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Re: M20 Results
November 25, 2016, 06:50:31 pm
Re: M20 Results GG WP Dianmo !

You was true best in this round ! I know once you show to Zs.SuperCumulo how much he was wrong - when said it " american capitalism, beating the shit out of communist russians since 1947 )))))))))))))))) "

else once you can said him - cumulo bro - stop lick the ass of America -__-

November 26, 2016, 02:59:52 am
Re: S24 Round 3 Matches ROUND 3 PREDICTIONS

:Bulgaria::ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Germany::orc: ena1337
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: WeAkUD

Tough match for everyone, specially for Ena who really needs a win this round. Imo Obslearn, weakUD and junkerzam are around the same level so if it comes to a three way any one of them can get the win. I wonder if Ena will attempt to rush someone out, he needs more than 12 pts so he has to play for win, but it'll be hard to accomplish. GL to all, but I think junkerzam wins this round.

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Ukraine::orc: Nline
:Russia::ne: Nightelf

Tough match for all of us involved. Nline's orc is very good vs human, although he lost to noex last round, it came close at some points. Mog also has a fair shot in this game, but it won't be an easy game, specially facing Nline's orc, my human and Nightelf's ne who had a terrific game in round 2 providing us with one of the best endings this season could offer. Looking forward this game and GL HF to all.

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Russia::hu: AjikaIII

Very balanced game imo, it looks a bit more in favor of rain, but it could rlly go either way. Pinball may be able to sneak under the radar and maybe help one of the players in teaming, but I think the victory will go for Rain or Ajik. Let's just hope that rain doesnt suicide like he did last game vs GEASS.

:Finland::ra: aarnikratti
:USA::ud: ashalar
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Canada::ne: Renaud

Very intersting game, ashalar and aarnikratti are about the same lvl while Renaud and Maga are FML champions. I wonder how Renaud will play vs the Infamous Dreadlord. I think this game looks bright for Maga, but so did the previous rounds where he lost due to teaming. Let's hope this game he plays differently and secures himself a win.

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Russia::ud: KENT2566
:Serbia::ne: svedirko
:Russia::ne: Dinamo

Eshan and Dinamo meet again, lol, I'm sure Dinamo will want nothing but revenge, after all he's probably a former member of Alpha Force
Kent and Svedirko get a second chance as some other players, but it looks like this will be their last round. I expect a furious 1v1 between Eshan and Dinamo for the win and it can go either way really; nevertheless,  :USA: USA :USA: USA :USA: USA :USA:.

:Germany::orc: letshavesomefun
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ne: Redkeekee

All of the players in this group have won at least one game, except for shave, which means Shave has to either get 14 pts or win; otherwise this time he'll be out for the rest of the season. Looking at the cast, it looks like he could accomplish that, specially if he beats QQs or Redkee in 1v1, but DV- no matter how much of a big rat should not be understimated. I think DV- will take the win this game, either that or Redkee beats Shave/QQs and he somehow beats DV in a base race. Hard to say who will come a head but a lot of pressure on Shave for sure.

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ud: qwest

This game will be intersting to say the least. Gradient is a genius in disguise, NoMercy has managed to steal two victories when we all thought he had little chance and then we have wreck and qwest who have not had the best results, but are in good position. As a matter of fact, all of these players, except for Gradient are safe for round 4. If wreck and Qwest tunnel vision like Alien and Tyrant did today then Nomercy may win, but the X-factor is Gradient who may surprise us all one last time. I will go with my AT partner Qwest because imo it's time for him to get a win once and for all.

:Russia::orc: b100death
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Russia::orc: Ostone

Very intersting game. Right now I think Persuade and Ostone are out of shape, so that gives the advantage to b100 and maybe to crylaxu. Ultimately since there are 3 orcs it may be best to get rid off the und, but a 3 way orc mirror is something no1 wishes to see, much less experience. I personally think b100 will come on top and score 22 pts once again.

:France::ne: Ponty
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Russia::orc: Airenikus
:Russia::orc: mrSweets

After we saw SteppinRazor's outstanding performance vs the mighty dreadlord I think he has a fair shot in this round. Eventhough they all seem to be around the same lvl, I think if Steppin goes orc he may do as well as in round 2. GL to him and bring the win home buddy!

:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Bulgaria::hu: Leader
:Germany::ra: Slythe

Ah, the more I see GEASS and J33. together in one game, the more I think these two are meant to be together. Slythe and leader and wildcards so it would be intersting if it comes to a 3 way. I think GEASS will win though, but J33. will do everything in his power not to finish 4th so he may rush someone out just like he did vs Shave in round 1. Slythe is rdm player but I hope he goes und since he is very good with it. Nevertheless, the german powerhouse GEASS will earn 22 pts for himself

:Switzerland::hu: noexxx
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:USA::ra: foxfart66109
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

Another fun game to watch, but the result is cristal clear, either noex gets 14 pts or he getsthe win 22 pts. Fox and secondbreathe are no match vs noex, but they do "ok" vs Jaod. Although styles will depend on the map, it's fair to say that Noex has a huge lead over all of these players, I see Jaod getting 2nd and maybe 2ndbreathe 3rd.

:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Last but not least this game is also intersting. Soso and Alien will face eachother and I wonder who will come on top. I think so far Alien has had some decent rounds, specially for fair 1v1s. 1st round vs Dinamo who put a good fight, but ultimately lost; followed by me who lost because of no production buildings; then in round 2 he faced tyrant in a permanent 1v1 where Alien lost because of und imba 80 push. This round I wonder if Alen will 1v1 soso the same way he did vs Dinamo, me and Tyrant. Otherwise it may become a long 3 way or a fast game, who knows. Soso is clear favorite though, with 28 pts up to this point, it's time for him to win. Red will most likely finish 3rd or 4th, but at least he is still hanging there, so good for him :)

November 27, 2016, 10:32:29 pm
Re: S24 Round 3 Matches Round 3 Matches:
:Bulgaria::ud: Magadansky's Smurf
:Germany::orc: ena1337
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: WeAkUD

Probably end's up on Twilight Ruins given the cast.  I think Maga will creep up pretty high and then rush out either Ena or Junker, whoever is closer.  It will become a 2v1 after that, which he will win because thats what he does. 

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Ukraine::orc: Nline
:Russia::ne: Nightelf

I haven't seen any of Nightelf's games, but according to DV as long has he has two index fingers (one to click the letter "A" and one to click the left-mouse button) he can win.  Nline is OG and I love him, but theres a chance one of his spawnlings may unplug his computer just to mess with him.  Supes and Mog will battle hearty.  I also think this ends up on Twilight.  If it does I'd probably give the edge to Supes.  But I always vote Mog.

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Russia::hu: Ajikaji

I dont think Rain will show, and I suspect a 1v1 between PBM and Fetta will morph into a tauren chieftain stomp-off, with points awarded inversely to units hit.  Ajikaji will be like 'oy mate' and sit in a corner hoarding to NoMercy gold levels before anyone notices, and he'll win with that.

:Finland::ra: arnykarny
:USA::ud: ashalar
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Canada::ne: Renaud

I feel rather bad for ArnyKarny in this game because he has 0 chance of winning.  His impact on the game will likely be 1) who he siphons off XP from by creeping their area and 2) who tomes him.  I didnt know PokeMaster was still active, and so he probably isnt.  In the battle of Maga vs. Renaud, it comes down to Maga's levels and how despicable the other players are/how willing they are to do Renaud's bidding.  In this game I dont think it will matter, and Maga will end up with trip 10 heroes.  Renaud will say 'MAGA IMBA' at least once.

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Russia::ud: KENT2566
:Serbia::ne: svedirko
:Russia::ne: Dinamo

I usually think Eshan is crap, but he played his last game pretty brilliantly so I am going to say I am neutral towards his play style, which is pretty solid considering the only player whose gameplay I ever compliment is Maga.  So basically Eshan = Maga now.  And Magshan wont lose to these guys.  Though apparantly Dinamo thinks all US players team him, so he might just 2v1 Eshan out with Kent.  Then get banned Jaod styles.

:Germany::orc: letshavesomefun
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ne: Khatmandu

I actually think all 4 players could win this, cause they are all equally skilled and I dont know the map.  Instead I will just root for my main cat.

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ud: qwest

Having cast 5 hours of No Mercy games in the past 2 weeks I am pretty clear on his playstyle at this point.  I watched Gradient play his last match.  I havent played Qwest in like a year, but Supercumulo reminded me the last time I did I suicided Laxu to give him a free win.  So Qwest if youre reading this how about returning the favor? ;)

:Russia::orc: b100death
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Russia::orc: Ostone

Will Ostone show?  Will Persuade show?  Will Persuade die horribly in a firey flaming heap like last week or be godlike superman?  Will Laxu cry 'HES KILLING ME' when no one is in his base? Will B100 build over 100 bats? (OMG Bats > 100 = death. I UNDERSTAND HIS NAME NOW.)

:France::ne: Ponty
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Russia::orc: Airenikus
:Russia::orc: mrSweets

Ponty will be teamed because of his name, I have no doubt.

:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Bulgaria::hu: Leader
:Germany::ra: Slythe

:Switzerland::hu: noexxx
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:USA::ra: foxfart66109
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

Petition to require Fox to change his name please.

:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Red has been training and his no-breath of fire, unit-formation movement strategy is ready for the primetime.  I predict 5 hours of 3v1 against red resulting in 408 hero kills (all by Red) and the three remaining players all retiring from FFA for the shame they will bring on themselves.

November 28, 2016, 09:39:41 am
Re: S24 Round 3 Matches Round 3 Matches:
:Bulgaria::ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Germany::orc: ena1337
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: WeAkUD

ena will get rushed out by one of these 3 UD since he didn't improve his FFA macro yet, ObserveandLearn should take this one easy as the rambo WeakUD will suicide into Junkerzam

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Ukraine::orc: Nline
:Russia::ne: Nightelf

This game will be a duel between Mog and Nline. Nline's macro is behind mog's one but his micro is above.
I hope this game won't end up in a suicide between these two, as the 2 underdogs will try to play all their cards to win. I can see Cumulo crossmaping the orc while he is already fighting. Nline will certainly demolish Cumulo but will be weakened and unable to compete goldwise with Mog afterwards.

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Russia::hu: AjikaIII

There will be two 1n1 in this game, first fetta will try to 100 food Pinball out but will totally fail and get crush. He will end up rebuilding in a corner while crying for help for the rest of the game. Alkash will make good use of his special antiUD rush and win Rain. After getting mass TP he will roll over everyone.

:Finland::ra: aarnikratti
:USA::ud: ashalar
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Canada::ne: Renaud

I can't see someone else win in this one, unless very high teaming. Renaud is still too rusty to beat Maga.

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Russia::ud: KENT2566
:Serbia::ne: svedirko
:Russia::ne: Dinamo

That's the kind of game Eshan knows how to deal with.

:Germany::orc: letshavesomefun
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ne: Redkeekee

Shave will end up with 10 points as he always does in FML, after losing his 1n1 to DV. QQs will spend the game chasing shaves buildings to be sure to not finish last since his FML ambitions are as high as his skills.
In the end Redkeekee will kill DV who will rage in chat about 100 food elf a-click.

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ud: qwest

Gradient will be ignored by the other players and will take this game home.

:Russia::orc: b100death
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Russia::orc: Ostone

Persuade is totally rusty and has no chance in this game, unless he suprises me (i hope). Ostone is the favorite to me but b100 and Laxu can team him. Though I think b100 will suicide Tleilaxu on the basis that Ostone played "best" microwise, so "he deserves to win."

:France::ne: Ponty
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Russia::orc: Airenikus
:Russia::orc: mrSweets

:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Bulgaria::hu: Leader
:Germany::ra: Slythe

Geass the human version of WeakUD and will certainly get manipped by j33. or Slythe. j33. will win by experience.

:Switzerland::hu: noexxx
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:USA::ra: foxfart66109
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

Noexxx is too strong and is hu.

:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Red7z7 seems to have 0 chance in this cast as the 3 other players are pretty good. I think it will be a fast 3-way where zTsoso and Alien will cry about getting teamed for name while TheTrumanShow will secretly flourish.

November 28, 2016, 10:18:39 am
Re: S24 Round 3 Matches
all of these predictions saying i will manip and puppet my way to victory is just ensuring i get teamed by kent + dinamo BFFs :(

Eshan - actually it is all just american and peruvians 1LVL Jokes - last game show all us - how lucky can you be..... WHY DInamo need team you with kent ? together ))) xD

in your last game you and RKK team 2 x 1 Dinamo - in time when Dinamo finished RKK you just sniping Dinamo expams...
in game - he destroyed you totally - and if he have little more time - you just be kicked out

Dinamo have better stats than you in ladder bot and he practice his FFA skill every day - GL HF for you today and as i already said - show your skill today

i be very sad if you aggain stay at main in 50 and cry about " i dying " - and in late just get not deserved win !

November 29, 2016, 01:26:50 am
Re: S24 Round 3 Matches i think eshan played bad, he almost lost solo to kent, maniped A LOT, and didnt micro properly in the very end when it was down to hero arena

no need to be dissapoint about that game eshan, it was all ur fault

November 30, 2016, 04:53:50 pm
Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming And of course we see Culo hurrying to defend his Master. I bet he'd let Wrecktify cum inside his asshole if Wreck so much as suggest it.
December 19, 2016, 09:06:41 am
Re: Wrecktify reported for swearing in Russian and flaming
And of course we see Culo hurrying to defend his Master. I bet he'd let Wrecktify cum inside his asshole if Wreck so much as suggest it.

With my "Starfall Covered Wang" - hahahaha omg my chat was HILARIOUS in the game this guy is complaining about.  And not even particularly insulting, just typical me-trolling-randos. 

December 19, 2016, 09:19:36 am
Re: S24 M42 Wreck and culo are retards, they confused us, or mb it was pre game manip.

Anyway, we play 22:30 CET

December 21, 2016, 03:08:12 pm