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Author Topic: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014  (Read 1794 times)

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New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:55:31 am »
Well everyone, we can always use some more goals and we've been a bit quiet over the holidays so I decided to start a somewhat pointless and cliche thread for no other reason than to make Worpex regret making me an admin!

So two parts  here.  First, if you made any resolutions last year let us know what they were and how you fared on them. 

Second and more interesting, make some resolutions for this year.  They can be big, or they can be small.  They can be WC3 related, or not.  Whatever you want to try and do, let us know!

I'll kick it off.  I did make resolutions, but forgot what they were.  I'll edit them in when I remember.

FML Related.

1) Increase YouTube subscribers to 350+
2) Produce an average of one YouTube video a week, mostly with partners.
3) Help keep FML more active on the forums by creating interesting topics.

Life Related

1) Get back to regimented workout routine.  Up until I hurt my knee I was working out 6 days a week and easily running 7 miles 3 of the 6 days.  While I can't run anymore I'd like to use the bike I bought and do 10-15 miles a day on it.
1a) Eat better.  Got out of the habit over the holidays and need to start making food and stop buying takeout.
1b) Complete my second tough mudder.
2) Be prepared for a new job at the start of 2015.  In my area we typically have jobs for 2 years before moving on, and I want to ensure I'm prepared for my next step.
3) Network better.  I hate networking, my job requires it.  Bad combo.
4) Take my girlfriend somewhere warm and exotic for vacation.  Life is short, I'm young.  No time like the present to do fun things.
5) Become competent in Spanish.  I've always sucked at foreign languages, and would like to become better at it.
6) Start tracking money better.  I spend too much money on toys and don't track it well.  I want to see exactly where it all goes and where I can cut back.

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Re: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 11:29:36 am »

Win seasons 18/19/20


Win seasons 18/19/20

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Re: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 11:50:35 am »
1. 2 chicks at the same time
2. 2 dudes at the same time
3. Have Arnold Schwarzenegger be my Facebook friend
4. Teach LW how to properly play support in dota
5. Learn Aramaic and proceed to become the new Jesus
6. Start my own league with LW and recruit Grubby as our mascot
7. Beat up Putin until he learns to accept Homosexuals
8. Perform the most epic of splits on 3 Volvo trucks

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Re: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 01:10:40 pm »
All my new years resolutions are FML related. lol

1. Cooperate better with PlayFFA and Ugri.
2. Make more graphics/banners for FML/PlayFFA.

Thats pretty much it.

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Re: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 02:28:23 pm »
FFA/FML related I would say :
1- not yelling at everyone when I am upset
2- find new cool ideas for playFFA

Irl related :
1- not yelling at everyone when I am upset
2- learn basic chinese

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Re: New Years Resolution Thread - 2014
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 06:24:00 pm »
win season 18 thats the only thing in my life !!!!1