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Should PM chat be banned from future FML games?

Yes, Ban PM.
No, PM is part of FFA.

Author Topic: Banning PM Chat  (Read 14614 times)

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2011, 09:09:24 am »
do you guys realize that banning pm completely is not really possible?
you can still pm on garena, msn, icq or an other medium...

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2011, 10:18:42 am »
@ Mmk:  True, but then people are clearly going against the rules and if found out a punishment can be enforced. 

As for the issue I said ban it.  I think the manipulation factor can still be used while talking to everyone, and it might even make the games have a new element with players trying to sway each other. 

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2011, 01:04:22 pm »
Well it's also impossible to ban hacking (vent hack for example, and i'm sure many sophisticated hack works on ggc).  However, most player see a rule and say "fine, ill follow it" of course there will be a minority that might think "I must break the rule to prove it is breakable!!"


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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2011, 02:11:29 pm »
I can see guys like Q or eshan using pm just to say "hello, how are you today" after it is banished

then they get punished for using pv chat

they will say it is stupid cause it wasnt game related

they will launch a survey on how the punishment is fair or nor

Ugh will insult me for some reason

I am the league far seer.

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2011, 02:16:14 pm »
I can see guys like Q or eshan using pm just to say "hello, how are you today" after it is banished

then they get punished for using pv chat

they will say it is stupid cause it wasnt game related

they will launch a survey on how the punishment is fair or nor

Ugh will insult me for some reason

I am the league far seer.

I didnt donate fitty bucks to give these awesome people donating their time to run a league a headache.  So get your acts together. 

Offline Q-veta

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2011, 02:21:46 pm »
I can see guys like Q or eshan using pm just to say "hello, how are you today" after it is banished

then they get punished for using pv chat

they will say it is stupid cause it wasnt game related

they will launch a survey on how the punishment is fair or nor

Ugh will insult me for some reason

I am the league far seer.
What rules have I broken? Judging by the "I love Q-veta" thread there's only 2 people currently that think I'm venom to this league so it seems I'm not such a huge troublemaker after all. That is until duck posts, then they'll be 3. Whatever Worpex decides with PM I'll respect that. It's his league. Don't lump me together with Eshan, it's insulting.


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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2011, 02:24:00 pm »
Voted for banning PM chat.

We don't need PM, because it makes many games dirty and there won't be a "grey zone" as ugri called it. Even if somebody would think to be smart and use other chat possibilitys like garena chat it will slow him down by tabbing from the game. And if everybody will know it you can show it to the other players to have a self-regulating league so the guy gets kicked.

Things like teaming the strongest are part of the game and necessary to ensure game dynamics. If there wont be pm's allowed you can react better if you are close to beeing double-teamed like attacking one guy before he can make units when you read what they plan. In my eyes we should do that for sure. I don't see any cons. This will elimininate mass hoarding by some guys who pretend to be weak with low heros but banking 30 k gold. It will make shorter games i think.

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2011, 03:27:14 pm »
First off, I want it to go on record that I voted for not banning PM. While I don't use it myself, I feel that since the functionality is part of the game, it should be allowed. FFA is about winning using any method possible, whether that means godlike play, teaming or backstabbing is up to the players. Also I feel that the difficulty of regulating it is a problem, but Renaud has described a method to at least make it possible (in admin forums anyway).


I can see guys like Q or eshan using pm just to say "hello, how are you today" after it is banished

then they get punished for using pv chat

they will say it is stupid cause it wasnt game related

they will launch a survey on how the punishment is fair or nor

Ugh will insult me for some reason

I am the league far seer.

It is pretty easy to just add a claus into the rule saying, "Private Chat is disallowed for discussion of in-game actions or reactions." or something to that extent. That way people can talk to each other about life without getting banned for it and annoying the other players.

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2011, 03:31:25 pm »
It is pretty easy to just add a claus into the rule saying, "Private Chat is disallowed for discussion of in-game actions or reactions." or something to that extent. That way people can talk to each other about life without getting banned for it and annoying the other players.

Or it could just be said "ANY PM in-game is not allowed" to remove any possibility of ambiguity. If people want to talk about their daily lives to others in private, perhaps it's best to wait until after a league game has finished.


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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2011, 03:36:18 pm »
@Worpex: Banning PM will make admins life easier since we have this stupid discussion going on so it might be worth a try. In addition i think it doesn't limit game dynamics in any case since you can still use public chat. There will be no dumb excuses like "if i would have know this and that i would have...". Im for playing with pants down for everybody (wow that sounds a little gay  :icon_mrgreen:). And if there is a doubt about if somebody used PM the players are obliged to upload the replay if an admin is asking for it. If he doesn't he will get a punishment.

You could make it rule 6.20c. :icon_wink:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 03:40:16 pm by Lightweight! »

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2011, 03:49:04 pm »
actually banning pm won't end the discussion, it will just switch side.  Instead of ppl whining to get it banned, ppl will be whining to get it allowed.

I honestly have nothing against PM, but it will probably remove a lot of "this looks like preteaming" talk

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2011, 03:54:49 pm »
Even though PM is a function built into the game that everyone has equal access to, I still believe it makes the game worse (as an interesting point, preteaming is also a function of the game that everyone has equal access to). I think PM is bad for the following reasons:

(1)PMing can facilitate preteaming arrangements by allowing those players to privately reconfirm their plans during the game.

(2)PMing makes games boring to watch because the players are seemingly acting arbitrarily with no discussion.

(3)PMing is frustrating to play again because : (a) When you lose to PMing opponents it's very hard to learn from those losses, as you have no access to information on when and how much they PMed and what they said in PM, even after the game ends. b) it feels as if there was nothing you could have done to prevent it (more on this in the next point).

(4)Since you don't know who and when opponents are PMing, one of the most effective counter measures to PM is to use PM yourself, and use it earlier than opponents might use it. This means that in a game where everyone is playing optimally it is likely there will be mass PM, which just goes to amplify the other cons listed here.

Those are my 2 cents.


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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2011, 04:18:05 pm »
Admins have to decide in a grey zone if there was preteam all game. If there is only public chat used the obs people will be able to understands the game dynamics and of course the players playing. No grey zone, no missunderstandings, pants down and equal chances for everybody. If somebody will try to piece with a players the other two guys will know it and will be able to play in regard of this fact :icon_wink:. I would appreciate to ban PM chat, because it will light up so many things. I hope admins really think about it  :icon_smile:.

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2011, 04:22:50 pm »
Even though PM is a function built into the game that everyone has equal access to, I still believe it makes the game worse (as an interesting point, preteaming is also a function of the game that everyone has equal access to).
That's a pretty terrible argument. Everyone can maphack and everyone can make units and heroes, I don't see how those are anything alike just like PMing and preteaming. If it was real preteaming they wouldn't even need to chat, they would already decide what to do before the game.

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Re: Banning PM Chat
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2011, 04:35:39 pm »
Even though PM is a function built into the game that everyone has equal access to, I still believe it makes the game worse (as an interesting point, preteaming is also a function of the game that everyone has equal access to).
That's a pretty terrible argument. Everyone can maphack and everyone can make units and heroes, I don't see how those are anything alike just like PMing and preteaming. If it was real preteaming they wouldn't even need to chat, they would already decide what to do before the game.

if you are addressing the part of my post that you quoted-- I was making the argument that just because PM is built into the game doesn't make it a good thing. I used preteaming as an example of something that is inherently part of the game that is definitely a bad thing.