP and hope next game will be better and Qwest wonīt win again luckstyle :-P.

August 03, 2017, 08:27:57 pm
Re: UPDATED: FML Season 26 News + Applications Name: Slythe
Country: Germany

GO RANDOM TEAM (free agent)

October 08, 2017, 03:43:32 pm
Re: FML Showmatch Nice event and well organized, thanks to everyone that was involved in this.
November 27, 2017, 09:48:40 am
Re: Round 4 Matchups!!

:HS: M28
:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]

Again in a game with my lovely Buddy Karfal, please stick to one name, well I didn't forget how you threat me in our game on Gold Rush, but no worries, I'm playing for win. GL HF Everyone

lol, so true.... Karfal, IWANTWC4, DONALD TRUMP.... and then theres his real name that he refuses to tell everyone.

Could be that he is 1nvincible/Sfarrah

November 28, 2017, 01:31:03 pm