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Re: Round 1 M1
:USA::ud: Audigy
:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx

Noe should be a favourite here, he will trust that he could tome someone with his fast t3 griffon+innerfire push, getting am 6 and then cleaning the entire map with his mass teleport. Cumulo's and Junker's chances comes better the longer the game lasts. Cumulo will use his cunning and manip skills, and Junkerz is very strong with ud/elf whereas his hu/orc probably is not as good. Audigy's chances are in that if other players overlook him much.

:Australia::ne: Sweet
:USA::ra: Eshan
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz
:Canada::ne: Renaud

In this match there's the micro-king trunkzzz and the manip-king Eshan, and I think on paper they are two favourites here. In turn, Sweet is very overlooked in FFA-scene, he can play his orc race in very high level. And never should count out Renaud, the former FML Champion and the ex-king of FFA; microwise he probably isn't as good as other players here, but he is an intelligent player and has a lot of experience.

:USA::ud: SteppinRazor
:Russia::ra: Reinforment-
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]

I like this cast, its well balanced. Steppin and Mog are players with a lot of experience and they rarely make big mistakes in their gameplay. In terms of manip and tactics, I think Laxu bases his gameplay most on these elements, lets see if he trust on standard ud tactic here or alternatively go necrowagon with a DR-first hero combo. As a special ace player here is Reinforceement, he can play solid micro based game and many people tend to forget that he was in S23 semifinals and also won games in Team Battle Royale.

:Russia::orc: KENT2566
:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Germany::orc: Ena1337

This match will be close between Ena and Dinamo. Dinamo trains a lot and his game sense has also improved much, which has made him a competitive player. About Ena then: he has been a top player in many FFA games what he has played recently (inhouses, tbr, dno-cup) and he is especially dangerous if he gets high hero levels; so far he is much better player than i thought before. What will bring grey-hair to Ena and Dinamo in this match is Gradient. He is extremely annoying player to play against, whether it's not hard to win fights against him, the difficulties will come when he starts doing his triple-staff-of-tp-hero harass and other stuff. Kent is the fourth player in this match, lets see what he can do here.

:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany::ra: WeakUD
:Russia::ud: SomethingWicked
:USA::ne: Wrecktify

SomethingWicked is my favourite here. He is calm and patient, also his state of mind is not as suicidal as other players' here. This game will probably come up with the situation where Wreck and WeakUD suicide each other while Wicked tome Fetta with t3 air rush. But if this my prediction will not happen, this match has potential to be one of the best matches of this round.

:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair
:Russia::ud: Pyatac
:Germany::ra: Slythe

The most skilled cast of this round. All of these players are playing actively and keeping their skill up with inhouses and other matches. This can be anyone's game but I think overall qwest has most potential to perform dominant way. Pyatac (aka Jaod) has very similar playstyle with Qwest and he can surely be a big threat for everyone too. Shave will go pick his very strong orc race - in spite of all his words of picking random - which will make him tought to beat if the game last long and he is able to get high hero levels. As a fourth but not the least there is Slythe who can use his experience and great decision making skills, which can turn the game on his favour.   

May 03, 2017, 04:42:39 pm
Re: Final round games! M19
:USA::ne: Mog[skynet]
:Germany::ra: WeakUD
:Switzerland::hu: Noexxx
:Russia::orc: KENT2566

This will be an easy game for Noexxx, he just is overall better player than others here. His decision making, positioning and macro makes him so strong; micro is decent too but hero control might be better if he would use F-keys to control his heroes :P Mog can be a some kind of threat if he is able to get good hero levels and hoard some gold, but there is a big IF on that because he is not always the best creeper neither fighter.  WeakUD will just rambo or suicide so i don't believe in his chances for win. Kent is the clearest underdog here, even though he can sometimes put up a good fight.

