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Messages - Ugrilainen

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General Discussion / Re: China Team FFA 3v3 with heavyweights
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:01:19 am »
Awesome work Ugri. How come you've met them?

Would there ever be a chance to have them play a 4-way or 6-way ffa vs our top players.

Imagine this cast:


Map: Market Square

Hell, I'd happily donate to make that happen

I started writing articles for w3arena, then those were translated and posted on, then on Now I have a team of 8 people helping me in China.

Anyway I also covered 4 live events in China. Got to meet all famous players except one (Remind). Got invited to WCA and GCS in rewards for previous work, also helped organizers of those tournaments etc etc...

From this I thought i could go back to my previous tournament organization root and ask them for showmatches and/or FFA

But here again, maybe some will not show up, just now Infi asked to change race and Ted says UD have no chance... so we never know!

For your idea, anything can be done I guess, but you guys need to know how to use Netease before anything

General Discussion / Re: China Team FFA 3v3 with heavyweights
« on: February 13, 2017, 07:10:40 pm »
Met them all, I have their contacts, interviewed some.

It was not too hard, they seemed to like the idea. Lyn wanted to play too but was unavailable at that date. You know how scheduling a FFA can be difficult, reminded me of my FML days! :D

General Discussion / China Team FFA 3v3 with heavyweights
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:33:54 am »
FFA 3v3 on Ice Crown with 4 races Teams








The GreatWall

Social Media / Re: Player Streams List
« on: January 15, 2017, 10:58:25 am »
Hi add my stream pls

Rain is back! What do you play?

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:23:25 am »
I did not receive pm and chat box was full of akward rumors today so I will write my suggestion in a post here to make everything clear.

I suggest that when a map is submitted to you guys, after a quick review from the contest leaderboard and potential update, the map is sent to DV for testing on the ladder.

The sole purpose of this is to detect potential glitch and make room for improvement on a large testing scale (like the tavern glitch we detected yesterday). It is in no way to determine the winner that will be decided by FML only.

DV has been raised to the rank of Map pool Jedi, he can update anything now.

You can ask him to put in or out, put new version of any map you need testing anytime you want during the contest. 4 slots only though at a time for map to be tested.

I suggest the creation of a feedback thread for reporting issues or glitches.

When contest is over, the winner will be in the permanent rotation of FFArena. Then DV and I will add two more that went far into the competition and we think would suit ladder needs / with FML opinion being highly regarded.

I announced that on twitter, I hope it will be an incentive for more people to participate as map makers like their maps to be played.

Hope this is satisfactory. Goal is only to bring positive things for the Warcraft world.

Waiting for your opinion

Bets regards

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:52:56 am »
Ugri, please DO NOT add any map competition maps to the pool until the event is over. They are NOT tested nor are they complete. The makers still have a month to finish them.
A map can not be 100% completed. There is no limit to perfection.
It can be said that the map is ready to 99.9% when it was played just 1000+. And this can be achieved on the bot only.
My maps are ready to 99.5%. If you need more, I need a feedback.
Feedback from the FFA bot is the best that can be.

It's also a competition fairness issue. Other creators would not have this advantage with their maps. I don't mean to imply that your maps are not tested/finished

We could have worked on something together. FFArena is a good way to extensively test maps in details. If the goal is to get the best FFA maps possible then this is a useful tool. FML community will be able to organize a couple of games on each submitted maps version with a scope way smaller than full scale testing in an automatic rotation with hundred of players.

I do not want to appear like interfering in your contest so I follow your request of course. This is never my objective to appear being a disturbance- you can be assured.

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:15:47 am »
Ugri, please DO NOT add any map competition maps to the pool until the event is over. They are NOT tested nor are they complete. The makers still have a month to finish them.

Maps are removed.

@Neo-Geo I added Divide and removed Deadlock RH

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 05:14:24 am »
actually Deadbolt is still there, I will remove it to add Fjord Rdm Heroes.

I will add fixed maps and

I will add Divide and Conquer back.

Give me some likes! :D

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:48:24 am »
@AJIKAIII Mr Light fixed it, i will reupload the new version later.

General Discussion / Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:31:05 am »
call map maker for help, I cant fix maps :(

I was told all maps had been tested

General Discussion / New FFA map pool - FFArena
« on: January 01, 2017, 12:26:11 am »
      • Sanctuary
      • Twilight
      • Greenville Woods
      • Silverpine
      • Market
      • Monsoon
      • Retvizan Islands
      • Harvest of Sorrow
      • Market
      • Normandy
      • Silverpine
      • Twilight
      • Murgul Oasis
      • The Crucible
      • Sanctuary
      • Equalrium
      • Divide and Conquer
      • Isle of Dread
      • Cold Plains
      • Gold Rush
      • Rock Quarry
      • Harvest of Sorrow
      • Deathrose

      1/3 of maps are RH.

Integration of Equalrium, Greenville Woods, Normandy and Retvizan Islands.

Gold Rush, Deathrose and Murgul are back. Harvest returns in Normal Heroes.

red = RH[/list][/list]

News / Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:02:44 pm »
gonna add those today

anyone played fjord?

General Discussion / Re: For the love of God
« on: December 31, 2016, 10:46:14 pm »
Thks for remembering, I have some nostalgia about it quite often too

As for the map pool, im starting to clean it up. I want to say that its not the one I made last time I logged in ~ for example there is a moment where there is 4 Random Heroes maps in a row I would never do that...

And map ratio was 8 normal for 10 RH...

I understand some of you guys exasperation now.

Im adding a few of the new maps, will decrease RH a bit, will try to change the medium ones for some others that were not played for a while

Happy new year!

News / Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!
« on: December 20, 2016, 11:18:51 pm »
Apparently a Korean map maker will give a map to be tested for FFA soon, over the 8MB limit

General Discussion / Re: For the love of God
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:47:24 pm »
Redkeekee be patient a couple more days, then Ugri can come back to his FFA roots :D

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