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Author Topic: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"  (Read 10413 times)

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Offline Peregrine

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Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:56:20 am »
I've played this game for 7 years now, since high school. I can admit at times its been like an addiction - even when I have other things I should be doing, I find myself clicking that frozen throne icon.

I've never cheated at this game, nor at any game I play, nor at anything that I do. I'm extremely competitive, but I like my wins and losses to mean something. Cheating to win means nothing, and I find myself hating players who cheat and being slow to accept players who used to cheat (such as Ebo).

I was worried about these games that kept happening where it 'looked' like preteaming, especially a few with Q in them. I was worried that admins were not taking a stance or weren't worried enough about this issue. I was worried about the future of our game. After watching the Rain/Duck/Q game I gave several comments on FFAreplays, hoping for action to be taken. None was.

So right away I decided to see if I was being paranoid or there really was a problem, and with Ebo switching into my game I thought I had a perfect opportunity - as Ebo dislikes me and Walking and I also have had our differences. I sent messages to all the players to 'preteam' with me. If they accepted - BOOM- I had preteam evidence. If they rejected, like Ebo did, I tried to threaten them hoping instead they would preteam against me.

I threatened Ebo, and as expected, Ebo messaged Walking about my preteam attempt. I was hoping they would make a pact of their own against me, and when the game happened and I got preteamed, I would show the admins. And then action could be taken. I messaged the admins before the game detailing my plan JUST to prevent any problems that might arise. I never had any intentions of preteaming or cheating. I just wanted to play and win the way I always try to do.

In the game walking and I did not PM, nor did I even pretend to think he still wanted to preteam, especially after he knew I had talked to ebo. I expected them to preteam vs ME. Ebo Pms me for peace but I killed him. At that point preteam was out of my mind, since ebo was gone. I was just playing the game normally.

3way happened, tons of manip for an hour. we save the game at 40 minutes, but we play for another 40 minutes after that. Massive manip, nobody gaining an advantage, but everyone getting hit. SS had achieved triple race, mass towers, and had caught up by hoarding. He had the best micro.

Disconnect and rehost happens. SS still has triple race, mass towers, best micro. He had not hoarded yet. He also charms a wisp (4th race). Then he attacks Walking to "break the stalemate". Walking messages me to team him, and I accept, not wanting SS to get strong again. We successfully team him to death. We 1v1, after a few battles, I win.

Then the drama happens, the ban, the accusations, the repeal of the ban, Ugri leaves, no rematch, our points are stripped.

I spent basically the last two nights - the two nights after my last final exams of my college career - trying to clear my name being called a cheater at a game I clearly play way too much. I might have written more on this topic than I have in essays this whole semester.

At this point its clear the admins do not want to budge on letting us simply rematch the game. A simple, fair solution that has happened before. Instead they have taken from me the worst thing they could besides the game itself - my competitiveness. I play this game to win, even Renaud can attest to that. When winning is taken away, when my hard-won points are taken away with no chance to reclaim them. When my chances at playoffs are removed or atleast become almost impossible, then nothing is really left and my investment in this game, in this season - which will likely be my last even before all this since I start work now and a new phase in life - is all gone.

Tonight I have nothing really to do, and its raining out, and on these nights I love to play WC3. For the first time, I dont even feel like playing. Literally this is the first time I dont even have a desire to click that icon, with nothing else to even do.

And why? For what? For pride? Pride that admins wont go back on their decision? For punishment? Punishment for wrongs that I did not commit, nor intend to commit? For Hate? I don't know.

Nobody is perfect and nobody expects these admins to be, but once time has allowed all the facts to appear, and they still stick to an unfair decision, well that is just bad leadership. Renaud admits to hating me, and his hate has clouded his judgement. Worpex is proud, but pride isnt always a virtue if it prevents logic from succeeding. Darkness hates cheaters as much if not more than I do, and I have violated his faith in me. But the logic is still there, and all refuse to appeal to it.

Ugri, the one who accused me originally, actually thinks a rematch should be allowed, but this drama has caused him to grow too tired to be an admin. He has more important things in his life as we all know and respect. I find myself mirroring his weariness now, and its the first time I've felt this way about this game.

