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Messages - FML|Mog

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 65
Scheduling / Re: M40:
« on: October 23, 2013, 02:22:27 pm »
Can we do 1pm est on Sunday? or is that too late for you Darkness?

Scheduling / Re: P33
« on: October 14, 2013, 02:57:26 pm »
Yes it is 20:00 cet. I will plan on that unless we finally hear from brodo :)

Scheduling / Re: P33
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:57:27 am »
and if 2pm est Thursday doesn't work, then lets shoot for Sunday at 5pm est. I noticed Ado said 5pm est for those days so not sure if 2  on Thursday will work for him. And still no word from Brodo so.... hopefullyhe checks here soon since it has already been a full week.

Scheduling / Re: P33
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:37:12 pm »
I could do 2pm est. On that day

Scheduling / Re: P33
« on: October 10, 2013, 01:21:36 am »
Ok I propose Thursday October 17th at 5pm est.

League Discussion / Re: Round 3 ~~ Predictions
« on: October 09, 2013, 04:21:39 pm »
:Russia: :orc: y.zenchenko
:Russia: :ra: toy0ta
:USA: :orc: DarknessCalls
:USA: :ne: DarkFlameMaster

Best NE in the league and a great DR/elf map!

:France: :ne: Meeds
:Bulgaria: :ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Germany: :hu: Lightweight

LW is kind of a wildcard here. Not sure how he and duck will play being in the same game. Maga is the safest choice.

:Finland: :ne: j33
:China: :hu: Infifan
:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:Serbia: :ud: svedirko

Hustar might clean up this game quickly, but if it goes late, there are a lot of dangerous hoarders in this game !

:Russia: :ud: Kpect
:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Germany: :hu: Yaws
:Russia: :orc: Ludix

Interesting game, will depend on spawns I think...if Seksi spawns in a surround it is going to be a very difficult game for him.

:USA: :ud: Audigy
:USA: :ud: FML|Worpex
:Russia: :ud: Qwest
:France: :hu: Jey_s_TeArS

From watching his games I see a lot of potnetial in this guy! His early game creep patterns have been great in both of his previous games. This map kind of depends on how Audigy plays, and if Qwest is allowed to hoard 40k for free.

:USA: :ra: brodo
:Slovakia: :hu: Ado125
:USA: :hu: Kodos_Forsaken
:USA: :ne: Mog[Skynet]

Seems like the obvious choice here!

:USA: :ra: FML|Persuade
:USA: :ne: Dovekie
:Greece: :ne: l3f
:Germany: :ne: FAiL.Life

Persuade is the favorite, but all 3 of the others are very dangerous players. I see Dovekie winning in an upset.

:USA: :ra: Steppinrazor
:Germany: :ne: sH0Wt1Me.
:Croatia: :ud: KenoStrikesBack
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

I think this will be a quick game, and showtime's poor economy management won't play as large of a role.

:Canada: :hu: FML|Renaud
:USA: :orc: Ashalar
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Germany: :ud: Ente

KoFFA 2x champ!!!

:Kazakhstan: :orc: A-r-m-a
:USA: :ne: BeastModeyz
:Germany: :ud: PwNu.Wan
:USA: :ra: FiRel)rAgOn

I'm going with an underdog pick here! :D

:USA: :ne: FML|Mage
:Germany: :orc: FML|Pinballmap
:Sweden: :ra: SheepCanFly
:Russia: :ud: 7hp.Lai-Lai

Enjoyed playing against him last week and I think he will just continue to improve (back to old form)

Scheduling / Re: P33
« on: October 08, 2013, 02:27:39 pm »
Out of those times, I can only play Sunday at 5pm est. (I'm at work all the other times). Next week, if your schedule is the same, I could also play Thursday or Sunday 5pm est.

Basically, I'm free anytime on both Sundays, and also Thursday Oct. 17th

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:01:04 pm »
really need to start by 19:30 at the latest, hope you will be back by then. Can we at least have the game up and stuff so when Wan shows we can start immediately? :)

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: September 30, 2013, 07:48:17 pm »
Hello, I was wondering if we could play 30min earlier? I got called into work that day (it was my day off) so I want to make sure I have enough time to play if it isn't too much trouble for everyone else.

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:22:25 pm »

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:13:12 pm »
Dang, my schedule is bad rest of the week. The best time for me would be next Wednesday sometime (maybe same time, 19:30CET?). Or next Sunday the 6th of October.

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: September 24, 2013, 07:33:51 pm »
Any word from meeds?

Scheduling / Re: P25
« on: September 23, 2013, 06:05:59 pm »
I can do Wednesdays, so maybe this Wednesday at 19:30CET? Or I'm free next Wednesday October 2nd as well. Those are the times that fit targets availability. I'm also free on Sundays.

Scheduling / Re: P03
« on: September 22, 2013, 02:50:35 pm »
I can sub if you need a sub  :icon_mrgreen:

Scheduling / Re: P08
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:10:00 pm »
the ping will be the same on the bot no matter where you log from

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