:Sweden::orc: Fetta_ook
:Germany::ra: Slythe
:Australia::ne: Sweet
:USA::ud: SteppinRazor

Slythe or Sweet. Depends a lot of Slythe's mood. If we see some strange hero combination, his chances will drop near to Fetta/Steppin but if we see him playing some pretty standard combination, his chances will be a lot higher. Fetta's and Steppin's chances are in that if they manage to make a surprise attack on Sweet while he is chatting about how the bot is so shitty is or how the ping is so high.

:Poland::ne: Gradient
:Canada::ne: Renaud
:Russia::ud: SomethingWicked
:USA::ud: Audigy

Wicked it is. Robo elves like Renaud and Gradient should be easy targets with kiting. But undead bases are weak so Wicked must keep his eyes open and react fast if mass chims are going toward his base. Audigy won't be a big threat here, but of course he can make some damage if he manage to attack someone with his 100 food necrowagon.

:Peru::hu: Zs.SuperCumulo
:USA::ra: Eshan
:Denmark::ud: Tleilaxu
:Russia::ud: Pyatac

I would say Jaod or Eshan, in this order maybe. Jaod is never in a bad shape because he play inhouses actively, but Eshan is Eshan and is an experienced and good player too. SuperCumulo hasn't been that good in this season but maybe he will have something to say too. Laxu has a got couple of free wins this season, so I think he can't win in an intense match which this game will likely to be.

:Sweden::ra: Junkerzam
:Germany::ra: SosoHasRedHair
:Russia::ne: Dinamo
:Germany::ne: b2w.TrunkzZz

No one of them can beat Trunkzzz in a fair 1v1, maybe with a huge luck but its unlikely. But I would still say that Shave is going to win this because all of them fear trunkzzz so much that they will team him down. Its interesting to see which race shave and junkerz will get/choose, I would not like to choose orc race vs trunkzzz.

:USA::ne: Wrecktify
:Russia::ud: Qwest
:Germany::orc: Ena1337
:Russia::ra: Reinforment-

Interesting cast. Qwest is a favourite on paper. Wreck is a robo elf but he beat Qwest last season. Ena can do some serious damage with his nice micro and hero control, I really hope that he will not desync this time. Reinforcement is an underrated player with a decent micro.

June 14, 2017, 09:31:15 am
Re: M6 Result
Does anyone know if Tyrant ever played vs Under.Sta ?


October 25, 2017, 12:26:38 am
Re: Week 2 Matchups :GR: M9

:Finland: :ne: Aarnikratti [Rage]
:Russia: :ne: Dinamo [BM]
:France: :ne: Ponty [SS]
:USA: :ra: Eshan [Zig]

I think this map will favor intelligent players with good ffa sense, knowledge about other players gold counts is all-important on this map. Any of these players can fight but the winner will be a player who survive through all these fights. I would say Eshan is the safest bet here because he is very persistent player who won't get defeated easily and who somehow always show up strong in the final stages of the game.

:SP: M10

:Russia: :orc: Airenikus [Rage]
:Lithuania: :hu: EvilPeanut [BM]
:Germany: :ra: SosoHasRedHair [SS]
:Sweden: :ra: Junkerzam [Zig]

I see this as a long game where people manip and sit behind towers, at least Airenikus and Peanut are usually relying on mass tower play. However, this can be anyone's game but I see Shave as a top scorer here because he is probably most aggressive of these players. Shave will also have great chances for complete win if he can keep his head cool and will not get triggered about "teaming" when someone else than his 1v1-opponent touches him.

:AC: M11

:Germany: :hu: LssL [Rage]
:USA: :ra: AlienWareOwnZ [SS]
:Hungaria: :ud: Tyrant [Zig]

This cast has three almost equally favourite players for win. It is interesting to see which races Alien and Tyrant will get/pick: Alien is very solid with every race, Tyrant has recently played a lot with other races than with his best race UD, if he eventually will pick UD for this match, he will have got hard opponent from Wreck whose best match-up is against Undeads. I don't know how good LssL but I know he is an active bot player and will now show his skill in real games. If Im forced to guess one winner here, I would say its Alien because he has been in a really great shape lately.

