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Messages - FML|Mog

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48] 49 50 ... 65
Scheduling / Re: M9
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:16:15 pm »
I'm not really available during the week at any time you guys would be. My availability:

Thursday 24:00 - 2:00 est
Friday n/a
Saturday n/a
Sunday n/a
Monday 2400 - 2:00 est
 Tuesday 24:00 - 2:00 est
 Wednesday 17:00 - open ended
Thursday 24:00 - 2:00
Friday n/a
Saturday n/a
Sunday 17:00 - open ended

News / Re: First Farm League Results!
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:09:52 am »
Yane should have 11 not 10.

General Discussion / Re: Withdrawal from S18
« on: March 10, 2014, 09:39:04 pm »
What a shame. Hope things work out for you and we see you again next season. FML won't be quite the same without you!

P.s. hoping for a yane replacement! Maybe a match between 4 of the better showing players from qualis (yane, erwac, steppin, and someone else/worpex)

Scheduling / Re: M9
« on: March 10, 2014, 02:21:37 pm »
I can't do this Sunday at that time, but I could do next Sunday in those time frames. Could we do the later end of the availability? Maybe 23CET? (I think on that date it would be 14:00 PST which is the time zone I'm in)

« on: March 03, 2014, 12:46:45 am »
it's ok I don't mind if you ignore me in any game you play with me Seksi. Especially if it is an FML game ^^

League Discussion / Re: [PREDICTIONS] TGFFMLFL
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:30:33 pm »
:Germany: :orc: Lightweight
:Russia: :hu: 4erwac
:Chile: :hu: Mackay
:USA: :ud: Goodbeast

If he shows up, he will win. 4wack with an outside shot here! Goodbeast has the potential to win too, but I think so many people dislike him they will be more likely to team him out if the game is close. Not really sure who Mackay is.

:USA: :ud: Wuffle/Yane
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:France: :ne: Meeds
:Denmark: :hu: Noexx

I want to bet on Steppin, but Wuffle/Yane has been impressive on ladder in games I have played with him. Meeds is the underdog of the match, maybe could fly under the radar and pull out the win. And Noexx is the dark horse simply becasue I don't know anything about him, but his bot stats are good.

:Portugal: :ne: F10ex
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Croatia: :ud: Kenostrikesback
:Germany: :ne: Flavus

This match will suit f10's style. Flavus maybe can win... I mean he does also play elf ^^. I like Keno he is a cool guy but not the favorite here. Same for NoMercy.

:Germany: :orc: Letshavesomefun
:USA: :orc: Ashalar
:USA: :ud: Worpex
:Bulgaria: :hu: Scrapper

USA WCG orc pro will have no problems against a CL. Sorry Worpex you know I love you!!!! Don't know the other 2 at all.

:France: :ne: PSG
:Denmark: :hu: ZTsoso
:United_Kingdom: :ne: Delorex
:Belgium: :ud: MattiasG

Is this the 3rd match in a row where PSG and Mattias were in together? Maybe my memory is bad. I don't know ZTsoso but I remember the team zT from back in the day and they were good so if he is old school from that team maybe he will surprise. And Delorex is supposedly good too (Wreck has spoken), so who knows, it is a toss up.

« on: March 02, 2014, 11:25:36 pm »
Can I pretend I'm #21 on Seksi's list? I mean I got put in the old school category and I've only played fml since like... season 13? maybe even season 14? I dunno but I got put in the same category as Audigy and Sparkle lol

Oh well, moral of the story there are a LOT of talented and unique FFA players who have all added something to the game. Respect!

Scheduling / Re: S18M2
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:04:15 pm »
Yes. I fits Renaud and ludix schedules

League Discussion / Re: Round 1 Predictions
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:40:32 pm »
I agree every time I see wcr I say Warcraft replays. Should just call him rich

Scheduling / Re: S18M2
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:33:22 pm »
If you want it before this weekend I could do it Friday 14:00est. I think that's 20cet right?

