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Some simple tips that you can use in your games vs Orc:1. Snipe the Voodoo Lounge. Orc can't produce Bats without a shop and most orcs will not build an extra shop. 2. Use Druid of the Talon solely to cyclone heroes. If you can regularly cyclone BM / TC orc has a tough time stopping that. If they dispel they also lose their positive buffs (link and bloodlust). 3. Rush the Orc. Orc requires more lumber (same principal applies to Human) and has a longer tech time to reach Tier 3 armies. As Elf or Undead, you should often go fast 80 or 100 food against a Orc or Human threat that is nearby. 4. Target the casters with Chims. When you engage an Orc, neutralize the heroes with cyclone and focus CHims on his casters. If you can wipe out the shamans/docs/walkers and TP out that is a significant advantage. So often you'll see a Elf player use Chims to mass focus on a TC or SH unsuccessfully. Kill the casters! 5. Stay away from mixed armies. In contrast to another suggestion, I would stay away from armies that consist of a few units of each type. Orc is very dominant when buffed and leveled and a strong orc player will tear through a mixed army. You'll want to focus on clear objectives in a fight (unless you have a significant hero advantage, then play whatever you'd like). Pure Chims with 3-4 Dotts and 4-6 Hippos is often the best army type. You can add a Bear, Dryad, or some Fairie Dragons as you please. Late game, Elf ground can be effective against Human or Elf, but not so much Orc.