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Author Topic: Elessar's story  (Read 1749 times)

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Elessar's story
« on: May 11, 2015, 08:36:02 am »
Prologue - Clash of the Titans

One day the mighty Orc warchief Elessar met his old and eternal contestant, leader of the ancient Elves, I-never-smile on an Island called Monsoon. It was a pretty brutal long and exhausting battle. But one of them used his intelligence and endurance to defeat his biggest thread and archenemy and save the world.

I-never-smile managed to save this great piece of history by imprinting it into a stony cavern wall.

// http://www.ffareplays.com/dl.php?file=S20Q25Clash.w3g //

Chapter 1 (written by Tleilaxu)

A bright flash of light briefly illuminated the contours of Elessar's darkened room, followed by the rolling of thunder. He was laying in bed, unable to sleep. He had not been the same since that dreadful game against mountain giants and archers. It haunted him day and night, unable to leave his troubled mind. In dark, stormy nights like these the dark contours of bookcases, chairs and other pieces of furniture in his room could briefly resemble shadowmelded archers, causing him to crawl deeper into his protective blankets.
There was another flash of light, followed by thunder, but wait, there was something else. A deep, unnatural rumbling sound echoed from somewhere within his house. He heard heavy steps moving up the stairs, toward his room. Cold sweat started trickling down his face as panic spread throughout his body. "This is only my imagination", he told himself, but the steps continued, until they were right outside his bedroom door. A long, deep silence ensued, followed by an impossibly loud creak as his bedroom door was slowly opened. He dared not look and covered his eyes with his blankets. Heavy steps made their way toward him and stopped right in front of him. He was shaking, thinking this must be a horrible nightmare. Suddenly, a strong, stony hand ripped the blankets off him and he was forced to behold the dread-inspiring visage of a Mountain Giant!
"GRRRRMORRRMM" it grunted, while ripping off his clothes with its strong granite hands. "No! Leave me alone" Elessar cried, but the Mountain Giant was unswayed. It forced him down on the bed and started penetrating poor Elessar's asshole with it's literally rock hard cock. "AAAH" Elessar screamed, but the Mountain Giant continued raping him. After what felt like an eternity, the Mountain Giant finally left him completely devastated. Elessar dodged all FML games afterward for the rest of his life.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 02:00:33 pm by FML|Pinballmap »


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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2015, 08:39:38 am »
Chapter 2

Elessar’s body was lying on the bed, completely destroyed by the rape he just lived.
His members were numbs and he was not able to move. The Mountain Giant’s face was haunting his thoughts causing him horrible nightmares. Sometimes he could still feel the powerful arms of the giant taking care of him. For a few days he stayed in his bed without saying a word to anyone. When he finally was able to move again, he realized the Mountain Giant’s semence dried into his orifice and there was no way to make it disappear, even after several showers. He understood that the trace of his rape was going to stay deeply inside him for the eternity. Thus every night for the next week he started crying and singing melancholic and forgotten melodies next to his window.
One day, someone who was passing nearby heard him sing. Softened by the pitiful complains the stranger decided to rescue their perpetrator and got in the house. He discovered the after-rape weakened Elessar’s body and saw a good opportunity to rape him himself. “NO, NOO, NOT AGAIN, PLEAASE” screamed Elessar but the stranger didn't want to hear anything...
Nine months after, Elessar gave birth to a young archer, result of his two rapes. He was totally obliterated but his baby archer was surprisingly courageous and resourceful. She learned Elessar how to forget what he endured and how to justify his defeat against i-never-smile. “Daddy, just tell them you lost on purpose, don't worry they will be fooled”. Elessar found the idea brilliant and decided to join FML again, in search of a new glory.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 09:20:00 am by Ponty »

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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 10:04:38 am »
What in the actual fuck did I just read
and where is this replay that spawned a story to be written

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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2015, 11:42:59 am »
I think it was from S20 qualifier - i-never-smile vs Elessar vs ? vs ? ill look for the file today :D

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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2015, 02:00:54 pm »
Added a prologue + replay


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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2016, 11:28:49 am »
Title: Lions & the Snakes written by SweeT

