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General Discussion / Re: [!] W3Arena Install Guide« on: January 13, 2018, 03:51:32 pm »I did. I got 2 copies on lol. I literally did exactly as this said step by step. I got stuck with this as well and eventually realized that naming my fresh war3 install folder to the name of the folder that the 1.26 patch seemed to be trying to patch itself to (which, like IWANTWC4, was my already 1.28-patched copy) would probably work. This issue was happening even when I uninstalled/deleted all war3 folders by the way. Anyway I did it, and it worked! So for anyone who gets stuck there and is wondering what to do, you can try this: 1. Rename your Warcraft III folder that the 1.26 patch keeps trying to apply itself to to something temporary (e.g. "Warcraft III not 1.26"). If you're not sure what the name of that folder is, then after you rename your Warcraft III folder (or folders if you have multiple copies of war3), double-click on the patch, and you'll get a different patch error that mentions (when you click on Show Details) the file path that the patch is looking for but can't find - that's the file path and name of the war3 folder that the patch keeps trying to apply itself to and can't because that copy of war3 is already patched to 1.28. Write this file path down! 2. Now freshly install RoC and then TFT, and then, before attempting to apply the 1.26 patch to it, rename this freshly installed Warcraft III folder to the folder name that the patch showed you when you got the file path error and clicked on Show Details in the step above. 3. Now double-click the patch to install it, and it should work! Now you can rename this new 1.26 patch war3 folder to something like "Warcraft III 1.26" and, when you install and run w3arena, browse for this folder. You should be good to go. 4. Rename your other war3 folder that you temporarily renamed in step 1 (e.g. "Warcraft III not 1.26") to whatever you like! I went back to naming it Warcraft III 1.28. 2
General Discussion / Re: [!] W3Arena Install Guide« on: December 27, 2017, 10:52:38 pm »
Hahaha, ok. That does make me feel a little better though, was starting to wonder if I was banned from everything I'll check out an older replay.
General Discussion / Re: [!] W3Arena Install Guide« on: December 27, 2017, 10:46:26 pm »
Thanks for this guide, wish I'd checked the forum before I thrashed around on my own :)
The criteria for being banned when logging in to w3arena seems pretty strict. I logged in with the wrong password once or twice and was banned, am now on a waiting list in the W3 Arena Hallway for having my account reviewed and unbanned (been waiting since 12/6). Any idea why I might not be able to download replays from off the FML website in the meantime? All I get is a "about:blank" web link on a new page. I'm wondering if it's perhaps a browser/pop-up restriction setting? 4
General Discussion / Re: The Official Beer Thread« on: November 13, 2013, 10:25:04 pm »
Red Stripe!
Alright I like your sophistication Mage and beer tasting does sound like a pretty fun hobby so I'm thinking I'll have to grow into it eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later). Seriously though I find that I drink Red Stripe most often so I guess it's my favorite beer. I recently had a Modelo Negra which I really liked so I bought a 12-pack of that and I'm not sorry I did. Pacifico and Blue Moon always deliver for me though I wouldn't consider them personal favorites. 5
News / Re: Lightweight Banned« on: November 11, 2013, 10:30:46 pm »
@Lightweight (speaking as just a fan since you probably don't know who I am) I hope Steppin is right and you change how you feel about your decisions, since you are arguably the best active player not to have yet won a championship, and the most capable. This is a long ban but I hope you will come to appreciate it as a sort of compliment also; actions like this from a player such as yourself are a betrayal to the league and those who work to see FFA and you flourish. I am sure you will be missed by many for the reasons already given. No one cares if you are "sane" or not, but your actions were beyond that. Hope to see you back soon.
Suggestions / Re: [Poll] Future Winter Tournament« on: November 09, 2013, 01:07:01 am »
I only played RoC a handful of times and from what I've seen it'd feel like having to learn a new game entirely, but that could make for a fun game because of that very reason =)
I admit a PM-only game could be boring to some people but I don't think it would play like an old bnet game. The players in the experiment games up to this point have all been solid unlike in most bnet games, and adding the factor that no one else will hear your manip to a given player seems to have a high chance of producing results unlike allowing both all-chat and PM. It's true that if a player isn't used to shooting PM's regularly to different players (or at all for that matter) it'll seem like an annoyance at first, but receiving them will probably make those players slow down other parts of their game as they feel obligated to answer, and get them used to PM'ing quicker than they think. Of course it could end up having the opposite effect where no one takes the time to PM very often and it plays like a no-chat game. 7
Suggestions / Re: [Poll] Future Winter Tournament« on: November 08, 2013, 02:12:35 am »
Well we've done no-chat and anon FFA's, so the only ground that hasn't been covered that's also found in ladder FFA is PM. How about a PM-only FFA? It should be a lot of fun since you have to choose carefully who to PM when calling for help since you may not have time to ask everyone. Also since it's PM-only you're going to be pretty suspicious about who is PM'ing who in case (you think) you've made an ally. Might be even more interesting if it's anon as well lol. Also I think the game could end up being interesting enough to watch from the POV of each player just to see what each person was saying to everyone else during the game.
General Discussion / Re: The faces behind FFA, an FML Photo Album!« on: October 09, 2013, 11:07:31 pm »I took this shot just for this thread (to fully disclose I took multiple shots for this thread but this one was the best I think). Really like the shots I've seen so far (and the comments lol). 9
Scheduling / Re: P26« on: September 26, 2013, 11:32:16 pm »
I can do this Sunday at that time no problem
Scheduling / Re: P26« on: September 25, 2013, 09:34:47 pm »
Sorry guys I can do
M-F 22:00 EST - 24:00 EST / 04:00 CET - 06:00 CET Sat - Sun basically all day 11
Scheduling / Re: P10« on: September 14, 2013, 09:19:36 pm »
Alright looks like tomorrow 22:00 CET / 16:00 EST. Admin can you please schedule us?
Scheduling / Re: P10« on: September 14, 2013, 12:28:45 am »
I can do Sunday 22:00 CET/16:00 EST as well
Scheduling / Re: P10« on: September 11, 2013, 10:30:58 pm »
I'm available to play nearly anytime on weekends and would prefer to play on the weekend of the 21st - 22nd.
News / Re: Season 17 Applications Now Open!« on: September 07, 2013, 08:18:05 pm »
-Username: lomar
-Nationality: American -Main Race: Orc -E-mail address: -Other Contact (Skype - msn - aim - gchat): gchat -Accomplishments: west ladder top 20 in solo & 2s several years back -Please give us an idea of your availability over the next 3 months: weekends ok, M-F 19:00 - 22:00 PST if needed - Are you willing to check the website regularly to schedule your games ? Yes - How/Where did you hear about FML? |