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Re: S26 round 5!
Again, who cares if its gorgeous when its an unbalanced map? Any map that has has two expos on one side is imbalanced. It means your 1v1 opponent will have access to both of your expos, while his will be safely on the other side of the map. It gives one player a huge advantage over the other, simply based on map positioning. A map that makes 2 players start with a disadvantage over the other two is an imbalanced and unplayable map. Meson de taberna does this too, unless players all coordinate and decide to expo clock and counterclock.

Maps like twisted meadows have one expo that is close to your enemy, but it compensates by having an island expo behind your base.

Cozy fuckin sands is the reason noexxx lost to laxu in 1v1 lol. If that doesnt prove imbalance then idk what does

I have to agree here with Eshan. Cozy fucking Sand may look good, but it's not a good map to play on it. We tested it quite often before the final fml game and most of the times( 80-90 %) won the guy next to the opponent mines. I don't know why people still trying to defend this map. It's not a good ffa map. We have a lot more better maps from that Contest like Dragon Island, Neon City, Purity, even Boom town is played sometimes and it's fun as well. I'm also pretty sure we never hosted fucking sand once for a inhouse after the final game.

I think also that Purity is quite underrated, it's actually a nice FFA map.

December 14, 2017, 04:42:47 am
Re: S26 M39 Hey,

only EU guys, which makes the scheduling easier. How about Sunday Evening 18-21 CET?

December 14, 2017, 04:49:22 am
Re: M33 Result Cast with Eshan and QQs: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/210617437
December 18, 2017, 06:26:07 pm
Re: M45 Result Thanks to Betoon that he agreed to getting swapped and also that you guys were able to play today. I didn't enjoy the game at all and also played bad. No performance I am proud of ;) Tho that lich kill was pretty funny and saved me the win. Feeling bad for Tyrant, after 3h a game he did a small mistake  that gave me the win. Ah and nice creeping by Slythe!


December 28, 2017, 06:47:37 pm
Map will be Harvest :HS:

Finally a good map choice for a Final.

January 26, 2018, 08:17:18 am
Re: S26 M99
:Russia: Airenikus will be replacing Trunks in this lineup as Trunks has decided not to play

I already confirmed time with him, so this game is confirmed for 2/11 at 19CET!!

LoL, Master mind Worpex made trunks post in the schedule thread. That Manip!!


February 02, 2018, 01:12:13 am
Re: FML Season 27 | Sign up! Hi,

I'll be traveling to China and Japan for the next 7 Weeks, therefore I don't know, If my able to play my matches (ping, setup, timezone, etc.).

I think as Champion you should always try to defend your title, besides you are a honorless bitch.

Therefore I'll sign up and try to surive the first matches until im back in Germany.

QQs :Germany: :hu:

February 19, 2018, 03:35:09 am
Re: FML Season 27 | Sign up!

u back??????

Welcome back my Friend!

February 22, 2018, 08:19:03 am
Re: FFArena ladder breaking news Urgi #1
April 03, 2018, 01:54:46 am
Re: FML Season 29 | Sign up! QQs

Blizzard can nerf us, but they won't break us.
Stay Strong, Stay with me! @noexxx @ZsSuperCumulo

 :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu: :hu:

December 17, 2018, 05:35:12 am