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Messages - FML|Mog

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News / Re: First S18 details revealed!!
« on: December 13, 2013, 08:28:46 pm »
So not even finalists will auto qualify? :(

I suck at qualifiers too!

well in that case if 1st is dominant, 2nd will jump onto 3rd throat to be sure to get 5 more points

That's true :(

I didn't think this through for super long, but what if the point breakdown was 10 for 3rd/4th, 15 for 2nd, and 25 for 1st? That way, the long passive 3 ways will be more interesting, because 2nd and 3rd don't get the same points, and the person who dies first won't try to stick around and get 3rd for point purposes, which they sometimes do in the current system, even when they know they don't have any hope of winning. Also, someone playing a more aggressive style may benefit more than someone playing passive, even if the aggressive person dies first they may be rewarded with a higher score and more points.

Just throwing out some thoughts. I'm sure there are some negatives I haven't thought of yet, but it sounded good in my head :)

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:41:12 am »
I can be there earlier as well, I think it is just Persuade who will be coming home from work.

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:01:39 pm »
My computer is back and I'm good to go, so Tuesday works for me for sure if you all agree. We could wait till after the holidays, but I feel like the hype dies out if we wait too long. I remember in S14 I was so excited to watch the finals than when they finally happened I was like meh...the season seemed so long ago when they finally happened lol.

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 10, 2013, 08:31:43 pm »
If my computer is working by then (hoping it will be!) Then I could do Tuesday at 18:30 est. It is slightly out of j33's time though.

Suggestions / Re: S17 Feedback Thread
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:29:11 pm »
I'm at work so I will add more later, but what I liked most was the format of the season. Made it so every round was important and competitive, and also allowed for a lot of new people to play in the season. I think if you combined the theory of this format with a sort of qaulifiar round, it would help to weed out people who aren't committed or active. For example, there were like 6-7 people accepted this season who never played a single game. If you can mesh the two formats into a cohesive idea, I think it would cut down on the amount of subs needed for games. Which is what I disliked the most--the amount of subs which led to poor games (And poor situations such as with jey).

 Will add more later.

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:08:55 pm »
If it is ok with Seksi, how about Saturday the 14th at 18:00est ? I could probably do 17:30 also for j33s sake, but I'll be coming straight from work so may be a few min late in that case

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 09, 2013, 01:31:37 am »
This week:
Wednesday anytime after 16:30
Friday anytime after 17:30
Saturday anytime after 17:30
Sunday unavailable
.next week I don't have work schedule yet. Will post it tomorrow night or Tuesday morning. But I already know I'm unavailable Sunday the 22nd.

All times EST

League Discussion / Re: SEMI FINALS! Predictions
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:36:43 am »
S1: My pick is Persuade, but this is anyone's game! Sved is the underdog here, but he was a finalist last season so definitely can't count him out! Ludix and Maga are both incredibly strong players, and may win, but I think Persuade will pull it out with great all around play. Kind of depends on spawn, but if they are fair or favorable for him, I think he has a great chance at making his first finals ever! Ludix is kind of a wildcard here though--if he makes a decisive play early and kills or severely cripples either Maga or suade....well I don't know but I'm looking forward to the replay for sure  :icon_biggrin:

S2: I picked Wrecktify, because he is the best elf player in the league, and elves are awesome. I think Seksi would be the favorite if he were practicing more, but Wreck just has the fire in him that I don't see in Seksi right now. Meeds is the dark horse in this game. I think he will be greatly underestimated, and with his good ffa game sense he may pull out a surprise, but I don't think so.
Hmm...am I forgetting someone? OH YEAH! Renaud always gets ignored or forgotten, and if that happens in this game (I don't think it will with this cast of players) then he will win for sure. But I have a feeling he will get rushed and caught with 20k gold and 55 lumb, which seems to be a common theme I see in his play (SO FIX IT RENAUD!)

gl hf to all! looking forward to the games tomorrow!

Scheduling / Re: M58
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:17:21 pm »
I was just making a joke meeds ;)

Scheduling / Re: M58
« on: November 27, 2013, 05:34:36 pm »
Renaud going to deny some more people a shot at the semis ? :)

General Discussion / Re: Autohosted old school 4 ways games
« on: November 24, 2013, 05:24:18 pm »
Really awesome. Thanks Ugri + normalice for such great work!

Scheduling / Re: M55
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:42:00 pm »
So how does everyone feel about Tuesday the 26th at 1800 est? Seems like the best time for everyone according to what's been said, just need some confirmations!

General Discussion / Re: unofficial WC3 overall history thread
« on: November 20, 2013, 01:36:24 am »
Incredible memory Slythe!

