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Messages - Seksi

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 44
News / Re: Season 22 Round 4 Elimination
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:44:42 pm »

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 26, 2016, 11:03:51 am »
sweet where r u?

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk FFA strategy
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:44:52 pm »
Cool thread, I'll respond more later but good points brought up by many of you.

One note:  The best FFA experience in my opinion, is Ladder when it is competitive and filled with strong players.  A lot of the arguments in this thread for FML or against ladder is assuming ladder is full of noobs with scattered skilled players.

When Ladder is actively played by the majority of skilled FFA players then it becomes the greatest form of FFA, in my opinion.  It combines every element of skill - micro, macro, manipulation, decision making, army composition, etc. 

All of these things are in FML, but the element of randomness is largely missing in FML type, structured games.  This randomness is a great part of FFA - where anything can happen - sometimes you might have to fight your way out of an early, unconventional 1v1, or withstand lots of action early.  The satisfaction and pure epicness of some victories can be unmatched. 

In structured FFA, often times the player who played the best early is actually hurt (instead of rewarded) as the game goes on.  This is what Dovekie was referring to.  Of course there are different ways to play, but structured FFA games have a greater emphasis on manipulation and diplomacy then ladder. 

The unwritten rules of peace and not creep jacking are not always enforced in ladder, leaving a truer sense of "Free for All".  The scales of balance are always shifting, maybe you are a lesser skilled player but this game get a fortunate spawn, can expand more freely and shine.  Where as the other player that would normally tome you has a tougher early game thus balancing the scales. 

I'm not knocking FML either, the structured formula of high level FFA is awesome in its own sense.  We've had a long, successful history of FML and it continues to be great.

With that being said - the more active the skilled FFA players are on the ladder, the more competitive it will be, creating a platform for FFA that combines every element of the game type at a high level.  A skilled, active, and competitive ladder (with anonymous names, a random variety of maps and circumstances, with a pool of hundreds-to-thousands of unique players) is the ultimate form of FFA.

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:13:40 pm »
Ok, let's try for 16:00 Saturday... what about you Sweet?

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:24:23 am »
17:00 - 22:00 CET is 09:00 - 14:00 PST for me, literally right in the middle of my work day. 

Is there any time at all you can play on Sunday, j33? 

If not, I could wake up earlier on one of these weekdays, but it would have to be at 15 CET at the latest. 


Anytime Sunday work?


I could play at 16:00 CET on Saturday


15:00 CET on M-TH

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:59:12 pm »
I played m20 as a sub... I don't know if that will count towards my points or not.  I do think this game should be replayed for multiple reasons:

As Soso said, he had not posted anything and only j33 was there, so the game started with 2 subs (typically FML games don't start without 3 of 4 players).  Furthermore, I was the only one posting pretty much and hadn't heard from 2 of 4 players on the day of the game - so I requested to play this next Sunday instead (in accordance with both j33 and I's schedules, the only ones posted).  It wasn't like I was a no-show, I communicated in the thread after we still didn't have confirmation from half of the cast on the day of the game. 

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 20, 2016, 03:06:11 pm »
I got screwed....

Why would you play this?  I said I wanted to play next week, I never confirmed this time.  We were still seeing what was best for players since I was basically the only one even posting in this thread until the day of. 

Just like in my last game Nline was sick the day of, said he wanted to play next week and that's what we did.

This needs a re-game....

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:45:06 am »
Since Sweet and Soso haven't responded yet, I'd rather play this next Sunday, 3/27 if that's cool with you j33. 

Waiting to hear from Sweet and Soso too. 

News / Re: Season 22 Round 3 Matches
« on: March 19, 2016, 01:34:49 pm »
Lol Justin Bieber Generation hahaha

seriously though, I don't understand.  Laxu > Junker in mechanical skill?  Things must have changed while I've been away. 

News / Re: Season 22 Round 3 Matches
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:18:07 pm »
(Before I start, laxu saying I have inflated ego after he has to note that he has beaten Junker 4/5 times in 1v1 FFA and is better then him hahaha).  I am a competitor, I play to be the best and improve my game, I don't brag for rushing out Nline or outplaying someone because I've been on the other end too.  You can be confident and humble.  You shouldn't confuse that.  By the way, Junker is a better player then you, who are you kidding? 



