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Author Topic: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!  (Read 13125 times)

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2011, 03:34:40 am »
:Bulgaria: :ud: 3wd.Simo
:USA: :ra: DarkMessiah
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor
:Germany: :ne: darkermirror

i think maga and this map have good synergy for some reason

:Austria: :orc: Daselend
:Canada: :ra: Renaud
:USA: :ud: UnholyDreadlorD
:Poland: :hu: QHKane

das will have pos luck and the rest of the game will slip right into his grasp

:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Canada: :ud: Walking.TRL
:Germany: :orc: PinballMap


:Sweden: :ra: Brainman
:Canada: :hu: Kajetan
:Romania: :hu: Q-veta
:USA: :ra: Persuade

like renaud said brainman just wins games... lol.

:Finland: :ra: dkh.Rain
:Russia: :hu: W8man
:Canada: :ra: Paterique
:USA: :hu: L77

i dont know

:USA: :orc: DarknessCallsMe
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Germany: :ud: Kruppe
:Sweden: :hu: Dkh.Starshaped

as strong a player as darkness is, this map doesnt particular lend itself to DR play and i just see slythe playing it cool for some reason, possibly getting a huge edge with a timing attack

:Canada: :hu: KING.WRECKTIFY
:Canada: :ra: Killyoself
:Canada: :ra: rygorych

duck is a really smart player although he may not seem it from chat lol

:Russia: :orc: y.zenchenko
:Canada: :ra: Rebuke[Skynet]
:France: :hu: JoHnY-BoY
:USA: :ud: Red7z7

gl hf

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2011, 04:27:03 am »
I'd like to point out that I haven't played in years. I don't know who Kajetan and Brainman are and I think I only saw a replay of Brainman running around the map with no buildings. I have a chance if and only if these 2 conditions are met: persuade doesn't random orc and Brainman isn't subbed by a Lone player.

Kajetan is Mr.Sparkle
Brainman is FFAStayingAlive / TheThroneIsMine / ?

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2011, 04:43:09 am »
I know Mr.Sparkle. Still don't know who Brainman is, he probably came after I left.

Offline rygorych

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2011, 06:08:12 am »

:Canada: :hu: KING.WRECKTIFY
:Canada: :ra: Killyoself
:Canada: :ra: rygorych

now remember this guys if you're ever on the edge of teaming me. I PLAY UNDEAD. I rest my case. But me or wrecktify will be teamed and then i see ryg coming in at the end taking the win.

Remember. I PLAY UNDEAD TOO, best race in FFA!! YAY!!! No, like I said earlier, I'll get suicided by Killyo (who will think it's "toming me"), you will have the time to kill Wreck, then you will come and kill both me and Killyo. Ezpz (happy feelings).


Offline KiLLyoSeLF

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2011, 03:38:19 pm »
I've never suicided you (because I've normally just tomed you...or you go illogical 2v1 on me because you can't 1v1 me...or you have suicided). So why does everyone keep saying I will suicide him? I've raped him in almost every match race up on Bnet, so why would I bother?

I have only suicided two people since coming back to W3 (practicemage which I posted and vs an ork on gold rush). I don't screw around when suiciding, I do it P4K style (as I did vs Mage, where I give up my main to make him die when he has 10k gold).

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2011, 03:40:57 pm »
Well, watch what's going to happen, I promise not to say I told you so :)

Kek, going to be a fun game regardless.


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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2011, 12:08:35 am »
ebo is trying to pre-manip vs your suicide

and do you actually type toodles after every post...?

cause your tag is already vanity smurf lol

Offline RaD

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2011, 12:48:20 am »
FML-RaD's Predictions :)

:Bulgaria: :ud: 3wd.Simo
:USA: :ra: DarkMessiah
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor
:Germany: :ne: darkermirror

Going to go with the easy pick of Magadansky wining this one. Eshan can pick up the win as well though.

:Austria: :orc: Daselend
:Canada: :ra: Renaud
:USA: :ud: UnholyDreadlorD
:Poland: :hu: QHKane

Going to pick Renaud in This one if he chooses elf race.

:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Canada: :ud: Walking.TRL
:Germany: :orc: PinballMap

I Love Humans7ar playstyle so i'm picking him. I would of picked Walking but human seems to beat up on UD.

