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Messages - Rain

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16
Scheduling / Re: M34
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:37:22 am »
*insert more drama*

Scheduling / Re: M34
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:32:21 am »
update: most likely cant play on sunday between 15-18cet. Although if that happens to be the only time everyone can play, I can try to  make it work

Scheduling / Re: M34
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:11:36 pm »
well i dont think it will make any difference but it seems like my new schedule is

thursday 00cet---> friday 16.30cet

friday 22.30cet ---> saturday 13.30cet

saturday (still gonna be after zotac, so around 17-19cet) 19cet---->sunday 23cet

Im probably gonna be availabe the next weekend but I cant be 100% sure yet and will not confirm any dates

Scheduling / Re: M34
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:15:01 am »
so wtf we playing this during this weekend(16.-18.9.) or not? I wont be able to promise any dates after that period until like next week's wednesday..

Scheduling / Re: M34
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:59:00 am »
Not before friday

Friday: after 22.30cet

Saturday: not during zotac (starts at 15cet and hard to say when ill be out) probably available after 18-19cet until 02cet

Sunday: I think I'm available all day but not 100% sure yet, I can play after 18cet

monday-wed : no chance

Strategy / Re: Orcs
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:10:38 pm »
Ofc its natural that any one of us good solo players here will most likely win anyone with any race in a 1v1 situation (2players dead). Its stupid to question that since after all these ffa replays ive watched the ffa players often have pretty bad micro(or they dont care)

Still its pretty stupid, yet usual, for RSM to make statements like that and I hope hes atleast semi-trolling. Since there is no army from UD that beats a 100/100 fully upgraded wyw/caster, assuming hero lvls are similar and the player skill lvl are atleast somewhat similar.

Scheduling / Re: M23
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:01:22 pm »
Im totally fine with playing today, but would like a 1h heads up.

Scheduling / Re: M23
« on: August 31, 2011, 10:08:45 am »
Wednesday(today) after 21CET for the whole night

Thursday I'll have one appointment which will take about 1-2hours, I dont know the time it is until tomorrow and ill update it but other than that im free all day.

Friday 06cet-23cet

Saturday 08cet-13cet & after zotac when I get eliminated, so probably starting ~~18-19cet and available rest of the night

Sunday 8cet- 13cet & 18cet & after 21cet

Monday free most of the day except a 1-2h appointment, ill update the time later today.

Tuesday morning until around 05cet-10cet

After tuesday I wont be able to play until 14.9. evening

Strategy / Re: Orcs
« on: August 29, 2011, 04:46:13 pm »
healwards and sh u wont kill this wyvern... i hate to fight orc ....ground army senseless since tauren + tc stomp imba... and good micro with wyvern u wont kill with gyro or tanks...and mass gryphons just to slow..

Have you ever watched a solo game where hum fe and game ends up to both players banking at 50food and getting 100/100. Humans go pure gryph with sometimes a few bats and pretty often totally rape the orc army. And you can always get a few sbs/sorcs/priests to make sure orc army isnt buffed all fight.

And @ beljone, scroll of protection does not cancel out inner fire and vice versa. That makes zero sense.

Strategy / Re: Orcs
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:24:08 pm »
Most important thing with any race: positioning - dont fight on open ground

I'd say the most effective army would be with human mass gryphs(solo style)pala aura hp/prot scrolls innerfire+ 3 staffs

Or then a t3 human army with casters knights sbs morts and mb a few gyros depending on what the orc makes(heavy on air/ground).

Scheduling / Re: M13
« on: August 18, 2011, 09:12:16 am »
I didnt say I was moving out on 23rd. I probably can play during monday-wednesday next week but since I dont know my schedule and will have alot to do, I cannot confirm now which times I will be available. All I can say is that 25th is absolute last (does not mean I can play on 25th, just possibly).

Scheduling / Re: M13
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:33:35 am »
20th = 19.00 better
21st = 13.00 better

Scheduling / Re: M13
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:33:16 am »
I have no idea, im gonna be moving to a diff country some time next week, and I dont know when ill be able to get my pc/internet connection. Therefore I'd like to play this as soon as possible.

Any time/date will work before 21st(including 21st). After that I dont know yet.

Scheduling / Re: M13
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:48:14 pm »
So you mean from 22nd onwards?

News / Re: M8 Results
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:10:00 pm »
noobshaped down!)

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