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Topics - Slythe

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General Discussion / MMA characters vs FFA/FML characters
« on: February 21, 2019, 04:25:13 pm »
I found that piece, which i started like 2 years ago and recently found. Never finished it, but maybe some ppl can add or change some stuff....

I am a fan of MMA and also Pro Wrestling  :icon_razz: and originally wanted to compare FFAers to Wrestlers, but switched to MMA guys (maybe using both worlds would been even more appropriate)... maybe some of you following one of these sports/entertainment aswell...

Here is he current list (as i said before was made 2 years ago, coulda add or change up some but w/e - thought iīd share it with you how it is).

Josh Barnett. Oldschool, many tools, a nerd, uses all tricks (close to) cheating, talkative, serious approach and sometimes entertaining.

Rich Franklin: Former Champ. Unspectular but very efficient strategies.

Ragin Al Iaquinta: Skilled, young, ragy.
GSP:  Crafty, sticks to his guns, polite and canadian.

Conor McGregor:  on the edge mostly, over it more often. Very much smack talk. Tries to play mind games all the time. Has skills, but gets embarassed fom time to time very hard. Much into fashion.

Dana White: The Boss. Medium level player but good promoter and organizer. Believes in his product. Abuses his powers from time to time.

Jon Jones: Considered by many the Goat. Being himself in the way a couple of times.

Tito Ortiz: Big Mouth. Bigger losstreaks. Powerful when in shape and not vs good competetion.

Chael Sonnen:  Oldschool. Bad boy. Talks and manipulates a lot, often in an funny way. Likes to play it safe.
Wanderlei Silva: Brawler type of guy. Chokes when trying to play it more strategically. Hot headed.

The „just bleed“ guy: VIP fan. Likes to see others blood, sweat and tears.

Kazushi Sakuraba: Endures a lot of punishment. Hungs tough and rallies. Comes back and keeps true to his art. Always game.

Royce Gracie: Innovator. Some kind of elder statesman of the game.

Cain Velasquez: Mexican heritage. Skilled and well rounded. Not much of a talker. Poker Face.

Luke Rockhold: Vain and cocky. Skilled. Same stuff all the time. Vulnerable early.

General Discussion / Regular Season Wrap Up
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:17:52 am »
Season soon comes to an end and itīs time to look back and sum up a little bit.
One of the longest seasons itīll be and a unique one for sure.

Seasonīs System:

The team aspect brought a fresh approach and was a nice hybrid between more classic fml and TBR. It definitely was good to have the 25% share points, since othwerwise there wouldnīt really been a teamfactor, besides fighting for your favourites maps.

This brings me to the next point. The map choices and decisions about whoīs playing on which map. At first, with the original format, iīd expected to have much cherry picking and hard discussions about the maps in the teams.
Atleast for my team i can say, that it went really smoothly all along. Partly due Wreckīs more laissez-faire style of captaining, aswell as my rare map-vetoing or favorizing. With Dinamo being basically the only one, that liked to play a certain map almost every round, it was most of the time just a logical development of finding the maps for each player.

Also there were mostly a nice varitey and mix of maps each rounds, with probably just a few bigger maps missing. With the overall opportunity to pick maps, it was a lot more player friendly imo, than just giving maps for each round (of course there were ways of more diplomatic map choices via veto or similar in the past fml season).

Of course the concept of the season helped some players to quailfy for the post season, aswell as it denied some the access to the playoffs. But thatīs how it goes. Shoulda thought about it beforehand joining the season and not waiting until the end and then complain  :icon_wink:.

Overall i felt there was some drama, but surely not as much as in some previous seasons. No clue how intense it was in some teams internally, but overall there were just the standard bad blood in few matches, plus maybe Trunkzī complaints, Shaveīs trolling and a few unfortunate player exits from the competetion during the season. But all in all, those were the common things, that occur every season.

Besides the little troubles there were a lot of players that surprised with their play and results, both in positive and negative way. Together with those performances, the teams turned out to be kinda balanced, atleast most of them and in certain scales.

Here we have big differences though, how those teams were formed. Some were founded via friendship, symphaty and love īnīhate like rage quitters. Others were formed by captains due to playerīs strengths and past good experiences together like the Zig Zagīs. And few just were created out of nowhere or picked by admins, like the free agent squad.

