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Author Topic: Got a few questions  (Read 2376 times)

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Offline plush.

Got a few questions
« on: June 08, 2022, 04:34:18 pm »
It's so cool FML is still going.  :icon_biggrin: I started watching YouTube videos on Back2Warcraft and, man, I really miss this game. So, out of curiosity (and not promising anything!), I have some questions:

How do you play online? Read something about Reforged screwing everything up but not sure what info is currently accurate.

Is there still an active ladder or custom game scene for FFA? (Or even 4v4 RT to practice macro openings/fights?)

If there is still an active FFA scene outside of the leagues/tourneys, what are games usually like? I've got an itch to play but not if it's 2.5+ hours per game. (Especially if those games consist of camping bases, building on islands, and hearing "omg lost all" every time a hero dies.)

Offline Peregrine

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Re: Got a few questions
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2022, 03:59:41 pm »
Plush! good to see an orc legend return.

Just download the Battle Net client to get to play. And then download the W3Champions client which is how the community plays ladder nowadays:

Should only take a couple minutes

The community is alive and well, and FFA is thriving. The ladder is active, and the RT and solo ladders are extremely active. FML seasons are also running, with a new event starting sometime later this summer.

The games are actually quite good on ladder, the skill level has increased, and most of the maps are on the smaller side. I would say the average game length is about an hour now on ladder.

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