:GW: M12

:Germany: :ne: HighTac [Rage]
:Germany: :ra: Slythe [BM]
:Switzerland: :hu: Noexxx [SS]
:USA: :ne: Mog [Zig]

As always, Noe is the favourite here but he wont get his win easily, he will face experienced and wise players. Mog's Tinker and Hightac's Alchi will be pivotal things late game, and I also expect that Slythe will pick some good anti-Noe hero combo. I think this match will contain a lot of coordinate teaming and stuff because all these players are good with communication in FFA games.

:GR: M13

:USA: :orc: IWANTWC4 [Inc]
:Argentina: :ne: Supremo [FREE]
:Germany: :hu: QQs [Ena]
:Germany: :orc: Fail.Life [CoR]

Chaotic game incoming. QQs is probably favourite on paper. Supremo is pretty good fighter as we saw in the first round, IWANTWC4 aka DONALDTRUMP has his chatting skills and Fail.Life has his experience from old FML seasons. I predict that QQs will eventually win after a lot of rebuilding and tunnel vision by every player.

:SP: M14

:Sweden: :orc: Fetta_ook [Inc]
:Poland: :orc: dragao [FREE]
:Germany: :ne: Trunks [Ena]
:Canada: :ne: Renaud [CoR]

Trunkzz was unbeatable in the first round and I see that same will continue this round. Dragao will be the only player here who has chances to survive till 3 way if he face Trunkzz in first 1v1, if Renaud or Fetta face trunkzz, they can't survive. Renaud did well in the first round but here probably his only chance to win is 100 food chim surprise attack to Trunkzz main. Fetta can actually do some damage too but I don't see him winning here.

:AC: M15

:Germany: :orc: MrSweets [Inc]
:Poland: :ne: Gradient [FREE]
:Russia: :ud: Spielmann [Ena]
:USA: :ra: Seksi [CoR]

Seksi will win. That small map is not good for Gradient, neither for Spielmann, although Spielmann is not a bad player. MrSweets can put up some fight against Seksi but he can't win him. These players are also bad with communicating so I doubt they would be able to put up some coordinating teaming against Seksi.

:GW: M16

:World: :orc: Betoon [Inc]

:USA: :ne: ludakatapro [FREE]
:Russia: :ud: Jaod [Ena]
:Peru: :hu: Zs.Supercumulo [CoR]

Cumulo will try to make a fast push on Jaod but probably that will end up as these players just suiciding each other. While Jaod and Cumulo suiciding each other, Betoon will tome ludakatapro and get some good levels which will be enough for win. I really like the attitude of Betoon, he is training with playing inhouse games actively, he improves every game and he is also a likeable person.

November 01, 2017, 11:55:14 pm
Re: M18 Result
POV Cast -
gg wp
wreck i loved your spontaneous reaction on stream after you killed toms last building

November 18, 2017, 04:38:44 pm
Re: FML Season 27 | Sign up! aarnikratti

February 18, 2018, 06:48:03 pm
Re: S27 M1.14
Saturday 10th 18:00 confirmed.

You noticed that your first FML match starts at 17.00 CET?

March 07, 2018, 04:05:41 am
Re: NE vs Orc 1v1 Best army vs orc is mixed army: 1-2 bears, 1-2 chims, 2-3 dryads, 1 MG, 3-4 talons, 2 faeries and 3-5 hippos. Talons are very important, always cyclone TC. Best hero vs orc is Dark Ranger because it can silence the whole orc army including walkers, so there's no way how orc could dispell it.

That's my advice briefly.

March 11, 2018, 06:53:16 am
Re: S27 M31
Ok seksi and xa lost their schedule rights. @aarnikratti want to confirm that time?

Lets wait for seksi's and iza's posts, it would be nice to play with the real cast of this game.

March 22, 2018, 10:36:23 am
Re: playFFA ladder breaking news Don't listen to those noobs complaining about rdm heroes. Thank god we have people like Wicked and Ugri managing the bot, they know the importance of RDM hero ffas.
April 06, 2018, 05:35:15 pm