Apropos Admins. Big thanks especially to the ones who made this season work so smoothly and well. Worpex ofc, Mog, Renaud from the official side and of course the amazing helpers of those like Hightac, Ponty, Aarni,Wreck, Cumulo and many more. Either with hosting, results, replays, sheets, Streams & Casts. Besides the need of willed players  :icon_lol:, those who are motivated, qualified and able to help are such an important part of the success and joy of this FFA/FML we got rolling here for quite some time now!

Continuing with a look to playerīs performances. Note that i did not watch every game, but maybe  around 75% of them, either via replay, stream or obs.
Iīd like to begin with my team,
Bad Manneroths :

Wreck had an truly memorable run this regular season. He won 4 out of 6, with having the chance of winning in the two losses aswell. He played especially well in that deadlock game and also on anarchy castle. Some casts were not that hard and he could use the opportunities that were there really well with nice decisionmaking and strong use of the elfish race.

Peanut had a pretty neat showing the first 3 rounds. R1 i remember him countering alien rly well, but then struggling a bit with making the right calls.
But he made that up with a very strong r2 and r3 performance. Especially that epic silverpine game, where he had to raze the island lame by Shave almost alone and then going into a long 1v1 against Junkerzam were impressive.
Unfortunately he missed the two last games. Also he abandoned the human race for undead, which i can partly understand  :icon_cool:.

Dinamo had a terrific R1 game, where he outmaneuvered the other players and made perfect choices to win vs Soso in the and made him leave the court like a broken man.

After that strong start he struggled due to vodka and bad shape. Had good chances in the final round to win, but seemingly lost his cool. But that can happen with fetta and trunkz being in your game.

My own season was resultwise disappointing. Since i calculated with atleast 2 wins.
I put some time into practicing creeproutes and thinking about combos, strats, but it rarely paid off, together with some mistakes, that turned out to be costful.
I still had fun in most of the games, especially 2nd half of the season.
Except R2, where i knowlingly used a strat, that would been very hard to end up winning with (orc ground tc/alch on greenville, but somehow i had the itch making it work ), i played stuff iīd expected to have a higher chance of winning with than using standard cheese, even though they maybe looked pure fun.

Now to the other teams:

Zig Zag: On paper the strongest team with 2 fml champs, and 2 multiple finalists.
They had a strong first half and choked a bit in the 2nd.

Mog: Pretty strong season. Did not expect him to perform so well. Prolly put some time into getting in shape. Used power of elf and his experience nicely. Cannot recall a specific game, except ourīs, where he got my heroes in the end thanks to double speed aura, found at creeps  :icon_eek:.

Tyrant: R1 stole the win from Renaud with nasty manips and ugly play. R2 was stronger. He seemingly lost some motivation afterwards, or mb after r3, where he lost to wreck and alien, who focused more on him and had limited timeframe.
Rough r4/5 games with some mutual love between him and Cumulo. Showed a strong last round, except the big throw in the very end. Still hits the semis, but have not been seen in 2 weeks. Letīs see if he shows up ^^.

Junkerzam: A few good games and some where he seemed to be kinda sloppy and making questionable calls. I appreciate he plays random most of the time, but from my POV undead/elf fits his style way better. Rough R 5/6 games.

Eshan: Strong start, but struggled then with some bad calls and unfortunate outcomes. Seemed to be prepared and very motivated throughout the season and had some really good openings and starts. Picked mostly instead of randoming and sticked maybe a bit too much on passive play instead of taking his chances a bit more offensively.

Suicide Squad:

Ponty: Tried hard in first 4 rounds, trolled in 5th and no showed in 6th. Was close to winning atleast 2 games. Showed some good ffa meta and improved overall play. Shoulda been awarded with atleast 1 win, imo.

Noexx: everything below 50% is not acceptable. Rather weak season. Can happen. Due to rl obligations missed 1 game and was not able getting into good shape.

Shave: HE WON A GAME. Some nice tryharding, and some garbage time.

Alien: Got a well deserved win last round. Ended up top score a couple of times, w/o winning. Seemed to be a bit distracted, not in mood to tryhard or right shape in few of his games. Was expected by many to win much more.

Rage Critters:

Aarnikratti: Just like Ponty he showed some good games, without being able to net more than one win. Seemed not to be as active as before. Kinda made some bad decisions, like in R1 vs Karfal. Overall also improved and performancewise a really good season.

Hightac: Won several games, also as obs and was close with a few others. Strong showing. Obviously fell in a love with manipping aswell and some good scouting in a couple of games.

Airenikus: Pretty good season. Very good decision making  throughout the season. Had just 1 bad game and even with sometimes questionable gamestyle he brought home many points for himself and his team.

