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Author Topic: FML Season 18 Coronation!  (Read 1817 times)

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Offline FML|Mage

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FML Season 18 Coronation!
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:43:14 am »

Alright so I know what you're all thinking.  "Mage, this is really damn late" or "God, Mage has really let his punctuality slip" or possibly even "Ich Ban Van German"*

*I don't speak German so I just imagine this is what it sounds like.

The truth is, we wanted to avoid spoilers, and so we decided a late publishing would help that process...

... Oh, you aren't buying that?  Well in that case I blame Worpex.

Most of you have probably already managed to figure it out one way or another, but we have polished off the 18th Season of the Forsaken Melee League and it has a new champion who has come close before, but is taking home his first championship.  :USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]! 

After a disappointing loss in the finals last season Mog rebounded with a strong start to the season, and almost managed to directly qualify for the finals again this year but came up just short.  Being in third place may have been disappointing initially but it did give him map pick, and he took advantage of it by beating the Season 17 winner :Finland: :ne: J33 and PlayFFA Cup III winner :USA: :ra: Persuade.  This brought Mog back into the finals for the second straight year, no easy feat for sure.

Early on in the match though it looked like Mog was going to be making another early exit from the finals as :USA: :ne: Wrecktify was able to handily beat Mog in fights, and had him down to ~300 gold at one point.  But opportunistic and resourceful play, combined with some good luck, allowed Mog to rebuild and stay in the game.  And, as we have seen with great players time and time again it led to a come from behind win as the underdog. 

Below I've included the live shoutcast of the Season 18 Grand Finals game, as well as a sneak peak of the upcoming interview with :USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet].  Make sure to congratulate him on a job well done!

Quote from: Mog Interview
Mage: First off Mog, I'd just like to say congratulations on winning your first FML Season!  It certainly doesn't seem like that long ago that we had this hunt massing Tinker first maniac running around the maps harassing the hell out of players.  But as with everything else in life, time flies and the players mature.  I think I can speak for the rest of the community when I say it's been a pleasure seeing your game type evolve, and I expect we'll be seeing it go even further soon.  So, without further ado;

