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Re: M44 Result I like that soso changed his mindset going into this game. He's not trying to sugar coat anything anymore, straight from the start calling everyone fucking noobs :D
December 22, 2016, 06:42:28 pm
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest!  :FMLN:

Breaking news! Courtesy of @DV- the prizepool now totals $51.

Merry christmas!

December 24, 2016, 02:51:00 am
S24 Round 5: The Great Purge  :FMLN:

Welcome back, I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season. On that cheeful note,  congratulations to the winners from Round 4: Rain, GEASS, AlienWareOwnZ, TheTrumanShow, Dinamo, qwest, FML|junkerzam, NoMercy2 and believe it or not, zTsoso! As you know, this round brings another group of eliminations. Thank you to all the following players and we hope to see you next season:

:Finland::ne: j33.
:Canada::ne: FML|Renaud
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:USA::ud: FML|red7z7
:USA::ud: FML|WorpeX
:Finland::ne: aarnikratti
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Poland::ne: Gradient

With round 5 ushering in the new year, please find your match below, and begin scheduling in the corresponding thread. Games should be played by January 15, 2017. Remember, this is the final main season round. At the end of this round, top 2 players proceed directly to finals. Players ranked 3-10 will have two semi-final matches. Good luck!

The Map Pool:
  • Duststorm
  • Battleground
  • Tranquil Paths FML (Worpex will provide soon)
  • Murgul Oasis
  • Sanctuary

The Matches:
:Bulgaria::ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Germany::hu: QQs
:Russia::ud: qwest
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:USA::ra: Eshan

:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Germany::ra: WeAkUD

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Serbia::ne: svedirko
:USA::ne: Redkeekee

:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Germany::ra: Slythe
:Russia::ud: Jaody21
:Russia::hu: AJIKAIII

:Switzerland::hu: noexxx
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook

December 29, 2016, 06:26:11 pm
Re: New FFA map pool - FFArena @Wrecktify ^^ here's your reporter plz have civil discusssion with him :DD


January 03, 2017, 11:24:47 pm
Re: M51 Result The previous match where Cumulo unpaused was completely different circumstances. That time, he was the one who paused, so he wasn't denying someone else their pause. He also had no way of knowing that Wreck and myself were in the middle of a battle. Yes, it was careless but admins determined that there was no intention of abuse. He also received a warning. Also rule 3.40c did not exist at the time so there was no explicit violation of the rules.

This time, Cumulo was unpausing (multiple times) for Eshan's pause, clearly with antagonistic intent as he was flaming Eshan at the same time. Whether this was in reaction to reading "pliss" or "piss" is a moot point.

Of course unpausing is not acceptable and should be prevented in any case, but sometimes it should actually be acceptable to do so. Say if Eshan paused and started manipulating to save himself. Then it would from my point of view be legitimate to unpause for Cumulo. However, Cumulo's actions cannot be defended on these grounds here since Eshan had not even started to chat or manip. So there is really no defending this.

With the new rules in place, players should never unpause for another player unless that player has been away for longer than 10 minutes, regardless of the circumstances. If you believe that the pause was intended as abuse, for example if the player paused during the middle of a fight that they themselves are fighting, and without valid reason, then you can report that instance to admins after the game and admins will make the call if a penalty is warranted.

Edit: regarding the amount of points deducted, in this case it puts Cumulo at risk of elimination.

January 09, 2017, 03:18:46 pm
S24 Grand Final :FMLN:

Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, welcome to the finale of Season 24! It's been a long, gruesome season fraught with heartbreak, teaming and suicides, but often times the end of an arduous journey brings with it joy and celebration. We are nearly at that point, when the lone victor gets to claim the ultimate prize: the crown of champions. We are happy to present to you the cast of the season 24 grand finals:

:Switzerland: :hu: noexxx
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ
:Russia: :ud: qwest
:Kazikstan: :ud: DV-

The map will be decided by the veto system between Noexxx and AlienWareOwnZ with this order (vetoes can be submitted in private to admins and will be announced after both submit or after 48 hours):

1) Deathrose
2) Twilight Ruins
3) Deadlock

And in the words of Renaud, "It's time for the finals, and I think we can all agree, thank god we don't have any orcs!"