Scheduling / Re: S18M2
« on: February 26, 2014, 01:59:30 pm »
Sorry I saw I just am waiting to hear back from someone so I know when I'm available. With my work schedule the next 2 weeks I think we will have to play on pme of the Sundays, because I'm not home from work during the week until 23:00est and working all day both Saturdays. This Sunday I'm unsure of availability but will update when I know, and next Sunday I'm available all day

« on: February 23, 2014, 07:15:55 pm »
1. Maga
2. Wreck
3. Renaud
4. Persuade
5. Seksi
6. Humanst4r
7. Lightweight
8. Duck
9. Rain
10. Steppin
11. Slythe
12. Ugri
13. Mog
14. Starshaped
15. Sparkle

No idea... I'm surprised I'm in the top 15 tbh

League Discussion / Re: [Awesome] Round 1 Qualifier Predictions (are a go!)
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:06:13 am »
Season 18 - Qualifier Match #1
:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Russia: :hu: 4erwac
:France: :orc: / :hu: PSG
:Germany: :ne: Callmeimba

I think maga will probably get teamed pretty hard, but he always finds a way to win!

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #2
:Germany: :orc:/ :hu: Lightweight
:Canada: :orc: Ebo/Rygorych
:USA: :ud: Audigy
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant666

if Audigy shows up, ebo's chat will probably piss him off to the pint where he suicides ebo. Tyrant might fly under the radar and steal the win, but I think this game will be one of the shortest of the round and LW will win despite having less resources.

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #3
:Germany: :hu: Humans7ar
:France: :hu: Meeds
:Germany: :orc: Pinballmap
:United_Kingdom: :ra: Chainer

Hustar is clear favorite, but everyone should know that. I think Humie might rush out Meeds or PBM, but if Meeds can survive into the late game he will win with good ffa sense and resource management. But with so many aggressive players in this game he might not make it there.

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #4
:Germany: :ud: PwNu.Wan
:France: :hu: Jey_s_tears
:Bulgaria: :orc: Buckyhard
:Finland: :ud: Sniq

Again, dunno if Wan will show up, but if he does, he has developed enough ffa sense to go along with his solo skill--making him a dangerous player.

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #5
:Canada: :ne: / :hu: Renaud
:Germany: :ne: FaiL.Life
:Russia: :ud: DNIWE-VOVA
:Russia: :orc: / :ud: Ostone

King of FFA and I know how to pronounce his name now, even though I still prefer to call him re-nawD

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #6
:Russia: :ra: TheGreatWall
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:Germany: :hu: Yaws
:Russia: :ud: / :orc: Elftrain

Steppin might ragequit after losing his main base to tanks while still having over 20k gold, but if that doesn't happen I think he has a good shot here. Obviously this will be a tough game and I look forward to watching it  :icon_cool:

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #7
:United_Kingdom: :ne: WarchiefRich
:USA: :ud: Goodbeast
:Ukraine: :orc: / :ud: Frenz1k
:Chile: :hu: / :ud: Mackay

Rich is good, but his ffa game sense is non-existent. Unless that changes he will have a hard time this season (or qualifying for it)

Season 18 - Qualifier Match #8
:Russia: :orc: Cheeron
:France: :ra: Major-
:Belgium: :ra: MattiasG
:USA: :ud: Rsm

Duck will manip himself out of a 1v3 and then win.

News / Re: Congratulations to our Season 17 Winner!
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:58:56 pm »
If you want to discuss how you think FFA should be played, there is already a super long thread about it on ffareplays.com under this replay. no point derailing this thread here about it. Especially no place for disrespect toward this season's champion in the thread CONGRATULATING him on winning lol. Just my 2 cents.

Congrats J33, always a pleasure playing in games with you!

Scheduling / Re: Finals
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:20:01 pm »
Wow I feel bad for j33. I hope he is taking a nap right now. :(

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