I don't want to be dramatic and quit, maybe after the winter break I'll feel better in January. Maybe I wont - my league standings wont change. Its really frustrating because I thought I could win this time, or atleast make the playoffs. I only played FML last season and one other time, niether time did I make playoffs. Now, in the winter of my discontent, and the twilight of my time with this game, my chances to end in victory have been pulled by the very people I play with, because of emotions and unfairness.

Its just frustrating.

Offline DarKNeSSCaLLs

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 01:05:35 am »
I've already said what I needed to say in the other thread ( numerous times so I won't repeat myself, but I have to comment on this:

At this point its clear the admins do not want to budge on letting us simply rematch the game. A simple, fair solution that has happened before

It happened before for a completely different situation at a completely different time in the past.

If the punishment we gave you is solely based off the PMs you sent before the game, then what is the point of a rematch at all? That's what I am most confused about as to why you keep pushing for this. If your game was 100% legit, then stop asking for a rematch, you should be asking for the original points to be restored.

The ban was officially made because we thought you preteamed. It was a hasty decision and the ban was lifted.

THE POINTS WERE DOCKED because of your other actions, the ones which involved the preteam forum PMs before the game began. It has nothing to do with your game you played. So please, stop confusing the two.

Walking has already accepted this, and sent us a PM apologizing. Your chances at the league are not completely destroyed. Why can't you just accept it? What's done is done, be happy that this punishment is so mild.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 03:38:31 am by FML|DarKNeSSCaLLs »

Offline Peregrine

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 01:08:49 am »
Thats not what Ugri told me, nor does it make sense why SS has an extra point.

And yes, fine, I would like my points restored, Darkness, because I did nothing wrong. You admins caused this drama by banning me hastily. There was no cheating, and removing my points and my chances at this league for sending some PMs (with a good intention) is unfair.

I've tried this whole time to be civil, not be bad mannered, to address my case with logic and persistence, and courtesy. But you guys are giving me a big fuck you and its wrong.

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 01:10:43 am »
You admins caused this drama

No sorry, do not put this on us, if you had never sent these PMs to all three players in the first place to instigate this madness, none of this would've ever happened.

But you guys are giving me a big fuck you and its wrong.

I gave you a full explanation and repeated myself several times, just because you do not agree with the decision does not mean that we suddenly are telling you to "fuck off"
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 01:13:06 am by FML|DarKNeSSCaLLs »

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 01:13:24 am »
I'd say that the majority of players in this league don't play the league to win the league, we play the league to win singular, competitive matches.  I am one of those people.  I'm sure there are parts of you too that feel pride in winning singular matches verse competent players.   

You have two matches left and its already been said that it is not impossible for you to make the playoffs.  Win the rest of your matches, and you are in.  If you are a man who likes competition and playing for the win, while here is your chance.  Play for the win, and win when the odds are against you.

And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way.

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 01:15:42 am »
Whether you like it or not, it is on you. The only wrongdoing in this whole 'case' is that you removed my points, walkings points, and added one to SS. What I did may have been dumb, stupid, paranoid, poorly-thought-out, etc, but it was nothing wrong. No preteam occurred and thats the fact.

If you dropped me to even 10 points I would be happy, because atleast I could still perhaps win this league. But 0 points, and some admins still calling me a cheater, and people thinking im a cheater? Thats the worst

Winning matches is nothing, anyone can win a single FFA game. the biggest noob can win. Winning the league means something. Just like rank 1 on ladder used to. But now this league is all we have left in terms of meaningful winning and success.

The point is they hurt my drive to win. my drive to even play this fucking bullshit addicting piece of shit thing that we call a 'game'
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 01:19:13 am by Eshan »

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 01:19:13 am »
We're not going to agree on the punishment, which is fine, but again:

Whether you like it or not, it is on you.

Ridiculous, you send out PMs asking for preteam from all 3 other people in your game and you're saying it's on US? Take responsibility for your actions, REGARDLESS of your intentions, and accept the consequences of said actions.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 03:39:11 am by FML|DarKNeSSCaLLs »

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2011, 01:21:07 am »
It wasnt wrong darkness, because I intended to do good. I failed, I did it poorly, yes. But my intentions were good so I will NOT apologize. And I did not preteam once the game started so again I will NOT apologize.

