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Re: Early FFA History by X[Hunters] Cool write up, man.  Thanks for posting!  Some of us have been around for a long time, but I think only AlienWareOwnZ is still playing of those guys you listed.

I personally started playing FFA right after these times you discussed.  The tail end of players like F-L-Y and Nooblex and into the times of Magadansky, Nline, etc. 

Unfortunately, I am relinquished to feeling like WC3 and FFA is like a bad break up full of good memories and lasting disappointment.  We have had a strong community for so many years all leading up to the release of WC3: Reforged which was any WC3 player's dream.  The release couldn't of been worse and it has not gotten any better, FFA has been slowly dying.  WC3 Champions is an incredible 3rd party ladder and program that supports competitive WC3, but less and less so FFA.   We really need Blizzard to release a working ladder for Reforged, but it's been almost a year with no ladder.   

Activision-Blizzard is no longer the Blizzard we grew up with.  I hate to say it but all games now are driven by profit-first mentality and microtransactions... games are made now to be addictive with daily quests and ways to get consumers to spend money.  The focus is not on gameplay or graphics or story anymore.  Activision-Blizzard is a prime example of this, as the quality of the great games of the past are gone (Diablo 2, WC3, WOW in its first stages).  Even Hearthstone has turned for the worst.   I truly feel the era of great gaming has come and passed.   /rantover

We were all so hopeful for WC3 Reforged, me perhaps more than anybody.  Maybe one day ladder will be released and the FFA scene revitalized.  We do have the tools to do so (twitch, discord, ffamasters, youtube, etc.). 

November 20, 2020, 12:41:59 pm