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Re: S24 Round 3 Matches Round 3 Matches:
:Bulgaria::ud: ObserveAndLearn
:Germany::orc: ena1337
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: WeAkUD

I highly doubt this game is going to be without subs but if it everyone shows up... Poor junker. OAL is super patient hoarder, ena has no idea how to ffa and weakud suicides anyone who touches his peasant (although junker himself is good in manips he can deal with those guys, but sometimes he rages when pissed)

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Ukraine::orc: Nline
:Russia::ne: Nightelf

So position based, Nightelf can solo out anyone at early stage, nline can win any fight at late stage, cumulo - no idea, sometimes he outmanips himself like at deathrose game or monsoon when he played as sub. Mog is most stable here, if map is big enough he can solo nline or rebuild vs rest.

:Germany::orc: Pinballmap
:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Finland::ra: Rain
:Russia::hu: AjikaIII

If AJIKAIII does perfect gyro/gryph rush on Rain he can win his solo but best scenario for him is to avoid fighting Rain and wait untill Fetta pisses Rain off with his chat.

:Finland::ra: aarnikratti
:USA::ud: ashalar
:Bulgaria::ud: XoZ_Magadansky
:Canada::ne: Renaud

Renaud will either win his solo vs aarni/ashalar slower than Maga either dies to Maga having no wood and chat too late. Maga should take it, but who knows.

:USA::ra: Eshan
:Russia::ud: KENT2566
:Serbia::ne: svedirko
:Russia::ne: Dinamo

I see people understimate svedirko but he is former finalist with big experience in hoarding/maniping, he didnt survive till 3 way yet but if he does i see him winning cuz dinamo/kent know Eshan's capabilities so much better then svedirko capabilities

:Germany::orc: letshavesomefun
:Kazakhstan::ud: DV-
:Germany::hu: QQs
:USA::ne: Redkeekee

This is incredible map/pos based. I half hate/half love the cast, im not sure about RKK yet but he seems a good of a fighter when QQs is rly good at doing Mannequin Challenge with his units at his main. I hope shave picks orc so we can team him in 3 way (im not sure i survive till then)

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Peru::ud: NoMercy2
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ud: qwest

If people stop giving freewins to Nomercy it would be great. Looking at cast it could happen again. All my hopes here are related to Gradient, i dont see good game happens here without his significant involvement. I really hope qwest wins.

:Russia::orc: b100death
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ra: Persuade
:Russia::orc: Ostone

It seems persuade dont want to pick any other race except orc. If laxu survives long enough it might be good for him to face 3 orcs since they might go a lot of taurens. (I dont see him rushing out any of these orcs since they are good soloers). Btw ostone might play ud so this game is actually unpredictable. Therefore obvious pick here.

:France::ne: Ponty
:USA::ra: SteppinRazor
:Russia::orc: Airenikus
:Russia::orc: mrSweets

If ponty wont win this he should retire. Seriously. Perfect cast for him to win. Although i like airenikus progress.

:Germany::hu: GEASS
:Finland::ne: j33.
:Bulgaria::hu: Leader
:Germany::ra: Slythe

I dislike GEASS and Slythe playstyles. I hope j33 wins but he should turn on his patience machine on atleast 90%.

:Switzerland::hu: noexxx
:Russia::orc: SecondBreathe
:USA::ra: foxfart66109
:Russia::ud: Jaody21

I feel like we will see some rly funny stuff here. American guy has no idea about how strong noexxx is so he is the key to 3rd victory for human. Otherwise russians may team noexxx out which he deserved already ffs team him noobs.

:USA::ud: Red7z7
:Denmark::hu: zTsoso
:Germany::orc: TheTrumanShow
:USA::ra: AlienWareOwnZ

Good cast. Alien and soso had too many games together so i dont see them NOT tunnelvision on each other. I go with orc here, he rly deserves one win for his performance round 1.

November 29, 2016, 12:52:01 am
Build A World Map Making Contest!

FML's "BUILD A WORLD" Map Making Contest!

Season 24 is still only mid-way through, but its time to start looking ahead to Season 25! For the upcoming season we want to see the community get in on the fun and start building new and exciting worlds for us to visit! In addition to the landscapes we've all grown to love, we hope to also journey to new lands and battle across Azeroth in places we've never seen before!

For this contest, we will be asking members to open the World Editor and create a new battleground!
Each battleground will be judged by a Tribunal based on a 100 point scale. The following people will be judges for this event:

:USA: WorpeX
:Germany: PinballMap
:Bulgaria: Magadansky

The judging criteria is as follows:

Landscape & Terrain (total 50)
-Making the world look alive and natural. This is about proper use of the Terrain and Doodad Palette including: Textures, Cliffs, Height Mapping, Trees, Props, Water, etc
 - Map Structure & Layout / 20
 - Use of Doodad and Terrain Palette  / 20
 - Theme / 10

FFA Balance (total 30)
-Every good maps needs proper placement of creeps which are easy enough to defeat yet challenging enough to be fun. Item drops, Creep selection, Creeping Routes, Camp Size and positioning are all factors in this category. Proper start distance to trees, mines, creeps are considered as well as gold counts and racial advantages/disadvantages.
 - Items & Creeps / 20
 - Other / 10

Creativity (total 20)
-We are looking for creativity of the final project and how well polished it is. We are looking for maps with few bugs and as much attention to detail as possible!
 - Uniqueness / 10
 - Overall polish / 10


Points / 100

  • No existing maps! We want only brand new maps for this
  • 4+ Starting locations required
  • Please create as many maps as you'd like! No limit to your imagination
  • Map must be a "Melee" map. Custom maps will be not accepted.


Deadline for submission of maps will be February 12th, 2017! Two months to design, build and play-test your world! Please submit a finalized copy of your map in a reply to this post. You can attach the map file directly to your post or link to an external website.

And finally...

The Loot!

-Creating a map with a score of 80 points or higher will be featured in FML Season 25
-In addition, the highest scoring map will receive a monetary prize from the purse below.

$51 (Donated by red7z7 and DV-)

Additional Resources and Guides can be found in the comments of this post.

Good luck everyone!!!  :hu: :ne: :orc: :ra: :ud:

December 15, 2016, 09:21:41 am
Re: Build A World Map Making Contest! Resources:



We recommend the official item drop table for determining what items creeps will drop:
Quote from: Blizzard Creep Item Drop Table
Levels 3-8: Level 1 permanent or power up.
Levels 8-11: Level 2 permanent, charge, or power up.
Levels 11-14: Level 1 permanent or power up and Level 2 permanent, charge, or power up.
Levels 14-17: Level 1 permanent or power up and Level 3 permanent or charge.
Levels 18-21: Level 2 permanent, charge, or power up and Level 4 permanent or charge.
Levels 21-23: Level 2 permanent, charge, or power up and Level 5 permanent or charge.
Levels 23-26: Level 2 permanent, charge, or power up and Level 6 permanent or charge.
Levels 26-29: Level 1 permanent or power up and Level 3 permanent or charge and Level 7 artifact.

- Use a variety of terrain types
- Polish your map with doodads and environmental effects
- Don't have large areas of empty space
- Have pathways large enough for big armies to walk easily
- Don't leave gaps in trees for wisps to hide in
- Ask for help!! Getting your map perfect will take play-time and testing. Feel free to message anyone in the community for help. I am also ready to help anyone at any time, just send me a PM on the site!

FFA Maps:
  • Minimum of 4 start locations fairly spread out from each other and with equal access to the maps resources.
  • At least 1 natural expansion and a secondary expansion for each player is a must.
  • Lots and lots of creeps! 4 players means the camps will get crept fast. Try to include a Red camp in there somewhere as well.
  • Wide pathways. Most battles in FFA are 100 food armies and any sort of land composition can be cumbersome to move on maps with small passages and choke points.
  • Taverns are a requirement for FFA balance purposes. Maps with Observatories and Shops are also very heavily preferred.
  • Keep in mind that FFA matches last an average of 2 hours. Keep resources high for gold and lumber.

December 15, 2016, 09:22:02 am
Re: Communication Pause This is a step backwards:

1) A minority (if any) actually want this to happen.

2) It ruins the flow of the game if one can pause and use that to manipulate. FFA is supposed to be fast paced where one has to both chat, micro and macro at the same time. Its not a contest for players that chat and manip into victory.

3) If one player can pause for 10 mins and do that 3x times just to piss people off it can't be punished.

4) The games may get boring and long.

Instead of making this new rule it would be much better to punish unpausers and there would not be a problem.

February 28, 2017, 04:51:03 am
Re: Communication Pause @ this thread

Lol. What the hell? You guys are absolutely insane. I think you've lost it.

March 02, 2017, 05:20:19 am
Re: M19 Result

I tried to summarize this match in one picture  :icon_cool:

June 19, 2017, 03:50:30 am
Re: S25 Final Result NYC FML CHAMPIONS! USA!

Wreck brought the crown back to America and to Gotham city in a dominant display

Thank you admins for a fun silver anniversary season!

