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Author Topic: S23 R1 Predictions thread!  (Read 2307 times)

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S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« on: July 19, 2016, 12:59:43 am »
Because what better way to start the season than with some totally off base predictions! And since I don't know half the people in this season it should be fun  :icon_biggrin:

 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Slythe will have everyone rooting for him because he will use some crazy hero combo. However, he and QQs will start arguing over something idiotic and slythe will suicide him. Meanwhile, Junker will play a solid game and Tocka won't even show up due to forgetting the proper combination of random letters and numbers in his gamer tag.

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Germany: :hu: LssL
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

gl hf

 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
 :Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx

Tleilaxu will drive everyone crazy while playing chatcraft III. Meanwhile, Renaud will heavily over commit to killing Ena because....orc. Noexxx will be in a prime position to win until he decides to sit afk in his base for over an hour. Somehow, Tleilaxu won't even notice because he will be too busy typing, allowing Renaud to win. 

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :ud: Jaodd

Frist, I thought MrSweets played  :ne: not  :orc:? Well, in any case, Steppin will dominate early and then his computer will crash at the 47 min mark. J33 will be almost dead at this point, however he will use the  :ne: special ability: insta 30k. With the imbalanced racial resource advantage he will clean up a constantly fighting jaodd and mrsweets.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

What can I say, he made me a sick sig, so I basically have to pick him to win. That being said, I think it is a relatively safe hipster pick. I mean, the reigning FML champ is in this game...but I think that may be a disadvantage and a cause for some unfortunate teaming by the others. And quite frankly I don't know anything whatsoever about the other two players in this game. Sorry guys.

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ


 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

This is my random dark horse pick of the round. I don't know anything about the guy, but I saw on the ffarena ladder he is toward the top with an impressive win %, so surely he must be solid right? Also, I heard Tyrant is too busy to play much anymore otherwise I would pick him. And as a general rule of thumb, I don't pick people to win who have random numbers in their name.

 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

Oh Eshan. Sometimes when I play against him or watch him play I think, wow he is really good why do I always underestimate him? Sometimes. This has potential to be a close match and really could see any of the players win. Understa is a legend, but I have no idea what kind of shape he is in so.... we'll have to wait and see! Also, fetta is orc, and shave is...well I remember this one time shave made me rage in a friendly custom game, and that is very hard to do so he must have some kind of hidden talent!

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti

Vote for the admin and earn some extra brownie points  :icon_mrgreen:

But really, I don't know much about the others. I know I've played against Darkermirror a long time ago, but it was so long I don't think it is relevant anymore.

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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2016, 04:06:29 am »
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Slythe reminds me of Ash Ketchum while Junkerzam more like James from Team Rocket (Jessie is ofc fetta  :icon_lol:), but putting Pokemon aside, I think James has the upper hand. I will say however, that tocka should not be understimated, if I'm not mistaken we've faced each other in the past and he can be a pain the neck, so careful in the three way James.

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Germany: :hu: LssL
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

I remember Airenikus made it to the final round of FFA Cup, but he got teamed to death by GW and Noex. It's unfortunate, but we rlly didnt get to see him flourish since all he did was hoard and play dead. Well this time it looks we have a decent cast with LssL being a strong human with ffa awareness while weakUD too feeble to compete which puts him in an advantage to go under the radar. Furthermore, we have the only american fighting in this group, probably the last survivor of the old glorious days from Battle net, a distinguished member of clan Skynet. He's like a legendary pokemon, Artikuno to be precise, and now he has returned to enlighten us all with his "all geared up" usage of *bell rings* Oh- uh! my Tinker bell!. I'll be cheering for Mog, not only for being from America, but for reminding me of the old times. (I was gonna say for being so awesome, but that trait already comes with being american :icon_mrgreen:)

 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
 :Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx

When laxu got demolished by maga last season on silverpine, he asked what went wrong and all I had to say was "your macro sucked, practice more for next season". I mean he did terrific  during the season, but that one last game just showed him the gap in levels between him and Maga; it was like seeing the leader of a Yakuza mafia take away candy from a toddler. As for Renaud and Noex, how to forget that awesome first game of S22 in Twilight where Renaud mopped the floor with DV and later faced Noex, the one, who defeated Renaud convincingly. This could be a rematch and it's no coincidence since they both haven't faced each other since that time. I'm really looking forward this game, it looks well balanced and it can go to anyone. One last note, Ena is decent addition to this group and will certainly prove a worthy opponent, so GL HF everyone.

