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Messages - Seksi

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Scheduling / Re: M37
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:06:43 pm »
or even 20 CET

Scheduling / Re: M37
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:06:27 pm »
I could play earlier on Sunday is okay.

Since the deadline is extended, suggested time:

Sunday, May 1st - 21 CET 

Does this work for everyone?

Scheduling / Re: M37
« on: April 20, 2016, 10:49:48 am »

Suggested time: SUNDAY 4/24 - 22:00 CET


Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:20:58 am »
I understand, no problem. 

Scheduling / Re: M37
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:18:33 pm »
Apparently I'm in this match now. 

Sweet/Noexxx - What time next Sunday (24th) works for you guys?  I will be flexible.   

Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:16:49 pm »
I guess this happens without my agreement...? 

I'll post in new thread.  Hope next Sunday will work for that match, like it would've for this one. 

News / Re: M36 Result
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:15:18 pm »
I don't know why I was swapped - I didn't confirm to this time, and have been posting.  FYI fetta I would've loved to play this game with a bunch of Undeads... I favor UD vs Ud and Ud vs elf. 

Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 17, 2016, 02:43:15 am »
plus idk if Eshan could do that? 

What time next week works for you guys?

Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 17, 2016, 02:42:45 am »
That is too early for me... that is 6 hours from now right?  Still need to sleep and have productive day tomorrow

Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 16, 2016, 02:54:10 am »
Clan War I assume

Scheduling / Re: M36
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:07:21 pm »
sorry for late response (I don't see threads along the top.. only last rounds?)

I have a vet appointment for dog at 1900 CET this Sunday.  I could play later in the day around 2200-2300 CET, or earlier. 

Otherwise I am free for any time the following Sunday. 

I'll try to work with you guys.


Scheduling / Re: M31
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:37:18 pm »
Ok, that time works for me.

Confirm 4/10 @ 1800 cet

News / Re: Season 22 Round 4 Matches
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:17:11 pm »

:Peru: SuperCumulo
:Sweden: fetta_ook
:France: Valefort
:USA: fatty

SuperCumulo is one of the best Humans, and this is a great Human map.  While Valefort is capable of winning, I don't think fetta and fatty will be able to coordinate teaming, if need be, as well as Valefort/Alien did in the first round.  Valefort can stand on his own though, and there is no Undead - so may be he will play at an epic level.  I'd like to see Fetta play well too, Orc is the only race that can really do well against Human in the late game.  I can't see the inexperienced fatty winning, but the other three all could... I'll go with Cumulo.


:Denmark: Tleilaxu
:Germany: Life
:Germany: FML|Pinballmap
:USA: Eshan

Laxu has honestly impressed me and moved up a 'tier' of players so to speak, in my judgment.  This doesn't mean he cannot collapse at any given time of the game.  Life is a good micro player who has started to learn FFA... but you really need to understand how to win in these in house games by adapting to a different style.  I don't think he is there yet.  Pinball doesn't play enough, but if he is left alone he could find a way to win.  My pick, this round is Eshan - who understands how to win games, especially against players with similar micro. 


:Kazakhstan: DV
:Ukraine: Nline
:USA: AlienWareOwnZ

This is an awesome cast, I'm looking forward to this one the most.  Alien competes at the highest level now as a Random player which commands respect, and DV's game and skill are underappreciated.  DV understands FFA and how players manip, plus has strong micro and macro.  AJ would be a good pick here too, he HAS conformed and adapted to the in-house style of FFA games well.  He holds that niche where his micro and macro is not top level, but his manip is effective and he knows how to win games while not being teamed or drawing attention.  I've said before this type of player has the best chance of winning FML games, plus he plays human! Regardless of his improvement, I'm going to predict the fellow old school legend Nline to win this game.  Nline has yet to splash onto the scene with a dominant performance, but when playing well he is still the best Orc we have today, in my opinion. 


:USA: Seksi
:Russia: HeavyWeight
:Germany: ena1337
:Australia: SweeT

Greatwall is unknown to most of you, but he is a very solid random player.  ena even has improved into a player with decent FFA knowledge.  Sweet can play FFA too - if only he shows to this game!! I like this map, not so much with only 4 players though.  Timer should be good... gl hf!   


:Finland: j33
:Russia: qwest
:USA: Wrecktify
:Bulgaria: FML|Magadansky

Very nice cast.  Hopefully Wrecktify won't play like he did on Monsoon.... Magadansky plays this map really well, and j33 is a typical choice of mine to win games like this.  I will pick Qwest here though, this map has a lot of gold - he is unlikely to die early - and plays a 3 way and hoarding game well.  In a game of all Undead and Elf, look out for mass air battles.  As a UD player, I would love this game (no Humans or Orcs).  This may be the perfect chance to play DL/Panda/Lich and win in dominant fashion as once done before....

I hope Wreck plays to win and brings his best.  If he does, it will be a clash of titans and every player is skilled, respectfully. 


:Sweden: Junkerzam
:Switzerland: noexxx
:Germany: letshavesomefun
:Denmark: zTsoso

This will be Soso's redemption game! While I think Noexx has edged out Soso and Cumulo just barely as the best Human player, I don't get all the hate on Soso.  Soso has expressed his discontent with in house FFA games and I can understand that.  He may not have adapted as well as he could, but his points are pretty valid.  Regardless, Soso is/was one of the top players who understands how to win FFA games.  I am rooting for him here, on a strong map for him and his position.  Plus, being in a game with other skilled players will help his case by not getting (or expecting) to get over teamed. 

Noexx is strong, shave is better then most people give him credit for too.  I like Shave to play Orc here, on a big map full of items and gold and pressure the humans with high level heroes.  Junker just might be the odd man out, but we will see.  If he is underestimated, anything can happen.  gl hf

Scheduling / Re: M31
« on: April 01, 2016, 08:49:39 pm »

post your schedules!

I would prefer next Sunday 4/10, any time that works for everyone.

Need responses from everyone

Scheduling / Re: M31
« on: March 31, 2016, 11:37:23 am »
Hey guys, let's shoot for either this Sunday 4/3 or next Sunday 4/10

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