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Re: S31 M5 Try March 15 Sunday 18:00 CET
March 12, 2020, 06:17:46 pm
Re: S31 M20 How about Sunday 29 Mar at 11:00 AM CET. I think 10 might be a bit too harsh for some, as it's right after the night of DST transition in Europe (so it's effectively 9 AM)

Map will be Freezing Field

March 24, 2020, 10:52:51 am
Re: S31 M32 Map will be Twisted Meadows

Go play Saturday April 11 at 9 EST | 15 CET?

April 07, 2020, 06:17:37 am
Re: S31 M32 Yes, sorry. For some reason I did not include it in the map pack. It's going to be the TM FML version. Only difference to the ladder version are the corners, that are accessible by foot and have the old dragon creeps
April 08, 2020, 08:28:10 am
Re: S31 M45 Map will be Ferocity
Go play this Saturday April 25 at 15 EST | 21 CET?

April 21, 2020, 05:24:39 pm
Re: FML Season 32 | Round 1 Match 1 (:USA: SeeKer, :Sweden: Fetta_ook, :Finland: Leluaami, :Peru: D2sTRUCT8)

Leluaami is a well known rat, hoarder and tree hider. So if the others eliminate him quickly, this should be an interesting game.  I will bet on Seeker here. Because Fetta usually plays like a rambo without micro or game sense.

But remember: This prediction only works, if you eliminate Leluaami completely. If you only kill his base, he will hide all over the map and rat his way to victory. So just make sure, he gets eliminated completely.

Match 2 (:Austria: rulaZ, :Finland: Aarnikratti, :Peru: Punpun, :Russia: ostone)

It all depends on who gets suicided by Aarnikrattis rifle push. In my opinion rulaz has good chances to take this match.

Match 3 (:Argentina: supremo :Russia: Sheik, :Germany: Shave, :Germany: 5te1n)

This match could become a very dirty one...

Match 4 (:United_Kingdom: Enjoi, :France: SyDe, :USA: Nightwing, :Serbia: Voxius)

Im sure Eshan will find a way to manipulate everyone into teaming SyDe. So SyDe should eliminate someone quick, if he wants to avoid 3/1 and have a chance :D

Match 5 (:Russia: qwest, :Russia: Airenikus, :Ireland: M00se, :Peru: MoonAndino)

I think qwest will just stomp.

Match 6 (:Sweden: Junkerzam, :Russia: Neytpoh, :Peru: Tukimkim, :Poland: Gradient)

It all depends on who fights who in the initial 1 on 1. If Neytpoh and Junker both win their initial 1 on 1s, im sure Neytpoh will win the game. Just dont let Gradient hoard too much, if he manages to make it into the 3-way.

Match 7 (:Germany: Trunkz, :Lithuania: Peanut, :Brazil: iOwnedU, :USA: Vyvanne

It probably all depends on who gets rushed by Trunkz first. I think all of the players are experienced enough to properly team him down 2/1 after that. So judging from my experiences in ladder iOwnedU should have hoarded enough gold by that point to come out on top :P

April 12, 2021, 08:39:08 am
Re: FML Season 32 | Round 1 match 1
lelu destroys them

match 2
rulaz will outsmart them all with his towers and alchie

match 3
sheik will get teamed and shave will coast to the win with mass gold

match 4

match 5
qwest will win so easily

match 6
gradient will rat, neutron will ragequit FML, and junker will win

match 7
mecha-trunkz cannot be defeated

April 12, 2021, 02:07:41 pm
Re: FML Season 32 - Round 4 ! Recently i started to watch some ffa streams again, watch results and even read some discord chat.
Nice to see a new season be played out with seeing some familiar and newer names.
It would been super cool if the final cast would been: Neytpoh, Sheik, Syde, Trunkz. But that's wishful thinking and most likely 1-2 others will also enter the final playoff game of this season.

:United_Kingdom: :ra: Enjoi
:France: :ra: SyDe
:USA: :ra: Peregrine
:Ireland: :ud: M00se

Enjoi looks like a good undead with decent fundamental undead mechanics and micro. Probably lacks some experience in FML but seems overall like a promising prospect.