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :ud: Jaodd

The master of rebuild, j33, will he get demolished by jaod the same way rusty wrecktify got beaten last season in round 1? or will j33 prove why he is the new elf super star who consistently wins games he really shouldn't win lol. As for razor, since he is so hilarious and has made me lol'ed from his comments I'll be cheering for him :), I mean, take a look at this:

I don't know mr.sweets, but since he is orc and from russia, maybe he can steal the win  :icon_twisted:.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

New champion, Ex champion, Maga in disguise and an orc from Russia. Oh boy, there is blood in the water.

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 USA #1

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

Hell of a game, tyrant and GEASS will be a great 1v1, and there is a lot to learn from it, I really can't tell who is better. I mean % in playffa.net is important and impressive, but then again FML is its own club. We'll just have to wait and see who has what it takes. As for dinamo and kent, they'll most likely team the winner of the 1v1 lol. It'd be like two hyenas waiting for the right time to strike the hurt lion (tyrant) or tiger (GEAS):

 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

Holy sh*t, seeing Under.Sta playing again takes me back to the days of 1v1 tournies on battle net in 2007 lol. Eshan is your typical heavy manipulative and sneaky player who quiet frankly is in the top 5 try hards of this community. Shave doesn't really care much about winning, he just wants to play competitively and have fun while fetta usually does well among players of this caliber. Overall it's a balanced game and looking forward Under.Sta shine like he used to a decade ago.

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti

Once again, the one american fighting against europeans  :icon_neutral:. I really don't know any of these players, but I think darkermirror is decent, I'm inclined to go with germany, the power house of Europe, but Red needs all of our support, Go USA!

«Espero pacientemente el dia que deba mostrar mi verdadero poder» Supremo

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2016, 06:33:55 am »
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Junker is clearly the strongest Player in here. But since snook is currently in the US junker wont be able to focus on the game...his toughts will be with fetta. While junker isnt able to concentrate on the important things in life (FML > FETTA) Slythe will rise and shine. Slythe is a very experienced player who improved a lot since he came back. He likes to go for unusual hero combos so iam looking forward to see smth crazy (no pressure). QQs has to make up for his poor performance in racial cup dissapointing not only his coach shave but the whole team. I expect a Htrt like performance by him. Tocka clearly is the wildcard in this match may Putin spend him enough Power to overcome the others! I think seeing Junker struggle in the game Snook will charter the next flight back to stockholm and suprise visit Junker who then will be unstoppable with the power of love.

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Germany: :hu: LssL
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

Well well. I havent played much with mog but i remember him as a player who rages a lot and suicides for no reason. If he hasnt spend the last year meditating under a waterfall and done some anger management iam afraid hes missing the necessary calm for ffa and especially FML. If airenikus is the guy from playffa final who did 70 food wyv only army....then may god help us all. I know weakud from 2n2 i think if yes he has good micro so iam gonna cheer for him. Well LssL impress me this game and you might win a fan!

 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
 :Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx

Finally the game the ffa world waited for so long. NOE VS ENA. After months of empty threats between these 2 players its finally gonna happen. Noe is a men of his word so i expect him to crossmap kill ena asap. Sadly hes gonna teamed after by laxu and renaud. in the end it Renaud vs Laxu where i see laxu as the better player. But since Noe is a stubborn bitch he will have built like 4 island bases by the time laxu beats renaud and win the game in the end!

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :ud: Jaodd

Joad moi braha <3 davayte potentatsuyem. Iam not sure how much jaod played in the past time but he showed an incredible performance last season so i expect him to continue where he left and that is winning.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

Last time soso didnt win a single game....so why should he change that now? Ramrom will win this since he was able to secretly sneak his buddy peru.nerzhul under the acc observeandlearn as fake bulgarian in the tournament!