LssL: New to fml and being in many really monstrous casts. Did not lose motivation over a couple of 4th place finishes and showed some good riflemen action and overall potentional for upcoming seasons.

Free Ena:

Trunkz: Very strong r1/2 games where he overcame teaming and did few mistakes.
Some tough games in mid of season and closed the season with a big freewin and a hard fought r6 game with a lot of support by fetta. Had some rather easy casts and not hard initial 1v1, but definitely showed improvements in decisionmaking, adjusting style to his ever good creeping and micro.

QQs: One of the biggest surprises this season. Showed some really good resilience and played his cards really well.

Tom: Also much improved and came close to finish a few games in stronger fashion. Some wrong decisions cost him 1-2 games. Still needs some practice controlling big armies, but nice ffa meta already.

Jaod: Many topscore games. Performed a bit low resultwise. Showed a bit too much aggression in some of his games. With a more diplomatic and patient approach he might end up winning 1-2 more and being a worthy semifinalist.

Fetta Inc:

Betoon: Kinda new to FFA/FML, but showed 1-2 nice games. With some more experiences a nice addition to team orc and the community. Seems like a relaxed guy and has potential.

Fetta: It was not fettas season.

IWantWC4: Oldschool come back smurfing. Had tremendous success the first two rounds, but then somehow lost his groove. Not sure if he got focused more, was not in shape or just suffered from the sometimes very random ingame events ffa offers  :icon_surprised:

MrSweets: Being a good orc abuser with decent amount of experience and good micro, he lacked some luck and better overall decision making. Will do better next time.

Free Agent Squad:

Gradient: Beat the odds various times. Really memorable games with nice hustling, staying in game and making the right calls, with being a dangerous player trying to take out and to let in the game  :icon_biggrin: . Not many expected that heīd end the season with 505 winrate. Was always very game.

Supremo: Gave some players a hard time fighting him midgame, me included but suffered from not talking enough or being diplomatic enough, combined with bad ping and sometimes just underpowered hero & unitcombo. Focused more on goldmanagement later rounds, but was not enough to get away with a win. Showed to all games and is a unique addition to the FFA scene.

Tox: Entered late in the season and had some good games, showing his strong micro and also improved manipping and overall awareness. Missed to secure some more points, but is always a threat and can do much better next season.

Joggel: Seems like an experience ffaer, but rather new to fml format. Had some nice fighting games, but being stuck in tough casts, not allowing him to grab more points. Has good potential to increase his amount of better results in upcoming fml seasons.

Church of Renaud:

Renaud: Strong first round, w/o being able to finish as winner. Struggled in midseason, but had a good win in the final round. Still has left a lot in the tank and is a force to reckon with.

Cumulo: Brought home 3 wins. A bit surprising to me to be honest. He used the advantages of human on certain maps especially well i guess, and did not mess around with naga/beastmaster too much. Had a very strong game on Twisted meadows.

Ep123: Late replacement for seksi, who made a mysterious exit from the league and the team. Showed good performances, also in inhouse matches, but still has not seen too much of him. Looks like a overall strong ffa player, who is a worthy opponent afaik.

Valefort: Not sure if he started from r1. But with his good understanding of the human race, combined with strong micro, he had some good games without ending up on top, due to some tough casts and maybe a bit lack of tryhard ffa mentality. Seemed hard to manip and scouts rather well.


That you could face the same players two or even three times in a row, can be fun or annoying, but spices things up for sure. :icon_razz:

Hopefully we wonīt have to long of a break until next season to keep especially the newer guys attracted and use the success of the season for the next one immediately.

Peace out.

General Discussion / Old Replays
« on: November 19, 2017, 03:54:52 pm »
Has the johny.boy replay data base somewhere? I lost all old replays and iīd like to watch some old school stuff.

Also has anyone the showmatch between htrt, Yane, DasElend and Lost.Ancient? ( i did not find it in the showmatches folder here on the site)

General Discussion / General Balance Change Ideas
« on: November 17, 2017, 08:22:48 am »
Just thought about some balance changes to make the already often imbalanced gametype a little bit more fair  :icon_rolleyes: .