:Sweden: :ra: Brainman
:Canada: :hu: Kajetan
:Romania: :hu: Q-veta
:USA: :ra: Persuade

This is going to be an interesting game that includes all different play styles. I'm picking Q-veta because of his minip skills and if i remember correctly he has pretty good micro.........

:USA: :orc: DarknessCallsMe
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Germany: :ud: Kruppe
:Sweden: :hu: Dkh.Starshaped

I'm enjoying watching Starshaped in FML though it's very hard to pick anyone over Darkness in wining this game.

:Canada: :hu: KING.WRECKTIFY
:Canada: :ra: Killyoself
:Canada: :ra: rygorych

Going to sit back and order some Pizza for this one LOL.

:Russia: :orc: y.zenchenko
:Canada: :ra: Rebuke[Skynet]
:France: :hu: JoHnY-BoY
:USA: :ud: Red7z7

I'm actually going to pick Rebuke in this one hoping he is not to rusty.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 12:53:25 am by FML|RaD »

Offline Walking.TrL

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2011, 05:17:00 am »
Rad! <3 you

Offline rygorych

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2011, 07:16:03 am »
ebo is trying to pre-manip vs your suicide

and do you actually type toodles after every post...?

cause your tag is already vanity smurf lol

I admit, I am trying to pre-manip.


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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2011, 07:56:41 am »
:Bulgaria: :ud: 3wd.Simo
:USA: :ra: DarkMessiah
:USA: :ud: SteppinRazor
:Germany: :ne: darkermirror

Undead power!

:Austria: :orc: Daselend
:Canada: :ra: Renaud
:USA: :ud: UnholyDreadlorD
:Poland: :hu: QHKane

KING OF FFA. Need I say more?

:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:France: :ud: Ugrilainen
:Canada: :ud: Walking.TRL
:Germany: :orc: PinballMap

Ugri will go a bad UD hero combo (Read: No Crypt Lord) and get crushed by Walking's Undeadsauce. Humans7ar will go his standard anti-undead crap and beat the pants off of everyone else.

:Sweden: :ra: Brainman
:Canada: :hu: Kajetan
:Romania: :hu: Q-veta
:USA: :ra: Persuade

Not only is Throne back, but hes PISSED OFF. I expect him to win here just to show everyone whose boss.

:Finland: :ra: dkh.Rain
:Russia: :hu: W8man
:Canada: :ra: Paterique
:USA: :hu: L77

Already played. : /

:USA: :orc: DarknessCallsMe
:Germany: :ra: Slythe
:Germany: :ud: Kruppe
:Sweden: :hu: Dkh.Starshaped

Darkness will get teamed as usual, but I think in this case, he can hold his ground and still pick-up the win.

:Canada: :hu: KING.WRECKTIFY
:Canada: :ra: Killyoself
:Canada: :ra: rygorych

Wreck will play dead and then win as per usual.

:Russia: :orc: y.zenchenko
:Canada: :ra: Rebuke[Skynet]
:France: :hu: JoHnY-BoY
:USA: :ud: Red7z7


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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2011, 03:50:10 pm »
@ ugris predictions: they were fairly entertainingly written, i even laughed 2 times :).
yes i also recognized no seksi in the games, awww, one good player missing and might leaving the league not voluntarily, hope he can solve his issues.

@ walking.trl : ye i obviously mixed u up with someone else, i think killyoself got into league via wildcard, nvm :P


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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2011, 06:32:29 pm »
Betrayed by my own admin kind! Rad and Worpex you broke my heart making Renaud a winner and me a loser! Beastmaster will prevail!

@ slythe : seksi mentionned time issue, nothing bad happening irl
Also i laughed 8 times * number of time i read my own post but I am easy to please with myself. I think Sparkle didnt found it funny for some unlegitimate reasons!

Offline Peregrine

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Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2011, 07:56:29 pm »
uh wait didnt worpex or ugri seed these games?

So their seedings should be the same as their predictions...why would you seed someone first if you didnt think they would win haha

Offline KaJetan

Re: Round 1: Thread of Predicting Happy Feelings!! YAY!
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2011, 08:47:32 pm »
no no ugril i found your comments very funny but im german born so im not a jew :P but ill drink / do my best to make your prediction come true  :icon_lol: