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Messages - Ugrilainen

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 34
News / Re: Reminder - 4 Days Left to Apply!
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:17:48 pm »
He left a message on my S1 video if you wanna talk to him

General Discussion / Re: Paying4Graphics Designer
« on: November 13, 2014, 12:17:08 pm »

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:02:13 am »
I just did that

I am not sure if i was polite enough since being polite for them is being submissive.

But my post will only appear if a mod reviews it before eh lol

Sorry guys, doing what I can to pierce this great wall

Quote from: Zb Dude that banned me
6) As I've mentioned above, the information you seek is what I and other staff members do not have. When Brandon has information for you, he will reply. Just like you are waiting on us, we have to wait on others as well. In this instance, that would be our server provider. As to the second point, if you do wish to leave, Brandon will provide you with that data. But I can not provide you with any timeframe. Additionally, to my knowledge, it would be the first time any data from Zetaboards has been exported into a useable format. For that reason, it may take time to ensure the data is not corrupt upon export. That is the most direct answer I can give you based on what little I know.

Now, on to the less pleasant part of this matter. Myself, Nicolas, and the Support and Community team members are unpaid volunteers. We do what we can to assist you. But as mentioned above, the only one who can help you with this matter is Brandon. If you continue to proceed to make our jobs more difficult by posting outside of this forum regarding this matter, I will have little choice but to restrict your posting abilities. The topics you have made that we've removed are topics that breach our Board Rules and I will enforce those rules if you force me to do so. While I recognize your frustration and I do sympathize, I do not excuse behavior such as you have exhibited this evening. If you wish to make yourself heard, this is the topic to do it in.

edit : i linked this topic to Zb dude that banned me so he sees how much of a pest we are, or I am. He will probably take a look, maybe he will even post.

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:28:16 am »
Thank you for message,

I am like you, unpaid volunteer working for a community. Unlike yours, mine is denied its right to exist. And unlike you, I paid for a service.

Rioting on the forum is the only way to attract attention from you and get explanations. So of course I am using that way as the interest of my community is what matters to me, not my reputation here. Look it worked, you are here posting. you would not be otherwise.

Now I was not aware of your structure of command as here again, it was not explained to me. Most of the intel you are giving me are interesting and useful so thanks. Brandon could have explained that to me too, but he did not. His explanations did not go into any details of what our fate was.

So please tell me what server provider answered and what are the delays we can expect before being back online.
Also I am confused on whether or not you can retrieve datas so i can go elsewhere since a Zb member said it was not possible and Stephen is implying the same.

I really have no care about being punished frankly. I do not say that to sound unpleasant. Not only it would not really affect me if I really want to go further but I do not have to be ashamed to do my best to save my community. I am a fighter and will defend them at all cost. I have been dealing with this Kuwait asshole even in my private life as many of my friends and other admins did so I am used to defend the wc3 community against his actions. I have seen friends giving up, others having their events cancelled delayed or postponed, he ddosed my home and friends' home. He is crazy.

I will not be ashamed about it.


As I indicated before, the questions you are asking, is information I do not have. All you can do is wait for Brandon to get that information and reply when he has it.

Rioting simply got me to reply with basically no new information. It also resulted in the mod approval process that has led to your post being made 4 times in this topic. So there was a cost for doing that, and there will be a greater cost if you do it again. Without having read your PM, I can guess by the title, that a threat will be on the other end. All of that does nothing to move your situation any further, because as explained I and the other staff can not help you. That rests with the management and Brandon in particular.

Understand there is the difference between being a fighter as you put it and being a pest- which is what you are coming off as right now. It would be one thing if myself and the other staff could actually resolve your problem- WE can't. Your situation is out of our hands. But if you continue to misrepresent this service and stir up trouble in the forums, we will deal with it according to our Board Rules. And every time you do something like that, you make this process take longer. I realize it is beyond inconvenient that your board is offline and you do not know when it will be back. But attacking us, is truly no different than what Kuwait has done to you. We've done what we can: We've directed you to the best avenue to resolve this, we've informed the developer. He has replied to you here and is continuing to work on your particular situation. Now unfortunately, all you can do is wait.