Tanks:             increase gold costs around +50,  give slightly more xp for killing it
                       ~ +10

Towers:           increase gold cost for ALL towers by 30 gold

Archmage:       increase mana for Blizzard + 50%

Paladin:           lower duration of divine shield to 10/20/30

Mortars:          Reduce dmg - 15%

Gryphons:       Decrease dmg - 10 %, add more movement speed

Elf :

Upgrades:         Change upgrade tree, so chimeras will gain attributes with same
                        upgrade as archers/hunts do

Demonhunter:   Increase cost of Mana burn to 50/100/150, lower his agility -2,
                        give +1 strength

Warden:            Increase HP and Mana +50 each

Roar:                Cap maximum amount of units that are roared to 15, lower the
                        duration - 25%


Taurenchieftain:   Reduce Stomp Duration -25% at lvl 3, lower radius -25% at lvl 3
                          Make the endurance aura a mana draining spell, costs 1/2/3
                          mana/ second . Give TC 40 more base mana.

Shadowhunter:    Reduce hex-duration at lvl 3 - 25%

Wyvver:              increase hitpoints + 50, reduce damage - 20%, decrease food
                          cost to 3

Towers:               increase gold cost +30

Trollheadhunter:  Berserk Upgrade + 50 HP, Berserk ability rework: + 30% dmg
                          dealt, +50 % more physical damage taken, - 40% magical
                          (attack and spells) taken

Witchdoctor:        Lumber costs reduced to 30/80 for adept/master


Deathknight:        Deathpact deals damage and burns mana from units/heroes
                           around the unit your killing with ur spell
                           (area and dmg increases with lvl)

Cryptlord:            +40 base Mana, change impale animation/bug, that sometimes
                           causes no stun/dmg, once ur moving ur CL during spell

Dreadlord:            Increase Infernal mana Cost +50, lower duration -15 secs

Destroyer:            Statue 2 food, destroyer 4 food. Devour reload decrease -50%

Gargoyle:             Reduce gold costs -15

Buildings:             Add HP to ziggurats, necropolis +20, to all other buildings +50,
                           Add +1 armor to all builds

Acolytes:              Reduce repair speed -25%


Change Creep AI, so they attack buildings around them always the same radius, let them ignore uprooted trees

All mercs should be instantly avaiable. They are like summoned units with a duration of 3 minutes. Gold costs reduced -25%.

No main buildings or towers can be placed on cliffs.

Neutral heroes:

Darkranger:                Silence area reduced at lvl 3 -15 % . Charm reload duration
                                  increased + 30 secs.

Pandaren Brewmaster: Drunken haze capped at 12 units, duration decrease -20%
                                  at all levels

Alchemist:                   Transmute cooldown increase +30 secs.

Firelord:                      Base mana +30, base HP + 40, change to undead hero.

Tinker:                        Rocket Stun duration increase + 25% each level.

Pitlord:                        Increase radius of Rain of fire + 25%. +40 base mana.
                                   +1 base agility.

General Discussion / unofficial WC3 overall history thread
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:39:18 am »
I recently browsed through some older games and even watched a game from replayers.com ( probably watched 5 games the last  2 years from rep.com ) , in which moon played vs infi on twisted meadows ( nice one, go watch it). that caused some nostalgic flashback about my experiences with wc3 over the past decade.

We maybe had similar threads before, but only partly and not sure if on ffareplays.com or on fml.site, so some of my posts could be repetitive, but since then a lot of new/other guys appeared,  see it as a thread to share memories about wc3, getting to know some about the current or inactive players.

Iīll go with different parts.

1. general wc3, how u started, clans, akas, preferred races/gametypes etc, your own wc3 history.

2. your link to ffa/fml

3. the players u meet, remember about, description or memorable games u had with

4. Miscellanous

1:  I started with wc3 as my first rts and online game. I liked the RoC- campaign a lot, especially the human-campaign ( last 5 missions ) and the final 3 missions with those epic fights elf vs the evil + 1-2 videos were cinematic, aswell as some parts of the story. The TfT- campaign was ok, but nothing nearly as good as RoC to me.

I joined bnet on late RoC- days and accidently entered some tower-defense map. I got called "newb" and "noob" and did not know what the heck that means, while i asked what kind of game that is and they should explain it to me. They instead complimented me out of the game ;) .

Then i found the right button to play a couple of solo-games. Undead was the race i chose, since i liked the dreadlord and his funny comments, once u were clicking on him several times. I somehow thought, iīd need a necropolis to mine out of a goldmine, instead of hexing it. After 3-4 losses i won my first game on lost temple with getting dreadlord lvl 6 and the mighty infernal, who helped a lot to finish my human-opponent. That guy begged me at the end of the game to give him the win, but i refused.

Soon i found out, that 2vs2 and 3vs3 rt brought me much more fun than sologames and so i kept playing mostly 3vs3 occasionally. I sticked with random-race since those RoC- 3vs3 rtīs ever since. Though i still like undead much, especially with going mass necro-strat or wyrms.