The punishment you have dealt me IS wrong because in the face of overwhelming evidence that I committed no crime, you stick to it.


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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 01:21:18 am »
I am really curious on what happened to ebo since the game, we should call 911

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 01:26:53 am »
I sent messages to all the players to 'preteam' with me. If they accepted - BOOM- I had preteam evidence. If they rejected, like Ebo did, I tried to threaten them hoping instead they would preteam against me.

Wait... so not only you tried to preteam, but you encouraged others to do it?  Isn't that even worst?

So how would that have worked? if they don't team and you win, everything is ok, but if they do team you (pre or not) you whip out the pm and say it was preteam to get them both banned?  Or at least the game replayed?  So that's fair, you started the game with a possible ally and a back up plan in case you get teamed for being eshan.  The whole plan simply gave you advantages (whether you had planed it like that or not), how is that fair for the others?

On the good side of thing, you did managed to show (hopefully others will catch on to that part) that even though you had preteaming agreement, none of you trusted each other

(Oh and you can still make the semies)

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 01:44:45 am »
Wait... so not only you tried to preteam,

So how would that have worked? if they don't team and you win, everything is ok, but if they do team you (pre or not) you whip out the pm and say it was preteam to get them both banned?  Or at least the game replayed?

Renaud for a moment attempt to prevent your bias from clouding your thought process. I did not try to preteam - your initial statement itself is wrong.

Winning the game was not guaranteed, I had the same chance as everyone else.

As for if they did preteam, my point was that admins needed to more strictly enforce the rule. This was because of the previous Q/Rain game, and the game with Q and you. I did not even think about banning or rematching. That is all very convenient for you to say after the fact, but be aware, none of this could be known before the game.

All I knew is that preteam had become more likely, and I wanted the admins to realize something was wrong.

All I got in return was...fucked.

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2011, 02:02:31 am »
Wait... so not only you tried to preteam,

So how would that have worked? if they don't team and you win, everything is ok, but if they do team you (pre or not) you whip out the pm and say it was preteam to get them both banned?  Or at least the game replayed?

Renaud for a moment attempt to prevent your bias from clouding your thought process. I did not try to preteam - your initial statement itself is wrong.

If you actually read the words, you would noticed that I din't say you preteamed, I said you tried too.


And I know, you din't "try to preteam" you "tried to show you where able to preteam, by trying to preteam" but it's pretty close imo

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2011, 02:06:35 am »
wrong, i tried to show people are able to preteam, by trying to get two other players to preteam vs myself. even though i know that might make me lose.

i did not, will not, never have, and never would preteam.

this is what im trying to tell you

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2011, 02:24:49 am »
This is getting really pathetic now. Look, honestly, you are fucking retarded if you think your actions were in any way justified, and I think getting your points removed is a mild penalty all things considered. I don't even believe your intentions were good. Nobody can be dumb enough to do what you did and think it's for the greater good. Nobody. You are either lying through your teeth or you're dumb as shit. I try to avoid flaming people, but this has gone on long enough. If you can't even accept that you did wrong, then what's to say you won't pull something equally retarded next week, or month, or year?

And really, if you're such a "competitive player", why don't you play solo? FML is supposed to be a fun FFA league, and people like you more or less ruin it. Things like pre-teaming and not letting people observe games and causing pointless drama etc. all takes away from the fun for me.

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Re: Final thoughts on this "preteaming"
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2011, 03:03:24 am »
Oh solo is the only legit gametype my bad. I dont want to flame either, but youre a fucking solo noob at FFA, which is why the only game you have ever won is the one where two players disconnected. You almost got two players to disc again. hmmmm.

SO yea we play FFA to win, not just as a fun pastime. Which is why people get mad when you blindly rush someone and lose every time. The only thing that might not be true that I said about this is that you have better micro. I bet I could rape your fuckin ass every time in FFA battles. Like I did when you hit me in the game before we rehosted.

Clearly you havent watched the replay or read the comments, so its funny you say "all things considered " - considering you havent.