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:26:24 am »
The one guy dealing with this is connected once a day when I sleep, put 3 words of a message then log off for 24 more hours.

They said I violated their board rule and that I was not a "fighter" but a "pest" and that if I continue I will have more punishment. Hell that I care about their punishments.

Oh also by complaining I am the same type of guy as Qman

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:58:07 pm »
Ok they banned me.

Also it is apparently not possible to retrieve datas from Zb.

Also they have no idea when we could be back online.

Great news!

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:58:03 pm »
At the moment they ignore me so i complain on the main board where they erase all my messages so other clients cannot see what they are doing

i am ought to be banned within the day i assume

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:41:51 pm »
Really if there were not those kind of messages I would just let it go.

Zb :
While by speech they try to show a kind and supportive face, in fact they did not provide any detail. They do not act like we were having a client to customer relationship, they act like we would have a slave to master one. I get one message per day and the message is meaningless and empty.
They would feel bad about kicking us out so they just are passive and slow up until we leave and they can say "alright this was your decision, we were trying to help". Pretty much.

Moving :
I will have no choice obviously and will try to go somewhere better. Many forum hosting sites claim to be with ddos protection but up to which level? Those attacks are huge and a professional web hosting company asks for 20$+ / month. Even with donations I am not sure how it would cover this + the rest. Standard Ddos protection is 6-7$ / month but is standard enough? Doubt it.

godaddy :
Suck my soul? Why just to know? I am already their client for the domain name so it would be convenient.

money usage :
My paypal account is not working anymore because I cannot pay anybody anymore. I called paypal, they dont know how to unblock so sweet, I cannot really reveive donations atm. I withdrew the money I was donated (do not worry I wont steal that money) and will pay events winners by card. To get a new paypal account which can reveive donations and pay its seems complicated. One more problem. I could use someone else's but would lose indepedancy.

free forum is asking for ddos :
I had a premium account so it was not really free. As for asking for ddos, I never asked for it... Would have been hard to tell when I started that someone would want us down. Qman/w3arena crisis started after.

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:11:55 pm »
lol penciwarrior, except being lone headadmin, in term of skill he was average imo. All of those thinking differently should watch his replays now and compare them to magadansky's.

Brainman Undead would be better than pencilwarrior

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite top5 FFA Players of all time!
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:02:56 pm »
Watch Majin replays, he was not monotonous at all

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 11, 2014, 08:59:11 pm »
To make them understand the situation, I linked them war3tv's call for help in March 2014 and explained how it ended (died in June 2014).

If you are any curious :

War3tv asking for help

This post explains how Aaron felt at that time :
His detailed explanation of the events and how he felt about them less than 3 months before quiting

I exactly feel the same at the moment

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 11, 2014, 07:08:31 pm »
Quote from: zetaboard head admin
I understand your frustration. It is very annoying to have someone attack and get away with it. Do you have any information as to who wants to do this to your board or why?

I want to do whatever is possible to help your board and end this attack.
We are testing some additional hardware that should bring this to an end soon

now their admins are all checking my answer while before my ticket stayed unread for 12 hours.

So once again, thks

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:54:42 pm »
the thread was there : http://support.zathyus.com/topic/5206551/1/#new

those testimonies did help has i received a message from zetaboards head admin

General Discussion / thanks
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:32:27 pm »
thanks to all of you that posted to show support before zetaboard blocked the thread as they are now communicating with me.

still waiting on what the outcome might be and will keep you posted asap.

I cannot have the bots run unmonitored so thats why they are stopped. Inhouse bot is still there for your entertainment in the meantime if you wanna play anything.

That is why I love this fcking community.


News / Re: FML Season 20 Showmatch Kickoff!
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:35:14 am »
As a self-assumed necromancer, I vote for the use of the word 'tombing'

Lets's pass a motion, who is with me?!

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