My main account was TexSolar at that time and i used it also in the early days of TfT. I started to mix in playing AT 2vs2/ 3vs3  and created another acc: Reptile. X . With that i improved my statistics from 50% over the time to 65% + after i started to play some more than just occasionally games.

I joined my 2nd clan after HA] ( Holy Avengers) , named GodH ( Guardians of Doomhammer ) , which had some good players as Dark ( we played several Atīs with orc/ud and stayed undefeated for quite some time), who later played EPS and 2vs2 with Yaws.

After that clan disbanded i created together with longtime-at-buddies a clan named TT. We had a lot of fun with playing Atīs and talking during and after the games. I think my account was Terry.t.Rocket at that time( although could been a bit later in fact), whith whom i later reached the Illidan-Icon, aswell as was most active, laddering simultaniously to lvl 44 rt / lvl 39 solo and lvl 28 ffa.

In rt i played 70 % 3n3 and 30 % 2n2. In solo i sometimes tried to copy the things i saw in replays by progamers, but often messed around with nonstandard heroes, funny strats. Probably at a rate of 60% to 40%. FFA i basically started there w/o having a clue, ( after i maybe played just 3-4 games before that) and did not play it for several years after it. My stats were 50-100 in ffa, when i stopped.

Sadly also clan TT disbanded, after some went inactive and we had some trouble while playing wc3cl ( a big clanleague ). Most of us were more like the team- and funplayers, while we were facing a couple of really motivated abusers. I remember one game, where i tried to play a human with a beastmaster/h-rider strat, that failed bad and i went for happy treehiding for the first and only time ( i think ^^ ). When blizzard has not done anything against it yet.

I never really liked that obligatory "gl hf gg" . Many guys used it, just to pretend being like the few progamers. Also wishing someone luck, when u start getting angry, when the other one actually had luck was one of the hypocritical things i disliked. Usually i only said those acronyms to ppl i knew through several games. Also saying gg, when u are the winner, before the actual loser would say it ( or not) i sensed as bad attitude.

A few games i remember more than others. Some of them are :

My first 2n2 win against a top-2n2 at player at that time. His name was wcw_jade_wind or sth similar. I was basically celebrating ;) .
Aswell as we built a perfect clan record in 4n4 with defeating guys like the ReG-Crew ( metalviper etc). With another team i got to play vs e1-team with voor and harty, we got basically owned on stromguarde. After i reached the infernal-icon through tourwins, i played tours only occasionally and one time i faced a very good soloplayer, whose name was Rellik or sth like that. We had an intense 30 min game, which showed me, that i also was able to beat good soloers. I never could play solo at a rate as teamgames, since i felt them as way more stressful  and often not as funny.

Once clan TT was gone, i was a freelancer ever since ( before recreating a legit clan FF4 and finally FML) knowing enough ppl for getting customgames or atīs. Mostly i hung around at clan DK ( german clan) or clan vD ( international, mostly dutch) . My acc was Devilinarms by that time.

I did not play wc3 for a couple of months, after the normal Wc3 got more boring and boring. Afterwards i started playing funmaps only. I played a lot of dota , mostly -sdem ( maybe versions 6.71 +/- ) , saw that leavers movie and could feel with the creator ^^
.  I mostly liked Enfos, Footmen Frenzy, peon/pudgewarz , hero-arena, Wipeout-towerdefense, wintermaul-wars, dark deeds.

Then, after almost a year of playing funmaps only, i stopped again for maybe half a year completeley, before making a short comeback, before i lost my motivation again. i gave FFa a try again and entered azeroth playing some bnet games and joining the clan lone channel, getting in touch with a few people, then founding out about fml and basically starting playing ffa only ( with the exception of 4n4 for some time, after it become the only really active gametype, once hackers and inactivity took over ) , since it produces so many unique games with a lot of aspects.
I played under the aka Slythe all my fml/customgames, having  other accs on bnet just like Sw1sH/ SidvsMike.

Since a year i consider myself more inactive than active, with having short periods of playing bot or a few fml games.

tbc with part 2.

General Discussion / Show-/Dream-/Fantasymatchups
« on: August 28, 2013, 01:56:14 pm »
I thought about casts, which could or should happen, or atleast would be fun for me to watch.

1. Plush/Persuade/Lost.Ancient/Daselend : Players, who bareley use manip or in a way itīs mostly acceptable. Also Lost likes to rage against orc-imba. Good micro-players with nice ffa-understanding.

