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Author Topic: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff  (Read 4618 times)

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Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2013, 08:08:38 pm »
hell square is just a copy of market square so it's not like its ground breaking or anything

Offline thehungersite

Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2013, 09:05:02 pm »
lol shouldn't Market Square be removed too then under the tree reasoning. ;p That'd be pure blasphemy, but it's always sad when any map bites the dust when it's always fun to be playing on something different. Is there a limit or something on the total amount of maps that can be rotated?

Enakro's Way was another different one that seemingly disappeared, it's blizz official so it bypasses the custom map issues. It was super fun to play on tons of ladder maps like it that I'd never played on before. Was it perfectly balanced, probably not, but these maps had so much personality/uniqueness.

The old standby Tranquil Paths would make for some interesting FFA games too IMO (that mine in the middle of the map in the trees is a perfect example of a rad distinctive feature).  OH AND PREDATORS. HOLY SHIT THAT MAP WAS SO TIGHT. (the cross shape mapped with fountains, used to be on ladder, balance be damned, those unique maps are so much fun!)

I don't know if too many people are skipping FFA games because they think a map is too imbalanced, otherwise Savage Storm wouldn't be in it (dem creeps). What I do when I really don't like a map or think it's imbalanced against my race (see Savage Storm) is just wait a minute and a new one is up.  People who are really concerned with stats/balance can still skip ones they don't like, so it seems like the more random, viable maps like Enakro's or Swamp of Sorrows, the better. I and many others honestly had the most chaotic fun with FFA when it seemed like you were experimenting and putting some quite random ones in, ugri.  In a controlled setting of a league it might be different but balance will never be achieved in an 8 man bot ffa. That's the beauty of having so many chaotic maps, there was always something different you can choose from since FFA is so popular now. But when Deadlock and Silverpine and Frozen Deeps (still the only custom I'm seeing for some reason) keep coming up it does get a little stale, can't complain too much though.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 09:07:14 pm by thehungersite »

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Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2013, 09:11:51 pm »
there's quite a bit of less wood on hellsquare compared to market in the mains, and also the expos in the middle/ inbetween the corner expos have 0 trees on them

Offline thehungersite

Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2013, 11:32:56 pm »
Oops, I misread your post above as they were copies of each other down to the wood. My mistake.

Does anybody remember this map?

I'm 90% sure it used to be in the Blizzard map folders, but somehow it's gone. I remember it so distinctly because, well, what makes it so special, you say? MOTHERFUCKING GOBLIN SHIPYARDS. Yes, naval warfare. Just imagine the possibilities, the mayhem, it's so right for the madness that is FFA.  Please just check it out as a potential candidate for a fun map to show up every blue moon! The layout is so cool.

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Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2013, 10:18:08 pm »
You could always put classic TM in the pool.

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Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2013, 10:36:08 pm »
You could always put classic TM in the pool.

problem with classic tm, and why sunrock cove is hated, is that island maps tend to... be annoying.

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Re: Game breaking map issue, and other map stuff
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2013, 01:33:59 am »
They already have savage storm and it isn't so bad.  If you randomed a 3-4 good players it could suck, I guess.