Written by FML|HighTacposted in News February 10, 2019, 06:13:05 pm2415 Views
From Nov 18 until tonight, 30 players fought for the title FML Ladder Hero. We managed to pull it through despite 1.30.2 and the downfall of our wc3melee ladder. We knew there would be some challenges on the way and not everyone was able to participate as he may have liked to. However, it was a worthy farewell event for our own ladder and a great showcase for something that we may want to run again once Reforged gets released.
Congratulations to qwest for his marvelous performance and 300$. Ostone, 1nfinity, Jiexa and Gradient also secured themselves a piece of the prizecake. For payout, please send your PayPal address via Discord pm. In case you don't have PayPal, maybe qwest can act as a trustee.
Thanks everyone for your participation and topping up the prize pool.