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Messages - Airenikus

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11
Scheduling / Re: S25Q2
« on: April 12, 2017, 03:05:10 pm »
 Tomorrow 18:00 CET confirmed

Scheduling / Re: S25Q2
« on: April 12, 2017, 12:25:18 am »
Hi all!

I can play the following time:

12.04 - after 20:00 CET
13.04 - after 18:00 CET
14.04 - after 21:00 CET
And as I said in my application for the season I will be unable to play for 2 weeks 15.04 - 02.05!
So please let's play this game this week. How about Friday 22:00 CET?
P. S. I choose Purity

News / Re: S25 Sign-ups
« on: April 04, 2017, 11:02:27 am »
War3arena account name: Airenikus
Discord Account name and #: Airenikus#2297
Country you represent: Russia
WC3 Race: :orc: :ra:
Brief message on how you found the league and wc3 accomplishments relevant to FFA: I found the league from some replays on ffareplays.com long time ago. Accomplishments: used to be top1 eu ffa ladder in 2009, played in ffa cup finals in 2016.
Dear admins, I would really like to play in season 25 but I won't be available from April 15 to May 1. Is it possible for me to participate?

News / Re: Team Battle Royale - Applications
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:20:28 pm »
Hi all. Great idea with this event. Good job admins! Here comes my application.

- Discord name and id: Airenikus#2297
- Country / Timezone: Russia / Moscow
- Preferred races: Orc / Human
- Want to be a captain? - No
- Any other information that might be useful to a captain who wants to draft you: I'm cool, pick me

News / Re: M39 Result
« on: December 03, 2016, 02:10:52 pm »
And a really low game from the rest

Scheduling / Re: S24 M39
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:46:22 pm »
Good. We now need an admin to confirm our whole deal

Scheduling / Re: S24 M39
« on: December 02, 2016, 10:26:44 am »
Hi all. I will be able to play 20 CET if admins approve me being replaced from m37. Although I might be a bit late (30 mins or so) because not sure yet what time I am gonna be at home. If we reschedule the match to 20:30 or 21 CET it will be perfect. Otherwise you might have to wait for me a little bit :)

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: December 02, 2016, 10:23:49 am »
Good proposal. I think I will manage to play m39 since it starts at 20 CET. Its accurate the time when I am planning to be at home.

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: December 02, 2016, 07:46:18 am »
Today: can play after 19 CET
Saturday: cant
Sunday: Can play after 19 CET
Monday: Can play after 12 CET
Tuesday: Can play after 12 CET
Wednesday: Can play after 12 CET
Thursday: Can play after 12-15 CET and after 18 CET
Friday: Can play after 12 CET
Saturday: Can play after 12 CET
Sunday: Can play after 12 CET

Seems like we maybe can play only in the next Sunday evening if mrSweets will be able to play this time.
Also I agree to play in another match if its the only way to resolve the situation.

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: December 01, 2016, 09:07:14 pm »
Nvm i can't lol, I forgot there are Shave soso and Noe who come to visit me

I can this saturday 12hCET though
Man I wrote like 3 times that I am not able to play on this Saturday

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: December 01, 2016, 09:38:05 am »
I can easy  :icon_cool: 12 cet will be goood
Ok, works for me

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: November 30, 2016, 01:19:40 pm »
I can play today at 22:30 CET

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: November 30, 2016, 06:46:40 am »
What about this Saturday 15 CET?
As I already said, I cant play on December 3 (this saturday). I can play friday or Sunday after 18 CET or any other day after 16 CET.

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: November 29, 2016, 01:50:57 pm »
I can play tonight. But on saturday I will be N/A

Scheduling / Re: S24 M37
« on: November 28, 2016, 03:01:03 pm »

I cant play on December 3 :(
So only December 10 is left. And I can play whole day of it.

Veto - Harvest of Sorrow

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