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Messages - CatLikeThief

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Discussion / Re: The faces behind FFA, an FML Photo Album!
« on: February 13, 2013, 03:07:11 pm »
Not really a grammar nazi, but when you are trying to insult my intelligence, do not sound like a complete idiot.

God*, you're* or you are, preferably you are.

Another note, I was not wasting any breath, as typing does not require your mouth, thank you for your consideration.

News / Re: FML Season 15 - Kick-Off ! (Round 1 Results)
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:01:36 pm »
Hey admins, fml ladder game 37 was not a ladder game, if you could remove my loss from that I would appreciate it, thanks.

General Discussion / Re: The faces behind FFA, an FML Photo Album!
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:51:16 am »
resorting back to your famous word "fag"

I apologize, I should not be wasting my breath on people as pathetic at you.

can people stop calling me fat... it is really hurtful.

General Discussion / Re: The faces behind FFA, an FML Photo Album!
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:53:24 am »
mog i added the p.s. because the first two sections were not about you.... I guess p.s. was not a very good indicator looking back on it

I was referring to the retard that is audigy

mog we should model together sometime if this whole pro gaming thing does not work out.

although i already got accepted to law school so we may have to postpone 2 years

General Discussion / Re: The faces behind FFA, an FML Photo Album!
« on: February 10, 2013, 06:40:27 am »
I swear to God the players each season find a way to get gayer...

This time its in quality of gay, not quantity.

p.s. Mog, ugri is clearly jealous of your dashing good looks.

Scheduling / Re: M4
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:08:07 am »
My main pc isn't turning on, going to try to fix it, but I can use my laptop until then.

Any day/time is fine but for Tuesdays before nine

New Orleans was crazy ravens #1

Scheduling / Re: Q5
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:44:47 am »
Cat guy your so cool bro... that all you can say is about the time zone thing. Don't know how you can judge a mistake and take it as far as you do. I bet your one of those fat 40 year olds that makes $10/ hour and lives at mom's house. Then you troll around and try to look cool. Are you a fag?

Hey Renaud, I'll pass if the tournament is played the way it was conducted. If there was an error I made and can't be rescheduled within a couple days and the next round hasn't even started yet. Nline is good player but why should the other guy get dq'd because he wanted to wait. I'm sure if the rule was at the time of the game that he would be disqualified he would of stayed. Looks like there is favoritism and that's not how it should be, but its your tournament and you can run it how you want. I just personally won't play in it, I'll watch but those other guys can have my spot.


Learn professionalism "bro"

Serious tip. If you want to be successful in life, go to college. Your go to words of bro and fag, and the way you type in general, is getting to a point where I start to feel sorry for you...

Scheduling / Re: Q5
« on: January 22, 2013, 06:30:23 am »
Well you fail to properly schedule, and this game has given many admins more than a headache.

I want to play against good players, and frankly you are not one of those, sorry. I realize some players are not as good as others, and that is fine, but your complete lack of common sense and inability to schedule makes me think you do not deserve to qualify over a player like nline...

ok my bad could we just post 3pm or 4pm im avail tuesday or sund

This quote exemplifies perfectly your lack of common sense...

Scheduling / Re: Q5
« on: January 20, 2013, 06:59:41 pm »
Please just give nline the win, so I don't have to deal with one of these retards in the main season.

I can't imagine admins like dealing with them either... Nline if you guys rematch and one of them wins, you can have my spot

Scheduling / Re: Q5
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:37:30 pm »
hey no offense to steppin but i worked hard to get him out...would be fair as 3 way smaller map

... you have no place in any kind of league

Hopefully you guys agree to take this guy out early if the creeps do not already do that for you...

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 27, 2012, 11:34:17 pm »

why do you people insist on pm'ing me, I never check them...

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:35:47 pm »
Finals begin Wednesday and my last one is December 19th, I will be free anytime December 20th- ~ January 17th, minus christmas day, and new years weekend.

General Discussion / Re: Politics: Put Up, or Shut Up
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:44:34 pm »
Mage you have not exactly made your post yet???

Scheduling / Re: M15
« on: November 21, 2012, 12:06:52 am »
Does this sunday work at all for seksi, what time can you do if you can before work?

Scheduling / Re: M15
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:56:41 pm »
I am off all week after tuesday for thanksgiving break, I would prefer this week-weekend any time... if humanstar can play nextweek I will take one for the team though.

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