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Ponty is rusty and so is alien. I havent seen DV playing orc yet so iam looking forward to 1n1 PBM. After alien was left alone hoarding 60k gold. Ponty will attack his expansion at the same time PBM attacks another one of ALiens expansions. After Sergio cries about those attacks as getting teamed always and all game long ponty pbm and DV will be so annoyed and just leave the game giving alien the win. (Sergio i still love you <3)

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

okay okay this is interesting. Geass seems to be a very good player (maybe its yaws? 16-1 solo on arena?) Kent and Dinamo will have to stick together here against those 2 powerhouses. For tyrant its the same as for junker his thoughts are with me not with fml. Geass already sent me some plane tickets to timbuktu to get as far away from tyrant as possible. but iam loyal i will stay in europe giving tyrant the strenth he needs!

 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti

« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 10:40:09 am by letshavesomefun »

Offline FML|red7z7

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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2016, 02:46:33 pm »
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Junker consistent play last couple seasons and seems above the others in this match. Maybe we will see him go DL first again for shits and giggles?

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Germany: :hu: LssL
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

Don't know weakud, though I remember seeing his name even a few years back. Don't know LssL at all. Mog has returned and from what I hear he has shaken off some of the rust already. He has always been the master of faking his own death, only to return as a super saiyan and win the game. But Airenikus made it to finals in last FML Cup so he seems hot right now.

 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
 :Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx

What a cast here. Should be a chaotic game, Noexxx and Ena aggressive styles, Tlei and Ena both abrasive personalities. Renaud is only in his element when people behave normally and this will not be one of those games - there is a good chance something will piss him off and he will go Grizzly Bear mode. There is also the rumor that he is working over time on his Pokemon GO ripoff game. Overall the sharpest player here should be Noe.

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :ud: Jaodd

Another interesting cast. I didn't watch that many games last season, but Jaod went 3-0 before disappearing like McCaulay Culkin. Don't know much about Sweets. Steppin is interesting - I haven't followed him that much in recent seasons but from what I remember from 3 years ago was that he was my skill level (Class C undead player). Supposedly he has improved quite a bit. But finally, there is j33. Since most of my betting points were won from betting on j33 last season, I won't change course now.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

Yet another interesting cast. We got 3 champions Soso, Cumulo, and Maga in the same game. Don't know anything about b100death but my guess is that he walked into the wrong room here. O&L/Maga could have a good chance here but since he will be playing against double tanks and probably double mass tp, he's not my favorite choice. As for cumulo, his main focus right now is furthering his graphic design career and becoming Meme Master, so I'll put my money on Soso.

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Though he would normally be my bet, Alien seems fairly inactive at the moment. Since my knowledge of the skill level of the other players is not very detailed, I'll take a guess that arctic is probably a strong player since it's so damn hot in Kazakhstan he is probably indoors playing warcraft most of the day.

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

I almost always bet Tyrant, but since Geass is probably some veteran player, maybe Humanstar, he seems like a great bet right now. The others I'm not too sure about but they have a chance if Geass and Tyrant focus on one another.

 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

Nice cast of players. I'm looking forward to seeing how strong the legend under.sta is nowadays. The overall skill level here is pretty good, a lot of B+/A- players, but Eshan is a good bet despite sometimes being inconsistent.

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti

Good luck
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 02:49:44 pm by FML|red7z7 »


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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2016, 02:55:09 am »
Why does everyone think I am ObserveAndLearn? :D There are other Bulgarians in the world, you know!

Offline Tleilaxu

Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2016, 10:46:27 pm »
Like anybody will fall for that one.

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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 03:32:40 am »
yeah seriously

like you would miss an FML season

but i thought smurfs were banned? will maga get banned as admin o.O


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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 05:00:48 am »
I am not, because its not me. And yes, I would miss an FML season since I have little to no time these days. If you don't believe me, ask any of the other admins to recheck me and Observeandlearn (or actually do find games in which we have played). It is simple.

EDIT: In fact, if you still dont believe me, I can sign up for the tournament (or play as a sub) and you can put me in game with him.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 05:02:50 am by FML|Magadansky »

Offline letshavesomefun

Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2016, 05:20:38 am »
this topic is for predictions. If you wanna continue your discussion open a new topic. Especially you as an admin should be aware of this maga. Furthermore i would like to read new predictions so stop this bs and make some!