2. Firedragon/Audigy/Elessar/Ebo : Classic ffa-players. Excessive use of chat + manipulation and everyone seems to see himself as the cream of the crop of the ffa-knowers.

3. Yane/Wan/Duck/Cechi : Ultimate ud-nuke-fest with pretty good microers.

4. Htrt/Wrecktify/Darkness/q-veta : overall very strong ffaer with many strats and tactics + someone, who likes to execute ONE strat near to perfection.

5. Nooblex/Darkflamemaster/Nline/rebbats : classic elf-orc-hu complication with accomplished oldschoolers.

6. Seksi/Magadansky/Lightweight/y.zenchenko :  strong cast, curious who woulda want it the most

7. Bobas_vett/ Majin / Eshan / Unholydreadlord : a lot of temper, ego, bad boyism and manip.

mb iīll add some more later.

General Discussion / Play the game
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:32:13 am »
Thread to organize customffa games.

I up to play a game today, tuesday 20 cet / 2 pm est and wednesday 18 CET/ 2pm est

dunno the rest of the week.

meet in ggc/mastersleague room or clan fml, northrend.

League Discussion / Savage Storm
« on: May 02, 2012, 02:54:05 pm »
I just found out that 2 semis will be played on savage storm.

a funny map overall, but i suggest for not too much lameness make a rule that guys wonīt be allowed to place towers on any island.

on the other hand itīs a semi and ppl should know how to deal with it, still in such  games, guys probably wonīt hesitate to tower up island, making games long and lame.

General Discussion / Races
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:55:06 am »
that topic had been discussed a lot already in the past, but with recently giving numbers to races for determining which one is the best/worst, letīs do this a bit closer with different categories which matters in ffa.


Heros:   pal/mk untouchable in higher lvls, awesome brillianceaura with am,   
                       underrated very variable bloodmage, good mixing , especially 
                       with panda/alch

9/10 pts

Units:     for a fully functional army u need many upgrades, which needs
                        a lot of ressources/time. besides footies and maybe riflemen, every
                        unit avaible is useful. mechanical units. Many lower hp units in the 
                        human army.

8/10 pts
Army-Composition:    there are armies which are useful overall like griff/tank/casters
                                  or mass ground. still they are not as good as 'basic' armies 
                                  from other races imo. Hard to make proper armies vs different 
                                  races, e.g. in a 3-way.

7/10 pts

Attacking/Pushing :          due to fast-expands and a quick goldadvantage, fast build
                                         and varibale rushing ways ( ground/air/siege ) clearly the 
                                         best  race

9/10 pts

Defending/Countering:     Hawks for preventing air hit/run, sorcs for slow, mk with 
                                         bolt combined with still good masonry/ best towers and 
                                         ability to build perfect counterarmies ( limited by opponents
                                         heroes) makes it tough to fight in human-bases, even with
                                         bigger armies, also the best race in this area

10/10 pts

Baserace/Defending against it:   tanks/mortars/gyros (esp. vs untowered bases,
                                                    expands), mass tp flamestrike/blizzard pretty useful
                                                    in the offense, and towers/masonry, ability to build
                                                    nice simcity style with farms and other well fitting 
                                                    buildings for a very functional base.

10/10 pts

Economy:                                 needs at best shredders for a fast full tech. Many
                                                peasants weaken ur fighting-supply.

8/10 pts

Misc:                                       semi useful shop, good staff  though. w/o many mech-
                                               units, in need of many scrolls vs aoe-heroes- >
                                               goblinshop. Expands easy to harras, if not many
                                               towers. only one interrupting hero/unit with the mk
                                               (bolt, bash)


= 67/80 pts


The good games, the bad games , games by urself .
Random positive or negative events, moments etc.

s10 :

my games:

r1: i do well at first with ud vs elf against rain, see him having like 7 expands, constantly rebuilding, getting frustated and playing bad 2nd half of the after i had a very strong first. Since pbm and a human ( forgot name) kinda suiciding each other i get 2nd, although leaving the game as first ^^.

r2 : i am rushing  out madzoo with human/mass hakws vs his dr-less elf, afterwards 3-way vs a human which name i forgot and lovetrance where i am playing well, except 5 mins where i am losing 3 heroes. Since i have the gold to tavern them, i am ending up winning.