January 25, 2017, 05:01:42 pm
Re: S24 Grand Final
lol tough call for Noex, 2 of these maps are heavily favor undeads. I think Red wants an und champion no matter the cost ...

Luckily for Noe every map favors human because human imba!

January 25, 2017, 05:42:38 pm
Congratulations to the S24 Champion! :FMLN: :gold: :gold: :gold: :gold:

Congratulations to :Switzerland::hu: Noexxx :gold: for his incredible run throughout the season and this Grand Finals victory! Noexxx is crowned the champion of the 24th season of FML and upon this achievement his name goes directly into the Hall of Fame.

If you missed the cast, please find the replay here: http://tft.w3arena.net/replays/details/10907/

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this season so great to follow and be a part of. It's truly a wonderful community we have here. Stay tuned in the next week for announcements about our next events. Again thank you everbody!

January 28, 2017, 06:03:55 pm
TBR Week 1 Schedule + Details :FMLN:

Since we had a blazingly fast draft (must be the benefit of having very active captains!), we are already set to move onto the next phase one day ahead of schedule. Now begins the player assignments / scheduling phase!

Captains must submit their player assignments to either Pinballmap or myself by Saturday 18 EST / 24 CET, as games begin on Sunday!

Scheduling rules/details
There will be 3 weeks of 4-way matches, followed by a 2v2v2v2 round. For the first 3 weeks, there will be 8 matches per week (subject to change). All the rules below apply to the first 3 weeks only:

- Scheduling will happen on a weekly basis. Only one week's matches will be announced at a time
- Teams will discuss together to decide which player is assigned to each game
- A team assigns only 1 player to each game
- Within the 3 week period, a player must play at least 2 games, and at most 3 games (put simply: 2 min, 3 max)
- There are no weekly limits, for example a player can play all 3 games in the first week and sit out the next 2 weeks if that's what the team agrees to.

Anonymous games
- Each team will be provided a list of smurf names corresponding to each player (for example salamander_3452). Players are responsible for creating those accounts and joining their assigned match using those smurfs. Players will get a new smurf for every match. We will have w3arena admins verify the identity of players after each match to filter for cheating.

- If for whatever reason a player from a team does not show up to a match, the team of the player has 3 options
1) They can substitute a player from their team into the match as long as they don't violate the 2 min, 3 max rule. This means if a player has 2 games played and a 3rd one scheduled, and he is chosen as a substitute for an earlier game, then that means the game he subbed now counts as his 3rd game and he cannot play his previously scheduled 3rd game.
2) That team forfeits the match and a neutral substitute plays instead (someone not in the event)
3) Forfeit the match and Computer insane substitutes.

Week 1 schedule

Sunday February 19th
10 EST / 16 CET: Regular game on Twilight Ruins
15 EST / 21 CET: Random heroes on Silverpine Forest

Monday February 20th
No games

Tuesday February 21st
16 EST / 22 CET: No air units* on Deadlock

Wednesday February 22nd
15 EST / 21 CET: Regular game on Market Square

Thursday February 23rd
16 EST / 22 CET: Random heroes on Harvest of Sorrow

Friday February 24th
15 EST / 21 CET: Regular game on Monsoon

Saturday February 25th
10 EST / 16 CET: Banned heroes* on Twisted Meadows
15 EST / 21 CET: Regular game on Deathrose

Challenge Modes Definitions
-No air units: Simply no flying units. Creating a flying unit will get you disqualified!
-Banned heroes: The following heroes are not allowed: Archmage, Paladin, Blademaster, Tauren Chieftain, Demon Hunter, Keeper of the Grove, Death Knight, Lich. Training one of these heroes will get you disqualified!

February 16, 2017, 06:33:30 pm
Re: TBR Week 1 Schedule + Details We based the chosen times on statistics of last seasons match times. We'll see how things go this week and may make adjustments next week.
February 17, 2017, 04:04:54 am