Offline ZsSuperCumulo

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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2016, 10:10:11 am »
Maga is being accused of being Obsandlearn just like I'm being confused with Ramrom lol. Don't worry Maga, we know it's not you, but make sure to come back for S24!

«Espero pacientemente el dia que deba mostrar mi verdadero poder» Supremo

Offline Tleilaxu

Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2016, 01:01:08 pm »
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

I remember seeing TOSKA_ZELENAI around somewhere, probably on the bot, but can't remember how good he is. QQs usually has some scouting problems. Scrubberzam should be the favorite here, but I have a feeling Slythe might take this. He seemed rusty from the games I played with him a couple of months ago, but the foundations of sick manip were still there and now that he's had time to shake the rust off, maybe we'll see the polished steel beneath.

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :Germany: :hu: LssL
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
 :USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

I don't know weakud and lssl, but Mogge is an FML champion and Airenikus did well in the playffa CUP.
Going to have to go with the safe pick of MOGGE on this one.

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
 :Russia: :ud: Jaodd

Well, JUSSI KORMU should be the favorite here, but we alread saw Jaod take out people like wreck easily, and he went 3-0 in the previous round, so I'm going to have choose JAODD/JAODY/JAOD_1 etc. for this match.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

Ztsoso showed last season that when it matters he can overcome his mental barriers and abuse the race that God has given him. For soso, that meant winning FML with only winning two games. However, Superculo is also human and also a former champion. Should be an epic game with these two in the game and a smurfing Maga. I don't know b100death, but I would suggest that he prepares his body.

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
 :USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Not sure how good this orc is, but the other guys are known variables. Ponty has been trained by trunkz and he now has over 100 apm IIRC (which is way more than enough for elf in high lvl ffa) and knows how to use manaburn on demonhunter. I haven't seen alien around much and he's probably rusty, so I will have to bet on PONY for this match.

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

I don't know how good GEASS is, but tyrant is one of the best undeads in FFA, so I pick him.

 :USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan

I've played vs Under.Sta on ladder and he always abuses me with demon hunter. He's an old school FFA player and has had plenty of time to shake off any rust. Of course, Fatfuck_ook, Let's Shave and Eshanna won't make this an easy match. Eshanna will as usually manip his ass off in chat, but versus players who are experienced I don't think it will help him much. I hope Shave goes orc coz' he doesn't multitask as human, and I hope Fetta_ook get's ready to build a lot of towers and lube up his asshole.

 :Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti

Last time I watched Red, he seemed bad, but most people including myself seem bad when we play this fucking awful race. I of course root for fellow UDs, but my brain knows Reinforcement- is the most likely to win because he has a cool name.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 01:04:39 pm by Tleilaxu »

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Re: S23 R1 Predictions thread!
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2016, 02:02:24 pm »
 :Russia: :ne: TOCKA_3EJIEHA9I
 :Germany: :hu: QQs
 :Germany: :ra: Slythe
 :Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam

Junkerzam played good last season.

 :Germany: :ra: WeAkUD
 :USA: :ne: Wrecktify
 :Russia: :orc: Airenikus
:USA: :ne: Mog[skynet]

WW2 Rematch.  Mog winz.

 :Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Canada: :ne: Renaud
 :Germany: :orc: Ena1337
 :Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx

Laxu suicides Ena.  Renaud tomes Noexx.

 :Russia: :orc: mrSweets
 :Finland: :ne: j33.
 :USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
:Russia: :ud: Jaodd

Good map for Godzilla.

 :Denmark: :hu: ztsoso
 :Russia: :orc: b100death
 :Peru: :hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
 :Bulgaria: :ud: ObserveAndLearn

He will psycho-crusher the competition.

 :Kazakhstan: :orc: ARcTic.KYOTO
 :France: :ne: Ponty
 :Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Alien Ware.... ownz.

 :Germany: :hu: GEASS
 :Russia: :orc: Kent2566
 :Russia: :ra: Dinamo
 :Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant66

No one wins in a game like this.

:USA: :ne: Under.Sta
 :Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook
 :Germany: :ud: Letshavesomefun
 :USA: :ra: Eshan


:Russia: :ud: Reinforcement-
 :USA: :ud: Red7z7
 :Germany: :ne: Darkermirror
 :Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
