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S24 M31 M31
:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Russia::hu: AjikaIII

  • Twilight Ruins
  • Anarchy Castle:gold:
  • Savage Storm
  • Harvest of Sorrows
  • Hurricane Isles

November 27, 2016, 08:56:37 pm
M37 Result M37
:France: :ne: Ponty
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:World: :ra: Wrecktify (sub for :Russia: :orc: Airenikus)
:World: :ra: Dinamo (sub for :Russia: :ra: mrSweets)

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Note: DV- receives a warning for kicking players from the game not asking an admin to do so.

Non-admins are not allowed to interact with the players during the game in any way(this also includes chat with "!check"). Always ask an admin to get an authorization.

December 03, 2016, 07:49:46 am
Re: M37 Result He wasnt feeding initially and as I said in the chat, kicking him out from the game is not the punishment he was deserving.
December 03, 2016, 08:31:31 am

But that whale is so cute I liked it instead. (:

December 03, 2016, 08:33:39 am
Re: M37 Result Huge props to Steppin for not accepting the feed. Thank you for keeping with the spirit of the game!
December 03, 2016, 03:25:55 pm
Re: M40 Result TruemanShow    vs    zTsoso

December 04, 2016, 07:25:01 pm
Re: S24 Round 4: The Bloody Road Ahead FML 24 season approaching the finale and i just can not unspeakably my predictions !

: )

:Bulgaria::ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Finland::ra: Rain
:USA::ne: Redkeekee
:Poland::ne: Gradient

Interesting match. Gradient hoard 16000 gold and 5500 wood and after loosing all his horoes, main, units and begin to do what we all love so much !!! -__-
Another 3 players very cool - rly ! But I am sure that elf will lose after mr Gradien and the victory will share OBSL and Rain ( who surprised me very much in his round 2 and round 3 ).
I go with my UD brotha OBSL !

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook

In this game best orc of all time will die very quickly and we get interesting 3 way between 2 humans and 1 NE.
Geass best human in this match, but zsSuperCumulo not bad too and he already was once champion. Wrecktify one of the best elves in the FML community. I saw how he can be good against humans and i go with him !

:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

I've been waiting for a decent match and I am grateful for it !
And I have waited a long time - match without ORCS and i hope alien not get orc as random ))
In this game QQS will be destroyed and atrer all will depend on what race will get the Alien.
I'll be honest - I fear the Alien as UD and I saw it is good as NE.
Mb if he get ORC - it will be even worse for me )))
And of course if he get HU - it is not good too))))
I wanna said he very good - but i dont think that he is good enough to team him 2 x 1 to death - as predicted by many )))
Mog[Skynet] is my dear friend - for real - he is good elf and I can say that only he and Dinamo constantly improve my performance of the game UD VS NE.
Let the strongest win !

or let the happiest))) GL HF ! -__-

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::ra: Slythe

In this match I predict an easy win of my most beloved human in our FFA community. Soso - you true human king - rly !
Slythe can show good game too - but he can be good i think on UD and HU.
SecondBreathe good new player i play with him some games in ffarena ladder season #1
and as i remember he can be good on HU and NE races.
PBM not bad orc but I predict that unfortunately he can lost first, and then soso get his 2 x 1 and not without little manip win tihs game ... ty

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Russia::hu: AJIKAIII

Interesting match. Really here 2 leader - AJIKAIII and TheTrumanShow.
I don't want to offend Eshan and j33., but j33. have low practice now, and Eshan has a chance to wins only if you get ORC or NE.
I expect mass manip from Eshan. Most likely, you get a 3 way between AJIKAIII, TheTrumanShow, Eshan - if TheTrumanShow will analyze the game with me ujustgotshaved and 4K.grybby and understand how to resist against 80 or 100 pops fast griphone rush. I go with AJIKAIII becouse he is good player, good man, he is Russian guy and he promised to add me in his friend list once ! -__-

:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Switzerland::hu: noexxx

A very interesting game ! I 99% sure we get 1 sub ( persuade not come for game ) in this game and this is sad (((
NoeXxX is a very experienced player and already XoZ_Magadansky legend UD player.
Dinamo so often train with me and now he train his real race NE.
Mb XoZ can do with NoeXxX what I wanted in our last game )
I predict a 3 way between NoeXxX, XoZ, Dinamo - it will be 2 x 1 vs Noe
but not becouse Noe Pro )) - becouse the Human is the best ffa race !
I know 100% if Noe get team in this game - it is not be a noob team as it was in last game Noe where 2 orcs teamed him did not understand what they are doing and why )) and where i already cant good team him couse i was broke.
I go with Dinamo - he must shine once !

:Germany::ra: WeAkUD
:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Russia::ud: qwest
:USA::ud: WorpeX

Very fast game - if weakundead pick UD.
Worpex or Red7z7 die too fast.
Weakundead as always will be VERY MUCH manip but qwest easy get his win here !

:Russia::orc: b100death
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam

Interesting game ! I love b100death he good guy, but he not have good opponents else in this season. Now he have a good chance to toughen up as a player - playing with these guys.
I predict fast die SteppinRazor and after we get 3 way. I go with junkerzam, couse i know who is this .

:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Serbia::ne: svedirko

DV- #1
I sure he easy win here and i hope he win in this season - he deserved this !

December 13, 2016, 06:21:23 am
Re: S24 M45 Im not quiting :D Just told I don't have much motivation to play. That doesnt mean im not playing.

I veto Northshire.

Next week mon-thu 17:30 - 19:00 CET
Friday 18 CET - 22 CET
Sat Cant
Sun and monday 26th should be good days to play

December 13, 2016, 01:49:27 pm
Re: Patch 1.27b Honestly woulda been a solid patch 5 years ago. Too little too late now.
December 14, 2016, 08:41:37 am
Re: Patch 1.27b
What can you do with 128 mb limit now? I am not an expert of the world editor. Does it mean you can make much bigger maps/campaigns?

Well the 8mb restriction was just for hosting maps on b.net. You could create maps that were much larger than that, you just couldn't host them.

Essentially it prevented map makers from really taking maps to the next level. You could do a lot in the editor at up to 8mb, but with a restriction at 128mb maps can be on another level completely. Had this been done years ago we would have really seen some AWESOME multiplayer campaigns, fully custom races (with custom models), DoTA without re-used assets from wc3 and way more polish. The sky really is the limit.

December 14, 2016, 09:00:08 am