Three takeaways from the game:

1. Worst game I've seen Noexxx play, maybe ever. Constantly battling necrowagon skellies instead of sniping wagons/mancers, or going for base. Maybe it was Finals nerves getting to him. Losing shredder, losing heroes. I guess it happens to everyone once in a while. I was rooting for him to repeat going into the game, but i guess he met his match in Laxu of all people.

2. Laxu played well. I was actually impressed. Gotta give him credit for playing a strong game, taking advantage of his map spawn to beat Noexxx 1v1, until blindly losing his army to wreck. He didn't do any of his toxic manip, he fought well, very little caps lock or crying. I think he should have taken noexxx's mine a lot earlier- and of course if he didn't lose his army it would have been different.

3. Wrecktify played like a complete beast. Just dominated the game - making great decisions and winning all fights, even hoarding most gold with 3 wisps in mine. His hero combo is devastating against UD, and Junker played right into it. Quote of the game "What happened to Junker?" "Wrecktify happened. Junker is a tier-2 player he cant handle it." Damn. Shots fired. Its very interesting that Wreck can sometimes play extremely poorly - or get pwned in other seasons and for a while you think hes not that good anymore. Then he completely dominates a whole season and wins the finals in a landslide. Congrats to the King

And lastly after watching this game - Wreck may have won but this is NOT a good map. No red camps, no gold mines to contend for outside of naturals, poor pathing, four goblin merchants so you don't even have to rush for a shredder, two useless marketplaces with consumable items, one useless fountain with no creeps defending it. But worst of all - the 1v1's are unbalanced because one player's expos are BOTH exposed to the other player, while his enemy has expos on the opposite side. In this game we saw how costly that can be - as both Junker and Noexxx got destroyed in their matchup, mainly due to expo position. Both laxu and Wreck were able to destroy these expos repeatedly, while never being in danger of losing their own. Thats an auto win in 1v1 situations. This on top of the poor creeps, small map, low gold count, and poor pathing - I personally don't think this is a very good map at all.

July 06, 2017, 01:58:17 am
Re: FML S26 Week 1
I don't want to complain, but am I right that we have to fight now for the best maps with our team colleagues?  :icon_razz:

Tried to select a decent variety of maps, 1 classic, 1 other large map, and 2 four way maps. Also, since there will be so many maps selected throughout this season, there will be some repeat maps (probably most popular/classic maps will be used more than once).

October 17, 2017, 10:22:47 am
Re: M5 Result Imagine its sunday evening. U decide to get a drink and hit that new nightclub in town called "market square" u sit down at the bar and right in front of u sits that hot latin girl. shes not from around and has the fancy name exponita but her friends call her "expo". so im seeing her she sees me and we know we are ment for each other. i stay right in front of her and look her deep in her big 15k golden eyes. As we get closer a young 16 year old 1.50meter skinny american tourist (lets call him seksi) suddely starts to harras her. The gentleman I stay calm and say: "dude look at our comfy close position that girl belongs to me" I point at her 2 Twin Sisters to the right and he should try his luck there. Suddenly his older friend (called Eshan) shouts from across the room: Dude we dont give a fuck how close u are with each other and points at some ugly ass chick sitting on the other side of the room and that i should get that one. I stay calm since i dont know if these guys carry any guns with them cuz #muricans. Knowing i cant beat them both but i have to look in the mirror the next day and live with myself beeing a coward not fighting for that girl i back off for a moment. Only to steal the girl of this eshan guy. While im trying to building up my interests in a conversation with here Eshan arrives. I kindly point at the ugly girl he pointed at before and wished him gl. Next thing i know that kid beats me. So i beat him too, a short direct K.O. As he stumbles he runs to security guards that look like a bunch of TOWER and hides behind them. Everything turns back to normal i dance seksi dances eshan hides. Seksi and i exchange some angry starring over the evening but thats it. I start buying some drinks i think they were called "Batriders" when suddenly Seksi comes takes one of my drinks and spills it right in front of me. Losing that drink for no reason i answer that act of violence and disrespect with violence myself. After beeing unconcious on the floor Eshan comes and kicks 3 times against my head breaking my 3 bones BM,TC, SH. Later that day Eshan will tell his friends how proud he is about knocking me out all by himself and how he enjoyed it. When i wake up in hospital i hear my good friend qqs did beat both of them up after i blacked out.

I know i lost some blood broke some bones and got some scratches
But here I am
Looking in the mirror like i couldnt if i hadnt stand my man in that situation
Dont let disrespectful people push u around
neither in the club
nor in fml


October 30, 2017, 01:50:04 pm
Re: M5 Result good read
new stories are appreciated
pls guys make him lose more games

btw QQs is still bad (but I still like him)

October 30, 2017, 02:28:42 pm