r3: marketsquare, surrounded between htrt and humanstar ^^. i expo fast with ud, also crossmap, creepjack htrt and snipe his lvl 2 mk, but then cannot defend vs his follow-up massive gryphattack after he gained good levels with a nice creepingroute.
i am basically out at the point, but can rebuild a litle crossmap meanwhile humanstar and htrt are fighting after humanstar tried to take out elessar, who decides to play 1vs1 in the end against htrt with less gold and herolevels, sigh, instead of helping humanstar or me. to my surprise he wins a big fight against htrt with his pitlord-orc combo, but as expected loses afterwards , clearly.

r4 : game filled with ppl who need a win to make it to the semis: kruppe dl/ghoul rushes renaud early and can eliminate him, meanwhile i have some problems with my ud against sparkles well leveled and stacked pal/mk/pb combo . i am making some good decisions in the 3-way and can finally win with higher herolvls vs kruppes gold.


 i can take out rain with my hu vs his orc, although i am losing too much in the process. during that time humanstar pushes brainman hard and is basically able to finish him, but decides to peace and hoard. once the 3 -way starts i battle humanstar in fights where he does better than me. after brainman hoarded enough and got some herolvls it is some funny 3-way for a while until i get teamed over extent, while humanstar sitting on much gold, playing dead. brainman and i finally make each other lose and humanstar proceeds to the finals.

s10 final:

dase being surrounded, having bad creeping in begin and falling to htrts early push :(. humanstar can avoid feeding maga, doing well. maga struggles having bad herolvls compared to others. decent battles between humanstar and htrt, pretty close ending with that awesome moment, where humanstar has the chance to win with just a critter and some gold left- he buys sappers to destroy htrt last building, but it does not work in the end. a worthy final overall with a thrilling, pretty cool ending.

i liked the twilight-game where darkermirror played well and coming up short in a pretty close game, cannot remember much more though.

the ud vs ud battles in the semifinal between magadansky and darkness displayed some of the finest micro and exciting fights in the season. especially the one at the middle top goldmine was awesome.

season 11

i played in my games overall just partly well, with losing focus at some critical moments, changing to ' have fun and see what happens '- style .
my funniest game was maybe round one where i played pretty drunk, using a funny but working orc combo with tinker/tc/pitlord.
r4 game i played pretty well , also thanks due to being able to creep much, getting decent items and hoarding for a while for defeating sparkle and practicemage ( i think ) after a longer 1vs2 against me.

pretty well played and close game by darker on deadlock ( r2 or r3 ). maybe one of the best game endings whole season.

q-veta showed some pretty strong games with the am/bm/pal combo. rushing out yz twice i liked a lot, too !

i also liked the renaud-q-veta 1vs1 on goldrush, although it hurt my eyes to see renaud losing the way he did ( so i did not like the last 10-15 mins of it, but before that for a close spawn 1vs1 it was very nice ).

starshapedīs win in the semis on goldrush was a very good performance. he showed good patience, nice decisionsmaking and good micro. also he surprised me big time with that :).

a lot of trolling/forumspamming with mostly useless or annoying stuff/matters begun, mostly created by ebo/eshan/rsm . Two of them got rightfully banned for crossing lines repeatidly in the process.
ebo played effective after a bad start in s11, becoming a favourite-eating battle-monster in s12 with working tactics, also trolling a lot less and sharing more valuable matters with the community.

the season ended in a epicly long final with a deserved winner in l77, who played very strong in the regular season ( 4 or 5 wins ! ). Ofc he had some luck with getting the chance of coming back in two of his games, having best spawn in final and being able to hoard a lot.
Still, w/o his unquestionable good ffa skills he rightfully took the finalwin.
A pity, that  he had a bad run in ffa-games and also in fml after s11, which made him quitting the league.

s12 :

a new format, created by hall of fame-admin ugrilainen, burst into fml, creating good battles and overall easier scheduling.

lateley lacking activity of europpean players, we had much games with subs, which did not lead to worse games and is a thing that also comes with a normal player-fluctation, especially with a bigger grid.

we saw some good games already, with strong performances by seasoned and new players, some very long but nontheless entertaining games like r2 game on crucible, which ebo won or r3 game on deadlock, which wrecktify won.

my games :

r1: i had to overcome early game difficulties, to succeed finally with stacked , high leveled heroes and a focused play.

r2: lost my heroes too carelessly and was not able to pull some surprsing stuff in a elf mirror, i originally planned.

r3: sudden 3-way due to a disc, lead to a game where i was 100 for too long, making some bad decisions ( after seeing what the reactions were ), leaving early- which made up for a good final 1vs1 between rain and ghost.

we had some very easily won games, due to a bigger ffa-experience gap between players, so far. hoping for closer, better games for the next round and playoffs, although we already had a few ( as i mentioned ).

thanks again, especially to all the dedicated admins who are making this possible and the players for the games.