Syde has really fine and robotstyle army control. I don't know how much he plays, but it seems that he is far from being as active as he used to be like 1-2 years ago. Considered as one of the nicest and balanced guys in FML and the WC3 1n1 scene overall he should stay like that but maybe just forget about that aswell as long as he is being in a game of free for all! ;-D He could try to channel the flow he had when he was facing me on some deathrose game 1,5 years ago. I was watching his streamtape afterwards and he was shouting „putain“ when i stayed around to harras his expand with single Paladin after he repeatedly killed my main with 100 before i could produce army (thanks to a lack of lumber). I had a good jiggle seeing and hearing that and i was fine with him winning, but i could not let him getting that win so smoothly after several warnings for „letting me produce units bro“ :-).

Perecringe/ Eshan/ Nightwing etc.
That guy is on a roll, duh? 3 Wins and another win in a sub game :D. Seems like people being ignorant about his history of how he is winning games or simply do not care about it. Just after a few moments of watching some of his games, chat or stream i was triggered. I bite my tongue most of the time when i see and read from that guy but once in a while there needs to be a reminder to other players and maybe newer ffaers, who maybe
don´t know what this dude is mostly about. He stands for so many things why FFA is sometimes such a mess:
1. Stalling games (just waits, plays passively, drags gameprogression out, tires people out making them lose patience) seemingly having all the time in the world to win a freaking ffa game.
2. Heavy manipulations nonstop. And not only during a game (there are plenty of heavy-users and you should not trust anyone's words in a FFA game anyway) but that guy does it before games and after games, too! There is not a single other player that created so much drama and chit-chat after a game. Usually after he loses, ofc course. When he wins he is all about praising the others play (sure, they probably played exactly in his cards), complimenting their fighting skills (who cares about winning fights, when you lose the game afterwards) or calling himself lucky (yeah indeed: lucky about the others ignorance and carelessness).
3. Extremely toxic. Carries past ingame-drama or events and uses that for manipping opportunities. (just look at his r4 prediction thread. He implies that he is ready to get rushed by Syde for stealing the win from him in r1. That's called reversed psychology and he hopes that neither Syde or anyone else actually does what he proposes.  Also blames people on ladder so much and prematurely about preteam and maphack which causes a very hostile environment to play in.

Apparently he is around everywhere these days. I saw him saying his two cents to basically every matter on discord, streaming games (i saw Gradient, Supremo, Punpun, Sheik game) where he mostly insults guys (Supremo & Gradient) and trying to make fun of them or blaming Sheik for being manipulative and passive – a good example where he blames others for stuff he is doing himself nonstop and way harder. Then talking about how Qwest is Sheiks biggest rival in a potential final with those two...hello pregame manips ~.~ Furthermore i recognized how he wrote in a scheduling threat from another match, trying to force those players to play it asap...n/c. All this omnipresence is somehow suspicious and is mostly used by him for manipulative purposes.

Also it is really hilarious how he streams games in the beginning of a season when he got rank 1 somehow again (ofc with avoiding tough casts and all the stuff being mentioned above) and then it says „rank 1 FFA“ in the stream description but of course once the season would progress and he is in danger of losing the „to-him- so-precious-rank 1" to someone else he stops streaming because of being afraid that'll be used against him. But early on for flexing and probaly some attention issues he needs every of his 5 observes to know which ranked player they are watching... :D
Additionally he was streaming some months ago with the tag „god of ffa“ or king of ffa or whatever it was...- more accurate it would be: Her Shameless Lameness, the spoiled princess of Manipville.

Excuse the wall of text but please see this as it is: An appeal to not let Perecringe get away with his lame unscrupulous playstyle.
Here are my quick tips dealing with him:
Go hard on him in games, get rid of him whenever there is a chance to.
Don't believe whatever he says. Think by your own and scout (especially for hidden armies, zeppelins, items).
Ignore him outside of games unless he obviously once again trying to create a web of manipulative content – then expose him and point to it.

M00se: He is around for a while now and showed some good games on TBR if i remember right. He is a little bit of a predictable undead standard user so he might need to mix it up with necrowagon or unholy frenzied wyrms and fiends. Gotta be a tough game for him but he if he flies under the radar he maybe has a shot in a long 4way when he can survive until the 3way with a good bank.

:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Serbia: :ne: Voxius
:Russia: :ra: Neytpoh
:Germany: :orc: ostone

Qwest is just a beast when he is motivated and in shape. His mechanics are top notch and he has those not just for the generic undead micro but also for the manipping parts in a game. He tries a lot of mimics during a game but is a very creative player (despite his sticking to armies with just gargs & a few destros or wyrms most of the times) with "inventing" the „qwest build“, finding places to make islands or developing strategies for a lot of scenarios. I disliked it mostly playing vs qwest because he is a wrecking machine and also because of his nasty manips, but he usually does not create any drama or manips after or before games.
He seemingly has some animosity with Neytpoh (stemming probably from some final i cannot really recall or additional other games) which i don't know much about. Hopefully they can figure it out in r4 game or even before, so it won't stand in their way in a potential semifinal or final clash.

Voxius: Around for a while now and even though his results have been quite forgettable until now he seemingly enjoys most of the games and the community. Sometimes he switches a bit quickly from liking guys to hating the same guys shortly after or the way round. He should maybe try to stay a bit more balanced and relaxed and think twice before being friendly with certain guys or being offensive to others :). If he plays his cards right he might be able to snatch some good points in this game.

Neytpoh: Looks like he is in a very good shape atm and playing not only solo (he is easily top 20 EU when active) but also being refining his ffa-skills in order for a run playing for the title – he is undoubtly one of the big favourites for it. Strong showings in first rounds with just carelessly giving away a win in that – admittingly – unique sappering ending sequence. Qwest cannot touch him in pure micro battles but in every other aspect. Will be interesting to see how they handle their rivalry.

Ostone: He is such a good player when being in shape and motivated but he been around so little the past years and it's a bit of a pity.

:Austria: :hu: rulaZ
:USA: :ra: GivenToFly
:Other: :ra: Peanut
:USA: :ud: Vyvanne

Rulaz is a smart player with most of the times good decision making. His army compositions are also often well balanced. Sometimes it appears that he fades when it becomes a bit more chaotic. So when he stays composed and focused i see him winning this, depending on who subs and how motivated Vyvanne will be.

GivenToFly aka Seeker i only know a little bit about. Is he the same guy as Flameseeker? Pretty solid and experienced player but maybe needs to try a bit harder these days. He and Vyvanne were suiciding each other some other game and here we have the chance to see if they get over that and start playing smarter or if that story will be re-written.

Peanut: Will be subbed. The guy has much potential but gets poked a lot by technical issues. When he is active and doesn't suffer from internet oder laptop issues he should be a safe pick for a semifinal.

Vyvanne: Such a good player but the myth around him often stands in his way. Somehow he is targeted a lot although he has not been around that much the past years. Maybe switching to his orc style will be a refreshing change.

:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam
:Finland: :ne: Leluaami
:Germany: :orc: 5te1n
:Sweden: :orc: fetta_ook

Junkerzam: A bit unlucky he ran into Neytpoh early in two of his games. The first time he actually had a good shot but stumbled under the pressure. Known for being an aggressive and brash player he has a big task ahead of him in that tricky cast.

Leluaami: One of the most improved players during the past years. Sometimes he seems a bit shaky in his approach but when he gets into his flow he is hard to beat these days combining strong elf play with different strats and herocombos and the ability of staying around and coming back into many games even when it's looking tough.

5Te1n: The stars aligned early in the ladder season with him wiping the floor with his pitiful opposition. Unfortunately he lost his magic but here is the inevitable outcome: He will qualify for the semifinals. First he will grab 23 points and then every other who might stand above him in the rankings will receive penalty points for being unacceptable rightwingers with no desire for progression and happiness in life.

fetta_ook: Few days ago i watched Seksis stream and he was playing on market square vs some cheeser orc. At first i was a bit unsure who that guy could be but then this happened: That orc proposed peace to Seksi which he accepted. Then Seksi had to fight in his own base vs strong undead, struggling to keep his heroes alive, but he fought the undead back who had to tp out. Seksis DK was low on HP and DANG that blademaster popped out of nowhere and assassinated the Deathknight with his sword. Perfect example of how to identify a fetta_ook in your game ;-). He was playing decently btw in that game so he might have a small chance of pulling of an upset here IF he and his fellow swede do not suicide each other. If they actually do suicide there will be a lot of nice 2n2 action needed to heal their relationship!