My wc3 history is really long so I will keep it short too.

1. I started in RoC when I was like 12 years old, campaign was fun, and I had played a little bit of broodwar so I had a tiny bit of RTS experience. My family was really strict, so I wasn't actually allowed to play online (because my parents thought some crazy guy was going to find out where we lived via the online gaming interwebs and kiss us or something crazy like that). But once I hit middle school they decided it was ok for me to play online and that is when I started this crazy long journey. My best friend and I both started playing wc3 online, but I was really competitive so I would look to improve whereas he would just waste time playing custom games. I started out playing random because I would get sick of one race, but I always hated playing UD, and they were always my worst. I pretty much only played solo, but I eventually messed around in 3v3 RT and started playing some FFA on ladder too. I only played on USWest server for many years, and didn't realize the esports world was so big until I joined Team Skynet (SkyZ) on west server back in 2004 (I had been playing about 2 years by this point). I don't know why they let me join, I wasn't nearly as good as the rest of the players, but I started helping out with managing/organizing team stuff. SkyZ was in multiple team leagues, and even made WC3L qualifiers in 2006, so there was a bunch of stuff to organize and I was excited to be a part of it. After losing in round 2 or 3 of the WC3L qualifiers to 4K, SkyZ pretty much disbanded because the head manager (Wind[skynet]) went pro in wrestling or some WWE shit or something, and didn't have time. I ended up taking over the team, but being a high school kid I didn't have financial backing so all the top players left to join more established teams. I started playing more as well as managing, and we competed in many amateur team leagues for another year or 2. I don't remember why it finally disbanded, I think I went inactive for like 6-7 months when I went to college in 2008, and at that point the bnet ladder was pretty much overrun with hackers so it was annoying to play. When I came back in early 2009 I joined nG (with Worpex!) and started soloing again seriously. This was probably my peak as a player. I never was really good, but was good enough to take wins in league every now and then. I eventually couldn't compete at a high enough level with random (everytime I randomed ud it was like an instaloss, so people encouraged me to pick a race to improve). I endedu p picking NE, because I double AoW mass hunt AP pushed vs every race. This is when I started playing Tinker (only against hu though). It kind of became my signature style so to speak. It was around this time I beat players in 1v1 such as Yane, HolyHuman, Rebuke, I believe I even took a game off of the top 3 NA soloer RSM. They all beat me about 9 out of 10 times, but I felt proud of myself for finally being able to compete at a relatively high level. I made both seasons of the bnet PRO1 ladder, and enjoyed playing with nG (as well as tSky, a SkyZ remake) for a few years.

Once SC2 came out, I switched with some friends, and we remade SkyZ on SC2, but could never compete at a high enough level so it eventually died. After SkyZ died on SC2, and I developed CPS from playing too much and having poor posture, I quit SC2 and went back to wc3 because it didn't take as much APM and was just more fun overall. I think I found FML through warcraftreplays, which I was a frequent visitor of since 2006.

I had a hard time playing FFA at first, because I had literally ONLY massed hunts for about 2-3 years lol. And I definitely had the solo mindset my first season. I specifically remember getting flamed my very first FML match in season... 13 or 14... it was on Deathrose and I rushed Steppinrazor and he flamed me for being an idiot and having no ffa sense. I was unsure of myself and didn't kill him because I wanted to fit into the FFA scene and didn't want to make enemies, then I ended up dying and Steppin went on to win the game lol. My 1st season was so bad, and I didn't win any games. But it was awesome to have a competitive environment again with fun people, which has kept me around.

I think I ended up answering almost all the questions in that wall of text....and I typed WAY more than I intended.... but I just started thinking back to how long I've played this game and my fingers kept typing stuff lol  :icon_mrgreen:

Memorable people:

Ownage[skynet]: My 2s partner and played with me in multiple teams for a lot of years. We ended up becoming decent friends and would talk on the phone/facebook/vent servers etc. We moved to SC2 together, but he went semi-pro and I developed CPS and stopped playing so we pretty much lost touch except for the occasional facebook post every now and then

Flame[skynet]: Really funny guy. Also could never understand him. He stuck by me through multiple tema failures with skynet, and always supported me, though most of the time he came off as though he hated me lol. I think we played together off and on in the same team for about 5-6years. Wish he still played, because he was a fun guy.

NorthsReturn: My other 2s partner (and 3s'd with me and Ownage). I actually met him in real life after being friends online for about 3-4 years. I had a free plane ticket that was going to expire so I called him and he used it to come and visit me at college for 3 days. Was a lot of fun!

Lots more but will have to continue in another post sometime because my wrist is hurting from typing so much.

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