League Discussion / R4 announcement
« on: April 13, 2012, 07:29:20 am »
I am donīt have much time to play following next weeks, so whoever is in my R4 game, be aware i can only play first week  mo - thursday 18 cet - 20 cet and week 2 only sunday 19 cet. So get ready for a hopefully quick schedule and early gamedate.

General Discussion / Playing to win
« on: October 31, 2011, 04:55:17 pm »
Yo everyone. With the new season coming up, i just wanted to give u the link to a maybe interesting article about playing for the win and game-design with its many sides.
i personally donīt support every aspect of the text, but it was a good read nontheless. Some of you might already know it, anyways, but i am pretty sure many have not read it yet.


General Discussion / What race
« on: October 27, 2011, 02:01:01 pm »
yo, i was thinking about quitting playing random and going with one race next fml season, so IS THERE A SPECIFIC RACE U`D LIKE TO SEE ME PLAYING?

first i will tell u why i like playing a certain race ( and since i like every race , i am playing random, although u could make an order like ud=hu> elf > orc )

UD:     +           the movementspeed, nuking, dreadlord, never easy to succeed vs 
                        decent players ( playing other races ) , use of underused casters,
                        good rushing ability

           -            i am not fan of hit and run, when i have the feeling that this is the   
                        only chance of winning, weak basedefense /low hp buildings u usually
                        lose in a base-race everytime, donīt like mass gargs, rly hate air
                        battles vs chippo elf

HU:    +            ability to counter everything, u always can easily kill big, mass 
                        towered bases, fast expands/ ressources, pal/mk + x combo just
                        rapes without the need of exceptional micro, good scouting with 
                        towers/ gyros

          -             donīt like mass towers, but sometimes it is only way to win ( higher
                        lvl bnet games with 2+ tower/hoard humans making games so damn 
                        long and and annoying >.<), ur army needs many adjustments to
                        opponents army to be effective, for a good control u often would
                        need 4/5 control groups, i rly dislike everything over 3

ELF    +            u can chose so many different heroes which work decently, moonwells,
                        starfall, u only need to upgrade one upgrade-tree since u usually will
                        mix those units, staff, nature/ mystique -style, RoC final mission rocks!
                        rebuilding ability, dryad dispell

          -             i always want to take 4 heroes to be prepared for every game
                        situation, slow army, i like hipporiders but i think they suck 95% of the
                        time, no str hero, quite weak base, lacking bigger damage-output
                        wihtout addition of chims

ORC   +            movement/attack speed, fighting skills, healing with ward/SH, nasty
                        looking and effective turtlebases, very nice shop, scouting

          -            ur wins usually does not mean much since u have best army, deadly
                       herocombo and u can play sloppy and still win games with ease,
                       hunger for lumber ( thats why the n8elves hate them so much ! ), ur
                       army is only complete with many upgrades, u can either chose the
                       imba cheese to win or the lame ( e.g. bats ),

So u might like to give me feedback and help with going for one race by chosing from the following answers :

1. stick with random, thats the king-choice and we all fear the change

2. go undead, so u will always be underestimated, ZE DEAD HATE ZE LIVING AND WE LIKE ZOMBIEMOVIES

3. pick human, since u cannot be wrong with this choice, being versatile in ways of playing aggressive/passive and fml was mainly won by humans

4. chose elf, cuz this race is underrepresented and everyone needs a tree-hug from time to time

5. Make the horde proud, increase the number of orcs in games so it wonīt be so easy to team them and show us some hexa-stomp, never getting tired of watching the imba

6. no one cares, u are a big boy who can decide by your own

7. who gives a damn about that, i beat u anyways whichever race u are, because i am simply better


League Discussion / Murrock not in S11
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:36:49 pm »
tt htrt not playing ffs, he is manipulating... he said he will right after final but ok... we all know it will be impossible to defend the title, so he walked away at top. i think he will show up sometimes for a game here and a ragequit there ;-).

i still think murrock is wreck. i think he either has a gentlemen's agreement with the admins so he wonīt be exposed in this emberassing way eshan was ^^ or he simply manipulated/tricked however to convince them he is not murrock. but in the end w/e who cares about those rarely funny and often silly smurfingaffairs.

nice to see some of the names and the qualies are gonna be lotta fun already, i predict. very balanced games imo, outcome depending on how active they are /daily shape

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