:Russia: :ra: sheik
:Germany: :ra: trunkz
:Peru: :ne: headintheclouds
:Peru: :ra: LION

Sheik: First time i saw him around was in TBR 1 when he was part of the legendary TMNT alongside me. He had a couple of good games but came up short and he was in good company with that! Since then a lot has changed and besides being a very consistent solo and 2n2 player with good results he seemingly also gathered enough experience in ffa to win games repeatedly. His season showed that he is getting a polished ffaer more and more. Besides the obviously present micro he strings the other aspects of the game together very well.

Trunkz: created that cool and very effective elf strategy which was copied many times. What is a strength in having experience with so many games playing the same strategy there also is a weakness in it since it is very predictable yet oftenly so hard to beat. From what i'ven seen there is only a good way to rush him early once the demonunter is not lvl 6 or even better not yet lvl 5! After that it becomes incredible hard to fight him and if there is no coordinated teaming (to which every player has to succumb sooner or later) basically the only chance is to baserace (to which he also adapted better during the years). Given that it will be interesting to see if there will be a fair clash between the powerhouses sheik and trunkz.

Headintheclouds/PunPun: I remember having some heated inhouse games with him. He is a good elf with getting better understanding of the overall ffa game. I saw some of that infamous regame mess on imaginary friends where he showed some good and some developable stuff. If he can control his temper and stay cool and composed he has a shot as an underdog in that strong cast.

Lion: Sorry if he does not have an aka i don't know anything about him.

:Peru: :ud: NoMercy2
:Peru: :hu: tukimkim
:Finland: :ra: aarnikratti
:Germany: :ra: letshavesomefun

NoMercy2: Always was wondering why it was 2! Is it meant to be „to“ and for style purposes it is 2?
Or had he an account NoMercy and wanted to do another account and what else could it have been than NoMercy2?! ;) He seems a bit rusty. Wasn't he around when cumulo was active? He got some experience and might be able to show more than he has so far in the season.

Tukimkim: The guy has a background in melodic music. His name just sounds cool when be spoken. Besides some cryptic chat in discord i can say nothing about him except that the peruvian recruiting program works apparently well!

Aarni-the-karateguy: After his brilliant R1 game i thought he could make a walkthrough in S32. Sadly he have not played it consequently the next rounds when he had sheik in some trouble early after a good rush or teaming neytpoh poorly and not finishing perecringe. I'd like to see a focused and more tryhard aarninator in this game to give shave a run for his money.

Letshavesomefun: Interesting how „shave“ developed from that accountname :D. Reminds me of how „Reinforcement“ would become „Cement“ suddenly (good luck on your 1v1 journey and stop losing games vs Arma the way you did, i was rooting for you and game1 was a pretty cool one).
Shave is a walking contradiction and an enigmatic phenomenon. Being a fashion influencer on discord, sharing his beachvolleyball and tinder stories with the world and plague his gaming buddies with his windows95 PC (is it true that he got a new one after all?!) and still being able to pull out miracles like winning games with strong casts (like the final last year and r3 game) despite his practice contains of 95% chatting.

:Poland: :ne: Gradient
:Brazil: :ra: SelfControlMe
:Argentina: :ne: supremo
:Russia: :orc: Airenikus

Gradient: Legendary polish power! Most famous FFA player outside of the FML/discord FFA bubble for sure. Emperor of Grubby in FFA and Solo. Since his supremacy in FFA bored him he decided to went fulltime MD pro and finally prepares to face Alice in a Best-of-9 Series 1n1 MD.
He will either be subbed because of playing MD or shows up, bash his opponents in 25 mins, takes 23 points and joins another MD.

Selfcontrolme: Not the most powerful aka name. Up to interpretation. I have not seen a game by him so far.

Supremo: Together with Gradient my favourite Gimmick player. His strat is underrated and can work once his DH gets lvl6. He suffers a lot from his bad ping and having problems communicating in a game due to lack of english, although it became better!

Airenikus: Imo he should stick to Orc or Undead. Last time i saw his human i did not like it much. He has the ability to stay in games even though facing adversity. In the past i often experienced how much i dislike the tone of his manips but you cannot deny that he has good understanding of the ffa mechanics and a good sense for sneaking wins. Cannot say in what shape he is currently but he is almost always able to compete and is probably the favourite here. I hope being able to watch that game somehow and see in what form he handles supremo and gradient because it's so tough with them in 3ways.

May 13, 2021, 01:53:26 pm