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Author Topic: This Week in FML: 11/22  (Read 1639 times)

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Offline FML|Mage

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This Week in FML: 11/22
« on: November 22, 2013, 12:22:15 pm »


It probably doesn't deserve a post all on it's own, and I doubt I'm doing this week in FML this week due to Thanksgiving.  So, here's Worpex's and my latest creation!

Shoutcast of the Week

This week Wrecktify and I decided to go oldschool and bring back one of our leagues best finals.  If you were thinking we were talking about the Season 15 finals where Maga eeked out a win… well you’d be wrong.  No, what I’m talking about goes even further back.

Map: Twilight Ruins

FML Season 10 Finals

:Bulgaria: :ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Austria: :orc: Daselend
:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:Canada: :hu: Htrt.

Upcoming Events

As the season winds down we begin to run out of games.  With one game played for this round already, we’re left with a mere 4 games to go before the semi-finals!  So far only two of the games have been scheduled.

Sunday November 24th, 11:00 EST/17:00 CET
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Slovakia: :hu: Ado125
:World: :ra2: Sub for Lightweight

Tuesday November 26th, 18:00 EST/24:00 CET
:USA: :ne: Wrecktify
:Russia: :orc: Ludix
:Serbia: :ne: Svedirko
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]

Last Week’s Recap

:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:France: :hu: Meeds
:Finland: :ne: j33
:Canada: :ne: Renaud

(click to show/hide)

What’s New in the Forum?

Making the Cut #3 - Playoff Edition by FML|Worpex

A must read for anyone that is interested in the league.  It breaks down who can make the playoffs, who can make the finals, and what every player needs to happen.  Making the Cut is one of the most informative series on the site, and it’s in need of some tender loving care (or maybe that’s just Worpex’s ego)

Unofficial WC3 Overall History Thread by Slythe

One of the most popular threads in recent memory, it’s gather almost 600 views in a week.  Slythe recaps some of his recollections about WC3 and the players involved, which actually turns out to be more like a novel than his memory.  There’s a ton of stuff in here that most people probably have forgotten or don’t know, and anyone is welcome to contribute.  Who knows, maybe it will turn into something more in the future!

Looking for Graphics Artists by FML|Mage

This is exactly what it seems like, me asking if we have any graphics artists available that might be willing to do some pro-bono work for FML.  While Worpex is a fantastic clip art photo shop wizard, I’m afraid that I have a few too many requests for him to be able to complete on his own.  These graphics would be ones used on our social media sites mostly.  If you have any interest please let me know.

Dr. StrangeWreck or: How I learned to Predict FML Round 6 by Wrecktify

Wrecktify has kicked off this rounds predictions, something that has been sorely missed this season.  Go make yours now!

The Official Beer Thread by FML|Mage

I like beer, do you like beer?

Misc Notes

FML Facebook - So after a nice boost a few days ago we’ve managed to stall out at 51 likes.  If you have anyone you know that enjoys FFA, or just video games in general, invite them to like the page!

FML YouTube - Our YouTube account on the other hand has been doing extremely well.  All of our videos hit over 200 views in a week or so now which is a huge step up from where we were not too long ago.  In addition we are closing in on the 100 mark, a big step for FML.  Please, to anyone that can, help the YouTube channel grow!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 10:59:07 pm by FML|Mage »