Mage: How did you first find out about FML, and when did you start playing?
Mog: I first found out about FML from sir Worpex. I, like many others, switched over to SC2 when it first came out, and after about 6-8 months I started really missing WC3, and getting really bored/frustrated with SC2. I started playing WC3 a little again, but didn't know where to play since bnet was overrun with hackers and all my old friends had moved on to SC2 or just stopped playing entirely. I don't remember how, but I ran into Worpex randomly and he told me they needed more players for the upcoming season of FML (It was Season 13), so I checked out the site, applied, and was accepted straight into the season! I had known Worpex for many years, having played for him in solo leagues for one of his old teams, and also having played in his old league WCO. I'm sure after my first match of the season, where I tinker hunt rushed SteppinRazer on Deathrose, then got flamed for the remainder of the game before finishing in 4th place, he regretted his decision of inviting me to the league, but I'm thankful he gave me the chance!  :icon_biggrin:
Mage: What do you attribute your progress as a player to?
Mog: I don't think I can attribute it to any one thing, because there were many things that helped me improve, and still help me improve. First, I listened to the feedback the more solid players of the community gave to me. My first few matches, I was lost. I had FFA experience on bnet ladder, but FML was a whole different challenge, and frankly, a whole different type of FFA than bnet ladder ever was. The constructive criticism players such as Magadansky, Renaud, Persuade, Wrecktify, and even Redkeekee (though his was more just criticism) gave me, really helped grow my understanding of FFA. Although it is going to sound really arrogant, I also have to attribute some progress to myself. I try to always have the mindset that I can learn and improve my game, and even though I don't necessarily practice playing games as much as others, I always take the time to watch my own replays, as well as replays of others. I watch my own replays to see ways in which I can improve. It is very revealing to know what was going through my own head while playing the game, and then seeing how wrong I was via replay. Early on, I would think I was in a good position, then watch replay and see I was getting manip'd hard by someone with 20+k more gold than me. My scouting and game sense were poor, and those are what I've always tried to improve on the most (and continue to try and improve). And of course I watch other players' replays to see their different playstyles, to see how they make decisions, and to find things I can take from their gameplay, and utilize in my own.
Mage: Can you give us a little insight as to what was going through your head when you realized you had just won the Season 18 Finals?
Mog: I couldn't really believe it at first. The finals game was a roller-coaster ride for me. I spawned in a decent position, but then things went south fast for me as I lost my solo vs Wreck. I thought I blew my opportunity two seasons in a row, by getting solo'd out by two superior players--Seksi last season, and now Wrecktify. I was really frustrated, because I was very nervous, and made a lot of mistakes. I knew I could have played so much better, and thought at that point the game was over for me. Then, my rebuild attempts kept getting destroyed, but since it was the finals I really didn't want to give up. Once I started getting some mining going, and the other players were finally convinced that Wreck was the strongest (which he was by far), I thought maybe I have a small chance if I play this very carefully. Even when Wreck only had 1 tree left, and I had scouted the whole map non stop for 10~ min, I couldn't really believe I was going to win. I tried to stay focused, and it wasn't until I sniped Wreck's last tree and saw that he was defeated that I finally let myself think I had won. When I saw those words I actually cracked a smile. It meant a great deal to me to win, because in my very long WC3 career, I have never won anything. I've been runner up, my league teams have made playoffs and done well, but we had never won both when I was a manager and when I was a player. So in my mind all I could think was I finally won something  :icon_wink:
Mage: Now that you've won a season of FML, what are you setting your sites on as your next big accomplishment?
Mog: I'm a very competitive person, and I am not satisfied with just winning one season. I know I can still improve a lot as a player, and that my game has a lot of holes in it. I don't view myself even as a top tier FFA player. I think Wrecktify, Persuade, Seksi, and Ludix are the best right now, and I still feel like I need to work more to get on their level. So that is where my sites are set. I really want to perform well again next season--to prove to myself and others I am not just a flash in the pan, but can be consistently good, rather than consistently lucky!  :icon_rolleyes:
Mage: Any shoutouts or acknowledgements you'd like to give?
Mog: I would like to give a shoutout to the whole FFA community, who make this game fun and competitive still even after all these years. To all the admins, who run this awesome league. To Worpex, for giving me the chance to compete in this league even when I was an awful FFA players. And for everyone I've become friends with who have helped me improve and grow as a FFA player. Especially to Persuade, and Wrecktify, who I look up to the most as players and who have probably taught me the most. And I would like to give a shoutout to Mage, who is a great admin, and who I enjoy shoutcasting with when our schedules allow for it.


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Re: FML Season 18 Coronation!
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2014, 12:54:52 pm »
This article passes the Renaud test! (Ctrl+F:renaud returned at least 1 hit) and thus is worth reading!
Let's hope it's in a positive context!

Edit: woohoo! it was positive! also great interview :D it actually got me pumped to start playing more >_< (that's a bad thing! darn you!!!)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 01:03:12 pm by FML|Renaud »

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Re: FML Season 18 Coronation!
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2014, 01:02:00 pm »
Great write-up! I enjoyed reading that interview! It was very heartwarming and Mog really tells a great story about his WC3 career. He really did progress and grow as a FFA player a lot since he joined the league! When I invited Mog to play with us I was actually convinced he would join for a season and quit because we gave him a hard time for having no FFA sense. Words can't describe how wrong I was! Not only did he stick around, but he became an FML champion who is most known for having immaculate FFA sense! Hes without a doubt the most deserving player of the championship this season! He put a lot of hardwork and practice into FFA since he joined and i'm so proud to see that it paid off. :D

Can't wait to read the rest of the interview!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 01:07:04 pm by FML|WorpeX »

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Re: FML Season 18 Coronation!
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 11:10:30 am »
Heh I remember the Deathrose game well, I think I said something like "just leave if you are not going to play to win idiot" hahahaha

I think its safe to say you've gotten a LITTLE bit better since then...
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 11:12:10 am by SteppinRazor »

Offline FML|Mog

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Re: FML Season 18 Coronation!
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 03:04:50 pm »
Thanks for the kind words worpex <3.

And steppin... I'm pretty sure you said more than that lol. But that sounds like part of it haha. If I recall that game correctly, I backed off of you and then died and you ended up winning the game !