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EM1 Renaud SicKTheGreat Rygorych pateriqueEM2 L77 Redkeekee Redz7z PersuadeEM3 WRECKTIFY ReFlekKt SeksiReturns UgrilainenEM4 PLZLEAVEDUCK Beljone SteppinRazor practicemageEM5 Walking.TrL ATi.Bright Kajetan Nooblex---WM1 DkH.Starshaped grimfoLf mmmmmmmmmmmmmk KruppeWM2 Q-veta Ghost-Burne F10EX DaselendWM3 Johny.Boy Maddog bRyAnIsBack lovetranceWM4 Lightweight XZshka ntropy UnholydreadlorDWM5 3wD.SimO gnom QHKane w8manWM6 DkH.Rain Uzi-Madone Camp_and_Spank Humans7arWM7 Slythe crowjam Pinballmap darkermirror
EM1 Renaud SicKTheGreat Rygorych pateriqueEM2 L77 Redkeekee Redz7z PersuadeEM3 WRECKTIFY ReFlekKt SeksiReturns UgrilainenEM4 PLZWHINEDUCK Beljone SteppinRazor practicemageEM5 Walking.TrL tough, even match here ATi.Bright Kajetan Nooblex---WM1 DkH.Starshaped grimfoLf mmmmmmmmmmmmmk KruppeWM2 Q-veta Ghost-Burne F10EX DaselendWM3 Johny.Boy Maddog bRyAnIsBack lovetranceWM4 Lightweight XZshka ntropy UnholydreadlorDWM5 3wD.SimO gnom QHKane w8manWM6 DkH.Rain Uzi-Madone Camp_and_Spank Humans7arWM7 Slythe crowjam Pinballmap darkermirror
Totally missed the "solo" in there, my bad. For some reason I'm more worried about this first game than I was about the finals last season.