:Kazakhstan: :ud: DV
:USA: :ra: Eshan
:Sweden: :hu: Hudkraem
:Germany: :hu: QQs

DV (along with j33) is probably the most underrated player.  Skilled, smart, and experienced.  Random heroes is tricky, but I think he will pull this one out. 


:Germany: :ra: letshavesomefun
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo
:Canada: :ne: FML|Renaud

Awesome cast.  My friend Renaud just may be outmatched in terms of macro and shape against any one of these three.  Cumulo is strong - but may the force be with him with random heroes.  Shave is an underrated player too, he can fight and compete with anyone if playing well.  I will pick Alien in this game as my fellow random competitor who is both in good shape and with a cool demeanor. 


:Russia: :ud: J4ODY
:USA: :ra: SteppinRazor
:Portugal: :ra: F10EX
:Russia: :ra: Dinamo

SteppinRazor is the friendly face that has been around FML forever, with the intelligence, sense and potential to be great but has maybe been missing something all along.  Against this cast of generally inexperienced FFA players, I think he will pull out with a strong victory. 


:Germany: :orc: FML|Pinballmap
:Russia: :ud: KENT25666
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life
:USA: :ud: FML|WorpeX

I believe WorpeX will get an awesome hero combo and play a strong game.  Fail.Life has potential but is still budding.  It will be interesting to see how PBM and Kent play with random heroes.  Cool map too!


:Bulgaria: :ud: Magadansky
:Switzerland: :ra: noexxx
:Russia: :ra: AJIKAIII
:Ukraine: :orc: Nline

Sick cast.  Maga, Noexx, and Nline could all be in the top 5 of players in shape.  AJ has proven to be no slouch either.  I expect big fights in this one.  Undead is not bad in random heroes, but Orc is and Human is really awesome in Random heroes.  Maga is one of the fiercest competitors, but its tough to vote against a Human, and noexxx prob the best human at the moment (other human players close behind).  Looking forward to this one. 


:USA: :ne: Wrecktify
:France: :hu: Valefort
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2

Sticking with the Human theme, I see Qwest and Wreck battling a lot and Valefort winning in a long 3 way in the same fashion as round 1 (against myself/Alien).  NoMercy2 will have to play a great game to win here. 

:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam
:Sweden: :orc: Fetta
:Denmark: :ud: Tleilaxu
:Germany: :ne: CallMeImba

I don't know what's up with laxu's bashing of Junkerzam - I think he is a solid player.  Maybe I will be proven wrong and laxu will pull out an epic necrowagon with some sick random heroes.  Fetta has yet to make his impression felt this season, same with CMI. 


:Germany: :orc: ena1337
:Russia: :hu: HeavyWeight
:USA: :ra: fatty
:France: :hu: Ponty

Ponty, aka FFApractice will put together a strong game here.  Fatty and ena in the same game will be interesting, and Greatwall is probably the best player here.  But I think Ponty will play smart, make the correct decisions and fight well too. 

:USA: :ra: Seksi
:Finland: :ne: j33.
:Denmark: :hu: zTsoso
:Australia: :hu: SweeT

I hope Soso plays this game with us, I am looking forward to playing random heroes on a cool map that is underused.  I don't have time to play much anymore, but I will bring my best!  gl hf

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:06:05 pm »
Okay, let's try:

Suggested time: 18:00 CET - SUNDAY 3/20

Scheduling / Re: M27
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:11:13 pm »
I can play sometime this Sunday (3/20) or next Sunday (3/27)

News / Re: Season 22 Round 3 Matches
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:03:33 am »
j33 may be the most underrated skilled player.  Don't underestimate him!  These games look great.  I'll post my predictions later tonight.  gl hf everyone!

News / Re: Season 22 Round 3 RH Pick Your Opponents
« on: March 13, 2016, 10:39:38 pm »

Scheduling / Re: M18
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:14:39 am »
that will work

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