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Messages - Ugrilainen

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General Discussion / Re: FFA Racial Tourney
« on: May 07, 2016, 09:27:21 am »
go ud! And congrats to Ponty for organizing something new (again)

Suggestions / Re: FFA/FML Podcast
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:32:08 am »
facepalm mode on : it was FML FFA Cup VI not IV

I know playFFA Cup IV and V never had the honor to be in the FML hall of fame but still...

edit : oh you say nice things about me afterwards so, eh, does not matters 4th or 6th who cares?!

News / Re: FML FFA Cup VI Announcement
« on: April 11, 2016, 03:50:19 am »

General Discussion / Re: Supercumulo Replay Pack
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:31:27 am »
i can deliver some replays of cumulo getting raped by orc


News / Re: FML FFA Cup VI Announcement
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:46:45 am »
I think that is too early for registration or not? Otherwise there will be 20 % missing.

we gave a save the date way in advance
and I have a good counter to noshows since last cup

News / Re: FML FFA Cup VI Announcement
« on: April 09, 2016, 09:27:28 am »
Rulebook : http://tft.w3arena.net/community/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4065&p=16160

Map Pool : Andorhal 2.1, Fountain of manipulation, Deadlock

Registrations : April11th !


After a while, it became mass towers and feeding :(

just like ffa became in fact? :D

we plan a 4x4 event quite soon after the ffa one :)

News / Re: FML FFA Cup VI Announcement
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:39:58 am »
yes sure! my paypal is listed if you want to donate :)


Social Media / Re: Insight into FFA (1)
« on: March 29, 2016, 10:33:54 pm »
dude cumulo everyone knows dovekie in the ffa community, he does not have to prove to be a worthy opponent to anyone :lol:

News / Re: Season 22 Round 4 Elimination
« on: March 28, 2016, 06:37:22 pm »

dangerous choice


I know I'm not an admin any more, and have had nothing to do with this season, but I would just like to state I forbid this.  This could easily take 18 hours, and crash all of Bnet/W3arena. 


General Discussion / Re: Lets talk FFA strategy
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:44:38 am »
I like those comments, it gives me plenty of motivation to improve ffarena

I agree they will get better : when playffa was independant, we wouldnt get that many w3arena player on. Now many w3arena regular players are playing on the ladder and these are guys with decent micro usually.

Like fetta, junkerzam, cumulo, sweet or tleilaxy that were terrible when we first created playffa, they got better and improved to the point that they could win the league or reach the final for some.

Im sure we will get more and more of those guys and that they will join fml in S23. We will promote the next season on w3arena and that will increase the numbers of candidates : playffa integration to w3arena is really beneficial

Suggestions / Re: FFA/FML Podcast
« on: March 25, 2016, 07:52:00 am »
You could structure it this way, if you intend let's say to do it once every two weeks :

1- FML round review : by fetta and junkerzam. You will know what to do there so moving on.
2- FFA Ladder review : with Ponty or DV or whoever reached the top 3 and wasnt there last time? You can discuss winning streaks, streams etc..
3- other events (FFA Cup from organization to conclusion, Sympo, Ztsoso showgames etc)
4- Focus on a particular game with a guest who is selected according to the News (the guy who won an awesome FML game that week, the guy who won 16 FFA Ladder games in a row, w/e you feel like). If nothing major occurs, bring back Wrectify to discuss old games or something.

Just ideas to structure this. I would defenitely listen to that and would have it promoted on all w3a related medias : it could bring along new players, if you make it interesting.

Suggestions / Re: FFA/FML Podcast
« on: March 25, 2016, 07:21:57 am »
Since the podcasts wont be politically correct, I suppose I will be allowed not to be myself.

It is a good idea, really it is. Now two things strikes me :

1- very FML self centered : you mean to discuss the FFA scene, it looks like more of a discussion of the FML league according to the topic and guests pre-drafted. Also, you draft according to personal relationships, which is k but still too self centered.

2- it joins 1 in some way. You publish your great idea one day after ztsoso publishes his, overshadowing it. On w3arena, we would discuss announcements so one does not overshadow another, thats why the FFA news has been left one full week despite Neo having something else to say.

Ideas should not be concurencial but try to complete each others. I appreciated that Soso mentionned the FFA cup to be to organized in his post for example.

You could say your podcast is not concurencing his project, since its just a podcast. But you purposely or not do not mention it at all or Ztsoso's name.

I feel like your podcast would in the end be the same as the skype group chat, but being read by somebody.

I hope it wont be that, and that it will be indeed organized (when does it start??). Even if fun and corrosive, it needs to be structured and global for it to be interesting outside of the skype group.

~Ugri (trying to improve a tool that could be useful, not trying to annoy anyone)

Other Events / Re: Organized show matches and future projects
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:27:50 am »
Gera cup is organized every week Soso. You need to work on your wc3 esport gaming scene knowledge ;)

For FFA cup it will be on saturday, because your sunday is my monday

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