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Re: S29 M23 Right now I I can play at any time and make it work, but preferably after 1200 PST / 1500 EST / 2100 CET but pretty flexible.

February 05, 2019, 06:42:48 am
Re: S29 M23 I can go as early as noon or 1pm EST / 1800 or 1900  CET but that'll be 9am for me.

Still open any day at the moment.

February 07, 2019, 03:01:17 pm
FML in 2019

Dear fellow-FFAlers,

Our new gatekeeper is the shadow hunter Vol'jin. We updated our design across all platforms to make FML more easily identifiable. While we are a niche community, new players will always remain our lifeblood. Reforged bears the potential to revive Warcraft 3 for another ten years, but I don't think we should take that for granted.

While admins will continue to plan great things throughout 2019, there are multiple ways you can help us to remain relevant.

  • Provide constructive feedback to admins
  • Warmly welcome new players to the community
  • Create Twitter and YouTube accounts to follow FFA Masters League
  • Participate in this straw poll (

Thank you and GL HF!

February 14, 2019, 03:41:55 am
S29 M100 M100
:Germany: :ra: GEASS
:Czech_Republic: :hu: Lil Tic
:Peru: :hu: ZsSuperCumulo
:Sweden: :ra: junkerzam

Would be great if you guys find a weekend time, so we can cast the game. GEASS has map choice. @GEASS please post map here

February 24, 2019, 05:03:54 pm
Re: S29 M100 Same map as semi finals.
Ive ordered a new keyboard i hope it Comes this week. So i would say Saturday or Sunday starts 18.00 Clock.

February 25, 2019, 01:16:10 pm
CriticalBastard returns Greetings gentlemen,
Good to see FFA is still going strong. I miss you all!

PS If you don't know who I am, I am a legend and incredibly handsome by all accounts.

April 01, 2019, 04:13:12 pm
Re: CriticalBastard returns All hail the return of sea bee!
April 02, 2019, 08:06:51 am
Re: Interview with f-l-y, hydro, janken and pencil
RIP :(

@Pinballmap  when is you coming back

atm im just playing solo/rt ladder at I might come back for Reforged FFA :D Im pretty hyped about it actually.

April 18, 2019, 02:36:04 pm
WC3: Reforged Hey guys,

Hope you're still there and excited as I am to play FFA in Reforged.  I haven't played WC in a couple of months and I know it will probably be December until it's released, but you can bet I will be back to play FFA in Reforged and go for #1, stream actively and help promote/build the FFA scene! 

Who's with me?

July 11, 2019, 08:10:18 pm
Re: FML Season 30 | Sign up! supremo

August 17, 2019, 12:41:29 pm