 There were once 3 lions
 their names were shaved, taco, and noexxx
 Noe was the bravest lion
 he used to gather
 taco, used  to hoard
 and shaved was the prettiest
 one day while noe was hunting he ran into a snake, by the name of Eshan
 he manniped noe, into giving his prey up and lured him into his base
 noe  realised eshan the snakes manipulation and quickly tried to fight eshan and   escape
 but another wild snake by the name of Soso
 and double teamed noe
 the next day, taco realised his food that noe usually brings wasn't here yet
 he alerted shaved, but shaved did not care, as he was too busy lifting
 so taco, hungry and eager, decided to take to it upon himself to find out what happened noe and his food
 little did taco know was that would also get manipulated
 not by the snakes, but by a gay zebra
 by the name of zagor
 zagor proposed he would give him food and peace, but 30 seconds later quickly turned on him, as he did not like taco's race
 the next day, shaved started to panic
 as his friends and idols had dissapeared
 but he needed help
 as shaved could not complete this task by himself
 so he went far and wide to search for help
 this is when he came across two drunk polar bears
 by the name of dinamo and Jaod
 Dinamo and Jaod were quick to ask shaved his intentions
 they asked if "war?? or peace? )"
 shaved quickly peaced them and quickly persuaded them to find out who manipulated his friends
 he needed their help
 shaved knew they were a good tool so he convinced them with his 6 pack
 not his muscles, but a 6 pack of vodka
 so the journey began, of finding shaverd friend's
 halfway through their journey, they were out of food
 they did not hoard enough
 this is when they came across a rat
 two rats, by the names of fetter ook
 and junkerzam
 these rats, had hoarded a lot of good and resources
 so shaved' and his russian polar bears teamed them
 and stole everything they had
 they were now full, after the toming of the two rats fetter and junkerzam
 and ready to continue their journey
 searching far and wide, they had to travel through distant lands
 one of these lands was kazakhstan
 here they met an anaconda
 his name was DV
 he used his clever tactics, and subtle manipulation to convince shaved and his russian friends that he was strong enough to find the one's who killed his friends
 the russian's were quick to agree ))  as they were easily pursuaded, but shaved, even though a little cautious also agreed
 after a few days had passed, DV proved to be a good asset as it was not long before he caught a zebra running through the forest
 it was zagortn
 they had captured him, and tortured him
 they questioned if he had seen shaved's friends
 after long hours of crying, and denying he had seen him
 DV was able to see through his lies
 and killed him
but before he died, he uttered 1 word "snakes"
 shaved and DV were the only ones to figure out what he meant
 and quickly headed towards to snake kingdom
 here, they met the two snakes soso and eshan
 much like the zebra, they bother denied they had anything or seen anything
 it wasn't long before Shaved, the two russian bears and DV were under the seduction of the two snakes
snakes, being opportunities took this small window to strike
 they viscously striked at the two russian bears
 they dropped like flies
 shaved suddenly caught on and attempted to fight back
 but it was too late
 he was already caught in the trap and soon followed his russian friends
however, during this time, DV had already started fighting the snakes
 he was too powerful and took out eshan while he wasn't looking
 then it became a 1v1 between DV and the snake Soso
 a clash of the titans
after a few minutes of back and forth, DV came out victorious, as soso the snake was depleted after already fighting 3n1
 before soso died, he looked at DV with a puzzled expression
 he asked why he had betrayed them
 DV replied "i wanted to the 3 pts" and finished him

Plot twist: DV knew what had happened the whole time, but persuaded everyone in his path, so he could claim the riches of the kingdom
and there we have it, DV the anaconda from kazakhstan emerges victorious

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 11:31:52 am by DV- »


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Re: Elessar's story
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2016, 11:42:33 am »
Shave's tribute to Fetta

We all know him
We all love him
We all fear him

But who is the person behind the Account: FETTA_OOK?

Everyone in our Comunity has a different Opinion of Fetta. We call him our leader, savior,hero, our Future.
Older Players From ancient Patches, like Fly,Pencilwarrior or Darknesscalls, expected his appearence calling him the chosen one.

I knew i needed to find out more about Fetta so I asked someone who close to him to meet with me. His old roomate Junkerzam.

My journey to Sweden started last weekend.
I didnt exactly know what to expect.
My family and friends warned me to go there since i had to pass Denmark.
All i knew about denmark is that 50% of the population are sardistic ud players and the other 50% are Gingers.
Was it a test?
A test for me? to proof wheter iam worthy enough to visit the place of his birth?
I knew i couldnt back down from this.
He did so much for all of us so i just had to take the risk.
Right after i crossed to boarder to Denmark my phone rang.
It was Ztsoso telling me he knew i was about to visit fetta in Sweden.
He wanted me to interview him and write smth about him since he also qualified for the FML final.

"Only 3 things are Infinite:
The universe, human stupidity and my respect for fetta_ook"
@Ztsoso 2015

"Kids are wearing Superman Pyjamas for sleeping, but Superman wears a fetta_ook Pyjama"
@DV- 2015 (after lubing his a hole)

"There are only 2 kind of persons, Fetta_ook and people that wanna be Fetta_ook"
@Tleilaxu 2014

 "Life is about making an impact, not making an income."
@Fetta_ook 2015 (when asked why he plays the fml final instead of the wca finale)

With these Quotes i would like to begin Part 2 of my journey

I tried to explain Ztsoso that i had no time to waste for an interview with him.
I already wanted to drop the call when he suddenly cought my attention.
He told me that explorers discovered ancient writings in a mountain hole near copenhagen.
Apparently it was a prophecy mentioning that a chosen one would appear in the FFA universe.
Soso was short in details but it appeared that for over a thousand years FFA was dominated by Human and Undead Players.
The prophercy mentioned a third race standing up to those too.
Led by a Player called the chosen one.
Could that be Fetta?
Was he here to bring balance to the force of FFA?
I told soso iam interested in seeing him and i would like to check out those writings by myself.
But first of all I had to do some digging myself!
Was FFA really been dominated for over 1000 years by Undead and Human Players?
I had to find a player who lived long enough to comentate that statement.
So i called Valefort.
Valefort told me about 2 Players called Yane and Htrt.
Retired a long time ago.
He said they are the reason why there is so much hate between human and undead players and the biggest competition between these races.
And suddenly i saw clearly!
All my friends are Human Players just like me.
I avoid Undead Players as good as i can.
I thought its only me who dislikes undeads....but apparently its every human player.
So who are these Players called Yane and Htrt?
Valefort told me to find yane i have to go to a place called Garena and search for smth. called "Custom Footy".