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Messages - Ugrilainen

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 34
General Discussion / Re: Terrible WC3 Jokes+Puns
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:06:47 pm »
Whats difference between Persuade and Dallas Mavericks?

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LMAO? persuade won the only FFA title that was worth it in a 500$ prize pool?

General Discussion / Re: Terrible WC3 Jokes+Puns
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:05:33 pm »
What does Pinball say while meeting the king of China?

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What's funny here ? It is just some random chat during some random game ?

Ah poor Meeds... forgetting history is a risk to see it repeat itself...

General Discussion / Re: Terrible WC3 Jokes+Puns
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:35:50 pm »
What does Pinball say while meeting the king of China?

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FML-Leaguebot : private bot / Re: Request FML Bot Rights
« on: December 04, 2014, 12:51:07 am »

so i can ping myself... TT   lol

General Discussion / Re: I cannot access playffa.net
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:15:57 am »
thks all!

General Discussion / Re: I cannot access playffa.net
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:11:11 pm »
everyone has the Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32834631 bytes) in /var/www/clients/client3/web9/web/usr_web/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1033. error now

General Discussion / I cannot access playffa.net
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:23:17 am »

If you type www.playffa.net and it does not work.
If it does not work with tft.w3arena.net neither or tft.replayers.com.

Please mention it here.

Seems like the server provider is denying a massive amount of connections following the last server attack.

I know a few of you already mentioned it to me directly but I'd like to know how deep is the problem

News / Re: S20 - Week 1 Recap
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:34:12 pm »
red is being diplomatic like mage usually is.

with ugri it would go : ....ah well we do not want this back here

anyway, great write ups, keep doing those

Social Media / Re: Q9 and Q10 casting tonight!
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:07:36 pm »
I am confused. I am not fighting to sc games, go ahead if you wanna cast

Social Media / Re: Q9 and Q10 casting tonight!
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:15:38 pm »
I could cast Q10 but its like 10 mn after i drop my girls at school so if you wanna have a Ugri casting please wait like 5 mn more if I am not there. Depends on how fast kid breakfast goes and other stuffs lol

For Q9 I will definetly do it as I stated on cbox earlier unless some dramatic connection problem happens.

I was looking for cocaster so I would say " why not" though I fear I will not have time to do any testing before Q10 if I can show up so maybe for Q9 so we can adjust sounds. Also sometimes my connection does not allow skype to be running while shoutcast -_- : it worked fine once with Over-Admire last time so there is hope though.

So well : add me on skype (you can find me easily)

News / Re: S20 - Week 1 Recap
« on: November 24, 2014, 08:03:45 am »
Q6 is the best I saw so far.

ffareplays.com is a junk site you should forget about

Scheduling / Re: Q9
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:40:55 am »
thats a game i could shotucast (noon for me and I have a day off)

General Discussion / Re: thanks
« on: November 14, 2014, 09:49:16 pm »
After 5 days of battle, they reconnected the board without much explanations.

I do not like what happened and I am working on a way to insure that it does not happen again. Or at least try.

The domain now works again, not sure for how long this time

It was a very unpleasant week and I am bitter

General Discussion / Re: playffa - I decided to stop - outcomes
« on: November 14, 2014, 12:53:19 am »
I feel happy, sad, embarassed, proud, willing to fight and depressed. I am confused. I need to write something but i dont know what. I appreciate but it is not needed, I rarely considered you as ungrateful bastards, whether you donated or not. Sometimes I did but it is when I am raging, I am a little bit too passionated sometimes, that goes for good and bad things.

I received many skype message too and that video I cannot even start to comment it as I did not see it coming. But please no need to put more, I know how the community is and that is why I have been fighting so much for it. For me its like family, to an extend of course, and even if you argue sometimes you know you can count on one another.

This I know even if I was an asshole half the time. I fought with pretty much half of the community.  Not sure why I am bringing this up now, probably because it was the subject of many discussions before the attacks. But I never considered that I should be congratulated more.

Like when I left FML (twice), I did because I was not feeling too good. Now I have the same feeling. Last time I left Worpex said it could not work without me. That was like what, Season 14? Now it is Season 20.

Zb gave me a refund. I do not understand most of what the head admin is saying beside that. Board is still offline.  I dont like to be exposed, yet I am exposing myself all the time. I might be crazy? Let me think about it but please close the topic, it is a little too much. I had to pause the video twice and it lasts only 10 minutes.

thanks to all

General Discussion / playffa - I decided to stop - outcomes
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:22:48 pm »
I stop :
I mentionned that already to a couple of you guys. I am too depressed to go on.

Yesterday I learnt a couple of new facts about the shit we felt in this week that I will not all disclose. One of them being that the noob that I am thought we could save all the content of playffa if we moved : well we cannot as any decent webmaster knows.

I am tired of begging Zb headadmin to let me access my work. I do not want to stay there anymore at all but if I go somewhere else I lose everything.

playffa was my baby and I liked to see it grow. We were about to reach 1000 members in about 11 months. We usually had between 30 to 60 people online. The chat was always active. We did events that attracted hundred of viewers. We even invented new games, created ladder seasons and so on.

It is too depressing to see it die and just make a new one seeing a couple of guy registering especially after the success of the last solo event. 5 members, 3 posts, 10 guests online = no thanks.

the bots
Bots are paid up until April 23rd 2015 I think. So they can run. I also have enough money from donations to renew them at least once without anybody donating anything, nearly twice. So of course I will not run with that money and will pay the bills up until money runs out.
Or if you are a recent donator and want your money back, just pm me and we will organize the refund.

playffa management
I can point out the domain to one of you or a group of you that would like to take over. You can just pm to me the new structure you want to organize as a chain of command. My fellow admins have my preference of course but if they are not willing then you can debate here and whoever has the agreement of the rest will be given access to what is needed.

I am addicted to stuff organization so I will see what I will do. I can probably be useful later somewhere if my mood gets better. At the moment I will just center my attention onto other things.

Shoutout to hayder
I do not want to take someone out of the great community that you are in particular but one day Hayder if you see this, thanks a tons for your help and thanks a million for the massive amount of fun I had when we used to shoutcast games together. I was always looking forward to it, you were always high on cocaine, I could not say a word but i loved it and I will miss it. For those who never saw, one game chosen randomly where i think hayder slept about 4 hours in two days.

Thanks guys for all the fun I had the last few years doing this.

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