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Author Topic: FFA Racial Tourney  (Read 7691 times)

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2016, 04:18:13 pm »
All right we have 6 humans (including Vale) I think i'm gonna close human registrations since there are too many of them at the moment

hu players who want to play can pick another race

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2016, 04:30:51 pm »
Personally, I think you should get rid of Shave, and QQs. Send shave to the orc bracket and QQs simply as observer, he's just as bad as fatty even worse I'd say.

Ponty, tbh, u should also be observing, instead of u we can have trunks, although he hasnt signed up at all. Furthermore, what's up with soso, this idea flourished from our conversation one morning, he even wanted to play vs strong players, now he's backing on his word ? -.-

I think max, 5 top players per group, and Shave with QQs hinder the human group.

«Espero pacientemente el dia que deba mostrar mi verdadero poder» Supremo


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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2016, 05:00:00 pm »
Well cumulo this idea never flourished from you or soso, I talked about a racial tournament way before you come up with it, like months ago i was talking about it with shave or w/e it was. I had to give you credit here, first because i don't really care who takes the credit of it and second because you harassed me on skype several times to have your name here. Now you give me orders on how to run the thing lol
You start to piss me off with your unmannered comments, either it's here or on skype, you are actually bloody annoying even if you try to act funny or smth. I think you just come on skype to annoy others or it's just the way your personnality is i don't really know.

By the way Shave is a lot better than you (with all races), really, tell me who thinks you are a good player except for maybe soso fetta and wrecktify... but apparently they didnt see you play enough to consider you as someone good.

Not like massing breakers and tanks while losing heroes 10 times is a hard thing to do lol, they can just look at how you play with other races to see how bad you are and if i had someone to remove from the list it would definitly be you because you kinda suck ass. QQs also mass tanks better than you lol
I'm not even joking I think you are pretty bad I don't know why you think you are that good? Maybe because you won last season by abusing your shitty race with rifle caster push on people who weren't expecting it. Everytime you sub for someone the game gets shitty and horrible because you have no clue what you are doing, not talking about that time where you picked elf and lost in 5secs to wreck giving him freewin.
I removed you from the list, you can get the fuck out of this tourney, everyone can participate and even if we had to choose top players, you would never be in my list.

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2016, 05:19:18 pm »
lol ponty, it just so happens that that very morning me and soso were talking in great detail about a possible tournament/ladder right after S22 you implemented the idea within hours. Now I know you did it to pump the community into playing more games, but perhaps it needed a bit more time, further discussion on who and how it had to be carried out.

As for the comments on you obsing, me and soso were talking about how great it would be to see real heavy weights play each others, and I'm sorry to break your heart but u are not on that lvl. All you do is cry/bitch/whine about human, but the fact is that you suck big time. The idea that soso brought about having two divisions would have worked great since we could have done a mixture of the best from each race from each division. Now as for Shave, he is decent, but I think his orc is best, and well I personally don't think his human can cut it, but maybe I'm wrong, as for QQs all he does is literally suicide, even on skype FFA inhouse games, he's suicided me at least twice.

As for you removing me out of your rip off tournament, It really doesnt matter, what I'm more curious about is why soso hasn't signed up yet t.t. He was the only reason why I wanted to play in it since we both came up with the idea in the first place. Now I might not be an excellent player who constantly wins or plays actively, but I'm not that bad either. however, what I can tell or recognize, after playing this game for a decade, is to identify who is a worthy opponent and who isn't and let me tell you, you aren't.

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2016, 05:21:28 pm »

*Grabs popcorn*

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2016, 05:23:50 pm »
PS I can also switch to Orc if you have another Elf that wants a spot

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2016, 05:33:50 pm »
Yeah Eshan go switch to Orc.



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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2016, 05:52:52 pm »
I actually didn't even read your conversation with soso, I just saw you were talking about a racial tournament and it reminded me something i already thought of like a million time before.

Every last replay of you I've seen were awful you just randomly attacks the best player of the game until a third guy comes and finishes you. I think it's not even worth mentionning the times where you played offrace. It was literally like seeing a 10% scrub playing. Reminds me of that time we met on the ladder and I actually really thought you were a total noob until I saw your name after the game. And now you come here and acts like you are a top player (a big weight like you say lol) and talks shit about others. Exactly like in skype group, every time someone asks for a game you insult him of robot or of a stupid racial insult, I think you are secretly hating on your job which apparently doesn't let you any freetime to play or go out; but it's fine, none of my business anyway.

And yea i obviously have 0 respect for human players who can't agree their race is cheated, it's just desillusion.
Get manners narcissitic trash,so funny to see someone acting so arrogant when he is actually a piece of shit.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 06:03:39 pm by Ponty »

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2016, 06:08:27 pm »
lol ponty, the only people I mess with/insult is shave, maybe lightweight recently too because he's being way too gay with his weight obsession and posting depressing comments on the group, but other than that I don't really trash talk.
Now, making assumptions about someone's personal life is "meh, srly what for lol", but if we are talking about wc3, and we look at overall skills, it's fair to say that there is a progressive line among all players in FML. For example:
Maga/Noex/DV > Soso/J33/HW > Cumulo/Fetta/Eshan/Ajik > Renaud/Nline/Wreck > Shave/Laxu/ > ... > Ponty/QQs/fatty. And let me assure that no matter how many games you play, or active u get, you'll never move up the ladder.

«Espero pacientemente el dia que deba mostrar mi verdadero poder» Supremo


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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2016, 06:21:37 pm »
That's a pretty wrong assumption since i played like ~30 games on different accs in the first weeks and reached top 20 on like 2 accounts with pretty high ratio on all of them

I didn't actually play 15000 solo games with peru.nerzhul and ramrom before starting FFA, but I improved enough recently to consider myself as a good player while you still think I have the same level as when sympo started. But it's ok I don't really mind, only people I find as able as me to evaluate the level of other players are Shave and Alien, others just don't play enough or just say someone is good/bad because they heard he is good/bad
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 06:23:45 pm by Ponty »

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2016, 06:27:50 pm »
I agree with you on the last part, I guess I still view ur skill lvl as the begining of sympo league, perhaps because I've been very inactive in the past months; nevertheless, it's still a big leap to go from amateur to failry decent in all aspects of the game in a matter of months. I mean, unless you've been no lifing (like noex recently) then maybe yeah, but I doubt it.

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2016, 11:44:48 pm »
Lol I think I confused SuperCumulo with alienWareOwnz for like 2 months I have no idea why.

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Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2016, 12:48:30 am »
because they speak both spanish

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2016, 05:35:00 am »
its not your foult dovekie they are both mexican

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2016, 05:42:43 am »
how many playervotes we need to kick cumulo out of our race team? i feel like hes bad for our team karma since hes insulting multiple players (qqs noe and me) for no reason. Hes obviously not takeing this tournament seriously and just tries to get another show stage so he can troll around...After all this is a TEAM tournament and i dont see any teamspirit in cumulo... So is there the option to kick him out cuz hes unmannered and egoistic and bad for the "fun factor" that this tournament should stay for?