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Re: TBR2 Draft Results! Team DV
To me this team is the strongest one in this competition.
DV and Soso are masters of their respective race. I've seen Alien play an inhouse yesterday. While his early game was really rusty due to his long absence, he really worked his way back into the game and showed a strong late game against aarni and Mog. I'm sure it won't take long for him to regain his old strength.
Dovekie, Ostone and SteppinRazor are without a doubt strong players as well.
Gradient the grand rebuilder brings versatility to this team. Fetta hasn't been in good shape recently. I hope he will conduct his investments in crown of kings soon.
Congrats to DV for this strong and versatile team.

The Captain is a new kid on the block and has been obsing a lot of games recently and knows each player's form in detail. Probably even better than each player.
Noe, TGW and Lightweight are heavyweights in FFA.
We haven't seen Lightweight play for quite some time now. His form will be a deciding factor how good this team performs.
OAL and Dinamo are Top5 Players in their race right now.
Bloodmonster is a new random orc that is a son of a bitch to play against. He has decent micro and macro and plays like a rattle snake in inhouse games. Good choice on this one HighTac!
Tom is a decent Nightelf player who I've seen play recently in inhouse games.
He definitely has the potential to win a game if competitors do not have an eye on him.

Peru Team
Reading the members of this team I identify 1 strong player for each race:
NE (trunkz)
HU (Cumulo)
UD (Jaod)
ORC (Airenikus)
b100 loses his temper too quickly when facing a 1v2 situation. QQs is the 2nd strongest hu in this team.
The distinguished gentleman from Finland aarni has been one of the most active FFA players recently. I believe he is able to win a game on a clever way by transmuting his way to victory

Team Ravenclaw
Last year's champion of TBR. I believe this time it will be definitely harder for them to win.
Eshan and Wrecktify are the biggest manippers on the block.
Extremly dangerous to play FFA agains them.
Mog is in a comfortable position to pick from a pool of strong players.
This team will at least finish #2 in TBR2.

Team Shave:
Shave has successfully drafted THE BIG THREE for his team.
The undead powerhouses Qwest, Junker and Tyrant.
However Shave's team definitely lacks a worldclass human like Noe, Soso, Alien or Lightweight.
Maybe Peanut can make a big step forward to fill this gap, he hasn't been playing much the last few months though. Not to forget Junker can also play Hu on a decent level.
Ena is a risky gamble due to possible desync as we saw in FML season 25.
Do not let this guy play against trunks, he will suicide him with mass raider and lose his game.
WeakUD is a strong player that somehow fails to deliver in deciding FFA games.


Edit: Forgot to about shave's team by accident.

July 22, 2017, 04:05:10 am
[mmt Guide] How to check your real-world ping to game bot Hello gentlemen,

as we all know the game lobby does not display your real ping to your bot.
Due to this fact I have decided to come up with a guide on how to check your real world ping to the game bot of your choice.
You can easily determine the best bot (ping wise) to play on for you.
This guide will take some steps. However once set up correctly you will have a handy tool which can tell your ping at all times (running in the background if you want).

Windows Operating System
Acceptance to use commandline shell (cmd.exe) for ping tests
Follow my steps exactly as I state

Summary of what we do:
- Download psping (Sysinternals tool, Official Image Signed Microsoft Product)
- Add psping as a system environment variable so you can fire it up directly from commandline shell
- Perform a ping check for a game bot

1.) Download the magnificient psping.exe tool from Sysinternals
Navigate to psping.exe and download it to a location of your choice. You need to remember the exact location of it (!).
Use C:\temp (if you dont have that directory, proceed to create a folder)
For the following steps I will use C:\temp as the path where psping.exe is located.

2.) Add psping.exe as a system environment variable
Windows -> Type 'systempropertiesadvanced.exe' in input box

Now press "Environment Variables"

In Systemvariables navigate to PATH
Press "Edit"
Add in Value of variables the following entry ";C:\temp"
Do not forget the semiciolon and make sure that this is the correct path!

It should look like this

Again.. make sure the semicolon is correctly set and the path is the right one
(I used C:\temp in this guide)

3.) Perform a ping to a game bot
If you have set up everything correctly. This will be your starting point to do game ping checks!
We use only cmd.exe (powershell.exe also works) to use psping.
Open cmd by Windows -> cmd.exe

Now check your ping to a game bot. I will use ams.toom.io:6112 in this example.

psping -t ams.toom.io:6112

(CTRL + C and right click in cmd to paste it  :icon_cool:)

Feel free to use any other game bot / internet site / etc.

Well how do I stop the program from pining?
Use CRTL + C or simply close the window. You may keep the window opened while mass tanking your opponents down in game. It does not have any online game experience impact.

Good job young padawan! You have taken your first step into a larger world of CLI.


November 25, 2017, 05:37:29 am
[mmt Release] FMLReplayDownloader v1.0 Hello,

Niels one of the bot admins has made all replays hosted on toom.io publicly available.
This means our amsterdam, london and miami inhouse games can from now on be downloaded from this site.

Missing maps can also be downloaded there in case you don't have them.

At this point I would like to introduce the FMLReplayDownloader I came up with this morning.
Basically it goes ahead and downloads all replays or maps to the output path you specify.

How does the FMLReplayDownloader work?

Windows Operating System
The ability to follow my guide and use some CLI

1.) Download the FMLReplayDownloader
Download it from here

Unzip the all files to a directory of your choice (You must remember the directory path)

2.) Fire up Powershell ISE
Start -> powershell ise

3.) ChangeDirectory, Import-Module
I have downloaded and extracted the files in this example to c:\temp\fmlreplays

In powershell ISE type in the following in the console

cd C:\temp\FMLReplays

Pro tip: Use a jedi trick called auto-completion. Press CTRL + SPACE
Select the FMLRepalyDownloader v1.0.dll
Import-Module FMLReplayDownloader v1.0.dll

Now go ahead and
Get-FMLReplays -DownloadType replays -OutputPath C:\temp\YourReplayFolder

You may specify any output path you like. The program will if necessary create that folder. You must have the needed rights to create a folder.

Again.. Auto-completion is your friend. Use CTRL + Space while navigating in console.

If you would like to download maps simply replace "replays" with "maps"
It should look like this
Get-FMLReplays -DownloadType maps -OutputPath C:\temp\YourReplayFolder


November 26, 2017, 07:53:48 am
Re: M99 Result My view on this fml victory of trunkz

June 04, 2018, 02:46:51 pm
Re: M99 Result Here you are
June 05, 2018, 05:23:48 am
Re: M1 Result GG WP. Nice season opener by all.

Tip from me:
When it comes down to hero arena on a large map try not to give someone the human race  :icon_wink:

September 29, 2018, 05:40:57 am