June 02, 2024, 08:02:06 am

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New Admin: Mog[skynet] Hello fml'ers,

Today the admin team has welcomed me into their family. I promise I will do my best as an admin to assist fml players however best I can, and resolve any problems that may arise as fairly as I'm able.

A little background information about me:

I've been around FML since season 13. I've been playing wc3 off and on (mostly on) since 2003, and I really enjoy being part of an awesome community such as FML. I'm from USA (Arizona), but I'm not biased! I love my fellow ffa players from all countries  :icon_mrgreen:

I look forward to helping carry on this fantastic league!


May 30, 2017, 12:45:12 am
Re: S26 M5 Hopefully it will give him time align his chakras and venus will be in retrograde and the 6th house of pisces will be in vernal equinox, and thats the only time he's ready for a game
October 23, 2017, 01:05:44 pm