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Re: TBR Week 4 Saturday Results The rule about minimum 2 games was to ensure any active players would get to play at least a couple games rather than being put on the bench. The rule didn't cover the situation where players quit the team or became inactive. For those cases we allowed replacements or having an extra player play 3 games. No team abused this, and everything worked out, thankfully!
March 19, 2017, 02:02:31 pm
Re: Warcraft3 - in my heart forever Team League Game modes include Minidota... April Fools!
April 02, 2017, 01:02:50 am
TBR2 Begins! :FMLN:

Welcome to the start of the second Team Battle Royale! Thank you all for patiently waiting for the application period to end. This time around we are introducing a number of changes, which I'll get to in more detail in just a moment, but for starters, this time we will have 5 captains drafting teams of 8 players each.


Please welcome your new captain overlords:
:USA: Mog
:Peru: ZsSuperCumulo
:Germany: Shave
:Kazakhstan: DV-
:Germany: HighTac

Captains will soon be invited into the captain channel on discord to work out the details of the live draft, which will hopefully take place in the next couple days. After the draft all players will be invited to their teams respective discord channel to begin scheduling matches. So stay tuned for that!

Now, back to the new format. You may remember from last time we had a set schedule of matches with fun modes mixed in with regular modes. Well, this time we are bringing the power of the fun modes directly to the teams themselves, in the form of cards.

Captain Cards (Edited)

Each captain will have the following 5 cards at their disposal:
- Exploration card - Captain gets map choice
- Earth card - No air units allowed
- Silence card - No chat allowed
- Shackles card - Captain bans 1 hero from each race + 1 tavern hero
- Truth card - All players' identities will be revealed before the match

Admins will publish the entire schedule of matches for the event prior to the first playweek. This schedule will include the time and map (which may include random hero maps) as well as if the match is 4-way or 2v2v2v2. Then, by the beginning of each playweek, captains will announce which cards they will use for that week. Captains can use at most one card per match, and after a card is used, it is lost and cannot be used again. So choose wisely!

Note that multiple team's cards can stack. For example if one team uses their Earth card while another uses their Silence card in the same match, then that match will be no air units and no chat!

A few more caveats: the Exploration card is first come priority, so if 2 captains go for map choice in the same match, only the first captain to announce his cards will get to choose, while the second captain will get his card back. Exploration and Shackle cards cannot be used on a random heroes map. For Shackle card, if two captains ban a different set of heroes in the same match, both cards will be applied and used. For Earth, Silence, and Truth cards, if multiple captains use it in same match, both team's card will be used up.

Games and Points (Edited)

There will be a total of 25 matches in the event, 20 four-way FFAs (regular and random heroes) and five 2v2v2v2s. Each game will involve only 4 teams, meaning each game one team will sit out.

A team will be awarded 10 points for each four-way won, and 20 points for each 2v2v2v2 won.

This time, at the beginning of the playweek, captains only need to send to admins which cards they will use. They do not need to assign players to matches at the start of the week. Captains will work with their team to send a player into a match. They only need to inform admins which player was chosen after each match is played. This will make it easier for teams to adjust plans as people's schedules change. Players can play as many games as their captain allows. However!...

If a player has already played 4 or more games, then a win for that player only awards 1 point. Similarly for the 2v2v2v2, for each player with over 4 games on a team, a win will award 9 less points for that team. As an additional incentive to give a chance to all members to play, at the end of the event if all of a team's members have played 3 or more games, then that team gets a bonus of 10 points.

Okay that about sums it up. Feel free to ask questions below, and good luck to everyone. Stay tuned for the draft and team roster announcement!

July 20, 2017, 03:25:49 pm
Re: TBR2 Begins! Thanks for feedback, our goal is to maximize fun, so admins have discussed and agreed to add more games to the event. Please see the changes in green text in the post above. Cheers!
July 20, 2017, 06:31:56 pm
Re: TBR2 Begins!
Thanks admins for putting so much work in TBR. We as community really appreciate your work! Also nice that you extended the duration to 4 weeks!

Let the games begin! 

