September 20, 2024, 06:13:45 pm
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Hey nerds,

I wouldn't say that this is the most motivated I've ever been, but I can't deny, that setting up FFA events brings some joy to me. Thus, I allowed you to push me into some Team Battle Royale 8 shenanigans. We all love TBR and while it can be super stressful, I just hope it'll be like the last one, which wasn't.

What is TBR? It's a team event, where all participating players are being drafted into their teams by four team captains. Throughout the month of September, teams seat their players for the daily FFA games scheduled. While the majority of matches will be regular FFAs, we also include other modes (e.g. random hero, no chat, random spell, team ffa etc.). Every team has access to two shared accounts, so matches are played anonymously.

When: Sep 8 - Oct 15, 2024 (tbd)

Please sign up via the tbr-8-sign-up channel in Discord. We reserve the right to decline players that are unknown to the community or do not meet the trustworthiness threshold.

Remarks: As you may remember, we hosted the vast majority of TBR 7 matches via Flo. Due to some drama around the visible lobby ping, we transitioned to for crunch time matches. We have yet to decide how to handle hosting in TBR 8

We may not be able to host via W3C due to visible ping in lobby and the map pool.

It's always a bit tricky to maintain "map pool hygene" in TBR. As usual, I will provide the map file subfolders before the event and hope everyone can paste it into their folder pathes.

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