October 15, 2024, 06:31:37 pm
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Congratulations to La Famiglia for winning TBR 8, led by Godfather and carried by Lelu’s 67 points. Your names will live on in the Hall of Fame forever.

Some concluding thoughts
  • 56 is an impressive number of players, especially considering the player drought in TBR 7, where it was 20 less.
  • The overall skill level has improved in recent years and it’s great to see new faces. Also glad to see so many different people who are willing to stream.
  • With 12 penalized rule violations this TBR had more than all previous TBRs combined. It would put admins in a much easier spot if players would read the rule book in advance.
  • As always, some team channels were more active than others. It would be nice to see more guidance of new players overall, but maybe it happened via dm or in Russian and that’s why I couldn’t see it.
Huge thanks to Ponty, rulaZ and massmoretankz for all your admin work and to Kovax and Kage without whom this event would not have been possible.

Please feel free to provide feedback below this post.

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