I could be wrong, but I believe the event is still 3 weeks--there are just more 4 way ffa games added into those 3 weeks.

We will reveal the entire schedule later today, but the event has been shifted from 3 weeks to 4 to accommodate the 5 extra games!

July 21, 2017, 02:04:50 pm
Re: TBR2 Concludes! Congrats to team Cumulo Brothers and great fight from team Ravenclaw. Thanks to everyone for participating in this event!
August 26, 2017, 03:02:18 pm
Re: UPDATED: FML Season 26 News + Applications Now that's a quality team. All hail Renaud!
October 12, 2017, 01:59:32 pm
Re: Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 Vampiric Aura: Increased bonus for DL
Level 1: DL 15% to 20%
Level 2: DL 30% to 35%
Level 3: DL 45% to 50%

I think that just means bonus for the dreadlord himself and not units if I'm reading it right

February 22, 2018, 04:52:28 am
Re: Patch 1.31 Incite frenzy is a really interesting change. I think in it's current form it is probably OP, but could be balanced by having a maximum units affected per cast - maybe 5 units or something.

Ritual dagger does seem OP for FFA, but I like their thinking in trying to make other hero combos viable for UD by not having to rely on DK to creep. Hope they can work that one out.

The new effect from orb of fire that prevents healing by 50% seems too strong for HU v UD to me, since hero focus has always been horrible there. But then again I haven't played since they started patching again, so maybe that's no longer the case.

Agree with Eshan that Charm is quite balanced.

April 30, 2019, 04:32:37 am
A look back at FML: Lots of numbers  :FMLN:

Hey all, it's been quite a while since we last updated the FML stats spreadsheet. This time around I wanted to take it a step further and make a dataset of all recorded 4-player matches (minus some random cups we hosted in the past). This now includes season 1, season 6, KoFFA3, and all TBRs. I pulled 90% of that data straight from posts on this site, and added the rest from TBR spreadsheets. This should be the most comprehensive view of FML to date. The csv with the full match data is attached to this post.

If you see any errors please let me know - such as if there are two AKAs which should be associated with the same player.

Full standings and matches: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E0Xo_M1gzLkAI5Vhg61vIeh4sL_ih2_RmSWvUQgfgVg/edit?usp=sharing

Let's get into the numbers.

Total matches recorded: 1094
Total unique players: 364

A timeline of the data - each point is a recorded match

Total players and subs - per event

Sub rate per match - a value of 0.5 means there is 1 sub roughly every other game

Players with most total wins - Wreck is still on top!

Players with most 4th places - Renaud is the king ;)

Players who have made it to 5 or more playoff matches

Players who have made it to 3 or more finals

Now for the juiciest stats...

Top winrate all time (with at least 15 games played)

Top winrate in recent seasons (S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31 with at least 15 games played)

Top winrate in TBR (with at least 5 games played)

Race breakdown for top 20 all time - Big shocker there :icon_rolleyes:

And finally, as a bonus for those of us who have been around long enough to have witnessed one of the greatest rivalries in FML history...I looked into the matches between Wrecktify and Magadansky:

Maga wins:
Magadansky,Nooblex,Wrecktify,Nline,http://ffamasters.net/index.php?topic=2439.0,2008-03-16,s7 (final)
Magadansky,Humans7ar,Wrecktify,SteppinRazor,http://ffamasters.net/index.php?topic=742.0,2012-09-16,s13 (final)
Magadansky,Wrecktify,Seksi,Humans7ar,http://ffamasters.net/index.php?topic=1037.0,2013-04-22,s15 (final)

Wreck wins:
Wrecktify,Magadansky,svedirko,Lightweight,http://ffamasters.net/index.php?topic=1321.0,2013-09-02,s16 (final)


From this, the all time score between those legends is Magadansky 6-2-3 Wrecktify --  they've met 11 times and 4 of those matches were finals! Of course the debate about which of these players was stronger will never end, but I think it's safe to say this is one more point for team Maga.

Hope you all enjoyed seeing some of these stats -- let's see if we can add another decade to the story ;)

September 27, 2020, 08:52:17 pm